A super saiyan god is the saiyan among super saiyans its in between super saiyan 3 and super saiyan 4 super saiyan god has red hair and red eyes.
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Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 3
Super Saiyan 4
Super Saiyan 5 (platinum elite)
Majin Saiyan
Legendary Super Saiyan (only for Broly, of course)
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there is not a super saiyan 2 gotenks. He can only transform into a super saiyan and a super saiyan 3.
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super saiyan 1
super saiyan 2
super saiyan 3
super saiyan 4
Oozaru or great ape
there's also a super Oozaru
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an ascended level of super saiyan which is twice the power of a regular super saiyan.
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Super Saiyan, Ultra Super Saiyan, Ultimate Super Saiyan, Full Power Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Mastered Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3 and 100% Super Saiyan 3.
In GT, Super Saiyan 4 exists.
Some belive that SSJ4 Goku fused with Shenron and absorbing the dragon balls is the equivilant of "SSJ5" which only exists in DB AE/AF which are fanmade creations.
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The First Legendary Super Saiyan was the first Super Saiyan because a legendary super
saiyan comes every thousand years. And the first super saiyan is bardock because he traveled back time.
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Here they are:
Goku: Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, and 4
Vegeta: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), Super Saiyan 2, and 4.
Trunks: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), and Super Saiyan 2.
Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.(Though he has Ultimate Gohan form, it doesn't really count.
Teen Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.
Kid Gohan: He doesn't turn Super Saiyan yet.
Goten: Super Saiyan 1.
Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan.(The rest like 1, 2, or 3 are not shown in DBZ)
Gogeta: Super Saiyan 1, and 4.
Vegito: Super Vegito(Which I think counts.)
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Who would win between Saiyan 4 Gogeta and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is Saiyan 4.
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no because there is only super saiyan 1,2,3,4 theres no super saiyan 5 its all fiction
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Super Saiyan 4 because that is the highest Super Saiyan level in the Dragon Ball official franchise.it is super saiyan 4 when kid goku turns gold ape then gets conscience and turns super saiyan 4
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because super saiyan 2 has a jolt or electricity around it and super saiyan 1 doesnt
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Brolly is the only "Super Saiyan" in Dragon Ball Z. A Super Saiyan is a very rare Saiyan that has endless power and energy.
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Gohan is the strongest saiyan on dragon ball. Not super saiyan but normal form saiyan. Only not best super saiyan because he can't go super saiyan 4.
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Goku does not turn super saiyan 6 or 5 in fact. and it only goes up to super saiyan 3 in the manga and super saiyan 4 in the cartoon.
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by the fit of rage you you can turn super saiyan
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no there isn't, there are only up to super saiyan 4
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You can't. The game only features Gohan as a base-level Saiyan, not as Super-Saiyan.
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yes there is pan becomes super saiyan
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160 is when he first went super saiyan 2 after training with goku (his dad) as a super saiyan 1 he was angry because cell killed so many people and killed one right in front of him so he got angry and went SUPER SAIYAN 2. P.S super saiyan 2 is the highest super saiyan gohan can do but in dragon ball AF gohan goes super saiyan 4 and goku goes super saiyan 50 that is all i can tell you.
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There are several forms of Super Saiyan, most notably the Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms. As shown by Cabba's Super Saiyan transformation during his match with Vegeta in the Tournament of Destroyers etc
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he first tuRns super saiyan when everyone was training for the coming of the androids. you first see him super saiyan when he is fighting android 19
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You can't go super saiyan while in a fight in Tenkaichi Budokai. You need to select a super saiyan character
Ashwin Hendre
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Super Saiyan 2 goku cause he was able to defeat Broly as a Super Saiyan 1
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he only have 5 forms. the normal form, the super saiyan form, the super saiyan 2 form, the super saiyan 3 form and the the super saiyan 4 form.
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by the fit of rage you you can turn super saiyan
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There is no such thing as a super saiyan 5.
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it has to be super saiyan 4 Goku but even better is super saiyan 4 Gogeta (fusion of Goku and Vegeta as super saiyan 4) even though it is a fusion they are still transformed saiyans.
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No. There is no Super Saiyan 5. Only Super Saiyan 1-4.
Improved Answer: Yes, there is a super saiyan 5. It is Vegeta and Goku when they are fused and is Gogeta.
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no because she is half saiyan but her power level is to low
Gohan is half saiyan and he can go Super Saiyan, so most likely Bulla can if she wanted to.
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no the highest level he can go is super saiyan 2
the highest he can go is super saiyan 2 but goku can go super saiyan 4 and gohan has a great amount of speed.
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