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Functionalism in anthropology focuses on the individual functions of cultural elements, while structural functionalism examines how these elements work together to maintain social order and stability within a society. Functionalism emphasizes the purpose of cultural practices, while structural functionalism looks at how these practices contribute to the overall structure of society.

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DNA's structure is a double helix.

DNa's function is to store the code which, when placed in a cell, provides the instructions for production of a unique living organism.

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This is called structural functionalism.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that focuses on how society is structured to maintain stability and order. It suggests that each part of society has a specific function that contributes to the overall operation of society. To use structural functionalism, one would analyze how various social institutions, roles, and norms work together to support the functioning of society as a whole.

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Sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists are among the disciplines that specialize in studying structural functionalism. This theoretical framework emphasizes the ways social structures and institutions function to maintain stability and order in society. Scholars like Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons are known for their contributions to this perspective.

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Structural functionalism at a macro level focuses on how social structures and institutions work together to maintain stability and order in society. It views society as a complex system with various parts that contribute to its overall functioning. At a macro level, structural functionalism examines how different social institutions (e.g., government, education, economy) interact to meet the needs of society as a whole.

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Structural functionalism argues that society is like a living organism with interconnected parts that work together to maintain stability and order. It emphasizes the importance of social institutions and structures in meeting the needs of society and ensuring its smooth functioning. By ensuring that each part of society plays a specific role and contributes to the overall functioning of the system, structural functionalism believes that order and stability are achieved.

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Durkheim is considered one of the founders of structural functionalism. He believed that social structures and institutions exist to serve important functions for society as a whole. Durkheim emphasized the importance of social cohesion and solidarity in maintaining social order and stability.

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Society is a system of elements that are interrelated and work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.

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Society is a system of interrelated elements that work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.

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Functionalism theory suggests that society is a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain social order and stability. It views society as a whole organism, where each part contributes to the overall functioning and equilibrium of the system.

6 answers

Strengths of structural functionalism include its focus on the interrelation of social institutions and their functions in maintaining social stability. However, weaknesses include its tendency to overlook power dynamics and conflict within society, as well as its limited ability to explain social change and inequality.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological perspective that views society as a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to promote stability and order. It focuses on how different social institutions and structures function to maintain equilibrium and meet the needs of society as a whole. This perspective emphasizes the interdependence of various social elements and how they contribute to the overall functioning of society.

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Structural functionalism encourages communities to see each person as an important part of the overall system. This also negatively affects people who may be perceived as not achieving much for the group.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological perspective that views society as a complex system composed of various parts that work together to maintain social order and stability. It focuses on how social institutions and structures function to meet the needs of society as a whole. In essence, it emphasizes the interconnectedness of different elements within a society and their roles in maintaining social cohesion.

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There are three main perspectives in sociology: structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory. Structural functionalism focuses on how society's parts work together to maintain stability. Symbolic interactionism emphasizes the interactions and symbols that shape society. Conflict theory examines power dynamics and inequalities within society.

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Structural functionalism examines how different parts of society contribute to its overall stability and functioning. When applied to the elderly, this perspective would view them as fulfilling certain functions in society, such as passing on knowledge and traditions, providing wisdom, and offering support to younger generations. The elderly play a role in maintaining societal stability and cohesion by contributing their experience and guidance to the community.

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Structural functionalism can be applied to analyze social institutions such as family, education, and religion to understand how they contribute to the overall functioning of society. It can also be used to study how norms, values, and roles are maintained in a society through social structures. Additionally, it can help explain social stability and change by examining how different parts of society work together to maintain equilibrium.

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The three main sociology perspectives to analyze social problems are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism views society as a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain order. Conflict theory emphasizes the power struggles and inequalities that exist in society. Symbolic interactionism focuses on how individuals interact and create meaning through symbols and shared understandings.

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it is a framework of building theory that sees the society as a complex system who's parts are interdependent and works to gather to bring stability and harmony with in the society.

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Just a short video clip that features an important part of the movie.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and solidarity. In education, this perspective emphasizes how schools play a crucial role in socializing individuals, transmitting knowledge, and maintaining social order. It focuses on how different components within the education system function together to meet the needs of society as a whole.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as a complex system of interrelated parts that work together to maintain social stability and order. It emphasizes the importance of social structures, institutions, and functions in shaping individual behavior and society as a whole. This theory suggests that each part of society has a specific function that contributes to the overall well-being and equilibrium of the system.

