A supremacist attitude is actually quite ignorant.
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Dave Chappelle is satirizing racism in the black white supremacist skit. Chappelle's show ran for 3 seasons on Comedy Central.
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Facts about the White Citizens Council include it was founded in 1954 and was made up of American white supremacist organizations. It was more commonly known as the Citizens' Council.
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lol That was the name of the show.
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There is no place that is "aryan", other than as a white supremacist organization.
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Aryan. Or 'pure' blooded white Germans. They were extreme white supremacist's.
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If you're talking about the ones who bombed the church that killed four little black girls, it's because he was a white supremacist and believed the bombing was more than justified.
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Nazi's are a minority of people who believe that "white people" are an Aryan race and that Adolf Hitler was some sort of divine power. Not to be mistaken for "white supremacist"; although very similar "white supremacist's" are different in the way that they do not believe that Adolf Hitler was a divine power but still maintain the belief that "white people" are somehow superior to other races.
Note: None of the Nazi's or "white supremacist's" belief's have been proven so it's a political belief not factual in anyway.
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A Christian supremacist is someone who believes that Christianity is superior to all other religions and seeks to establish Christian dominance and control over society and government. This ideology can lead to discrimination and intolerance towards individuals of other faiths or beliefs.
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The Jim Crow laws and publicized lynchings by white supremacist in the south.
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There is no ethnicity that is Aryan. It is made up from white supremacist and Nazi philosophy and propaganda.
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Their right to vote was systematically taken away by white supremacist state governments.
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Different people responded in different ways. White supremacist segregationists hated him.
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To show that everyone should be considered equal in the eyes of the law.
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Because they are stupid, if you support trump your a white supremacist, if you vote for him your also racist
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Their right to vote was systematically taken away by white supremacist state governments.
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supremacy or they themselves are a supremacist
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The Nazis were a racist supremacist German paramilitary political party who sought world domination: "Today Europe, tomorrow the World."
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The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a White Supremacist, specifically WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Supremacist, group. The Ku Klux Klan is particularly Anti Black, Anti Semitic, and Anti Catholic in an ethnic sense-- meaning if your anything else you will be killed. Hope this helped ☺☺☺
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No, the KKK and the Knights of Columbus are two separate organizations. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization, while the KKK is a white supremacist hate group. There is no official connection or collaboration between the two.
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In the years following the civil war, they promoted a campain of violence and intimidation through white supremacist groups
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Sadly your truck is a white supremacist, and strongly agrees with the white power agenda.
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The founder of the VNN website is Alex Linder. It is a deeply antisemitic white supremacist website which he founded in the year 2000. He was arrested for a racist protest in 2007.
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No - he is an Israelite. They are a black supremacist organization that believe that the modern day Jews are a spawn of the devil and stole the religion. It's not good
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Both computer hackers and members of white supremacist groups can be driven by a sense of superiority or a desire to cause harm. They may also engage in illegal or unethical activities to achieve their goals. Additionally, both groups can operate covertly and use technology to further their agendas.
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Richard G. Butler was the founder of the Aryan Nations and died on September 9, 2004. He was a leading figure in a white supremacist movement. He was 86 when he died.
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Neo nazi type skinheads have adopted this look as an example of identity and like the military to show a deindividualising the ego versus commitment to the the cause like good little bundists.
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The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a White Supremacist, specifically WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Supremacist, group. The Ku Klux Klan is particularly Anti Black, Anti Semitic, and Anti Catholic in an ethnic sense-- meaning that, for example, the KKK automatically assumes that you're a Roman, Byzantine, or other type of Catholic if you are Irish, Italian, Polish, and of any other traditionally-Catholic ethnic group-- e.g., Slovenian, Slovakian, Egyptian (traditionally Coptic Catholic).
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It's generally believed that the three workers were killed by members of white supremacist groups in the south.
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Yes. They want to overthrow the constitutional government and create a government of their own. They are equal to the terrorist groups in the Middle East in murder, hate, and discrimination.
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One of the White Supremacist organizations that used terrorist actions in an attempt to restore White Supremacy after the Civil War was the Ku Klux Klan.
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Thinking of the symbolism, spiderwebs are white or clear and catch flies (which are usually dark). In White supremacist groups, a spiderweb tattoo means you killed a member of some minority group.
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They weren't better off. This is a fallacy and false. Slaves are people owned by other people no matter where. The white supremacist tries to show that slavery is beneficial to the slave, but this is not true.
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There are white supremacist groups within the United States and until the recent election they have been kept out of power. It is hoped that in the future the American democracy can fight against the recent trend of hate. The philosophy of the white supremacist movement has been there since the civil war and the KKK, but the Nazi twists to it has made it clear that there are those who still think of the wrongful concept of white supremacy. The only way to fight a philosophy like this is if all good people stand up for what they believe and to beat the evils that come with white supremacy.
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Klu Klux Klan was a white supremacist group originating from Southern states in USA. It emerged for the first time in late 1860s and disappeared by 1870s. They were anti African American and resorted to violence against them.
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According to one contributor, "White Brothers Of America is a group started in Illinois around 2009/2010 to protect the white race from hate crimes."
It appears to be a white supremacist organization that considers Hitler a hero.
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Indo-Aryan was NOT a ethnicity, but a language. The white supremacist philosophy and Hitler has promoted an idea that there was/is an Aryan race. This is all made up to support their bigotry and reasons for killing 6 million people.
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Because they believe that they are supremacists so therefore a white only country would also be supremacist. This logic has been used to segregate, expel, even murder persons that are different.
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Medgar Evers was assassinated on June 12, 1963 by white supremacist Byron De La Beckwith in the driveway outside of his home in Jackson, Mississippi. Medgar Evers was an African American civil rights leader.
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Klassen was laid to rest in Otto, North Carolina. His tombstone is engraved with the Creativity symbol and says:
Ben Klassen 1918-1993
"He gave the White people of the world a powerful racial religion of their own"
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