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In Structural Functionalism, religion would be viewed as an institution. Religion is not, per se, necessary, and yet it has become ingrained in many societies. People created the insititution and the only reason that it continues to be a prominent force in society is because people continue to place power in it by supporting it. Structural Functionalism looks at each piece of society-social norms, customs, institutions, and traditions-as working together to create a properly functioning society, like the cogs and gears of a clock. Religion, as an institution that many people place great importance on, in some way works to keep society cohesive and running, from the point of this social theory, anyway.

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Structural functionalism assumes that society is a stable, interconnected system with different parts working together to maintain social order and stability. It also assumes that each part of society serves a function or purpose that contributes to the overall functioning of the society. Lastly, it assumes that social institutions, such as family, education, and government, play a crucial role in maintaining social harmony.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as a system of interconnected parts working together to maintain stability and order. Key concepts include the idea that social institutions have specific functions that contribute to the overall stability of society, the belief that each part of society serves a purpose, and the emphasis on how social order is maintained through consensus and cooperation among members.

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In philosophy, there are two main types of functionalism: psychological functionalism, which focuses on the mind and mental states as functions that can be understood through their role in cognitive processes; and biological functionalism, which examines the functions of biological systems and processes in living organisms. Both types emphasize the importance of understanding how systems work rather than their physical properties.

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Both the structural-functionalism and social conflict approaches offer valuable insights into social stratification. Structural-functionalism emphasizes how social systems work together to maintain stability and order, while social conflict theory highlights how power dynamics and inequalities contribute to stratification. The choice between the two approaches depends on the specific context being studied and the level of analysis being considered.

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Structural functionalism would view spousal abuse as a dysfunction within the structure of the family, where violence disrupts the proper functioning of the institution. It may focus on how societal norms or individual roles contribute to this issue, emphasizing the need for social stability and maintaining harmony in relationships. Additionally, it might suggest that addressing spousal abuse requires restoring balance within the family unit to ensure the smooth operation of society.

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Functionalism in psychology is the theory that mental states are defined by their function in relation to behavior and the environment.

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The three major theories that sociologists give for why racial and ethnic differences seem to matter to society are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism suggests that racial and ethnic differences serve a purpose in society, conflict theory views them as sources of inequality and power struggles, while symbolic interactionism emphasizes the importance of symbols and interactions in shaping perceptions of race and ethnicity.

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Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that emphasizes the stability of social relations and social organization. It views society as a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain social order and stability. This perspective focuses on how different parts of society contribute to the overall functioning and maintenance of social structures.

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There are three main theoretical paradigms in sociology: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. These paradigms offer different perspectives on society and help sociologists analyze and interpret social phenomena.

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Behaviorism came before functionalism. Behaviorism emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to structuralism and introspection, while functionalism developed shortly after, emphasizing the purpose and adaptive functions of behavior.

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The school of thought that emphasized the purpose of behavior in psychology was functionalism. Functionalism focused on understanding how mental processes and behavior serve a purpose or function in helping organisms adapt to their environment. Key figures associated with functionalism include William James and John Dewey.

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Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) maintained the essence of functionalism. He spent most of his academic career at Columbia University, was a major proponent of functionalism, one of the main theoretical perspectives in sociology.

Others include Aguste Comte and Herbert Spencer viewing society as a kind of living organism. In addition, Emile Durkheim also viewed society as being composed of many parts, each with its own function.

Reference:Henslin, James M.(2011) Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach, ninth edition.

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Something that works.

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cogentive gesalt behaviorism humanism functionalism bioligoal structalism

2 answers

Functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as a system of interconnected parts that work together to maintain societal stability and equilibrium. Features of functionalism include the emphasis on the functions and purposes of social institutions, the belief that social structures exist because they serve a purpose, and the focus on consensus and cooperation within society. This perspective often downplays conflict and focuses on how different parts of society work together for the overall functioning of the whole.

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Structural functionalism can still offer insights into social systems, but it has limitations. For complex modern societies, it may oversimplify dynamics and overlook power and conflict. Other sociological theories like conflict theory or symbolic interactionism may offer more nuanced understandings of contemporary issues.

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This perspective is known as structural functionalism, which views society as a system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain social stability and order. Each part of society serves a function to contribute to the overall well-being and equilibrium of the system. Changes in one part of society can affect other parts and the system as a whole.

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The major political science paradigms are structural functionalism, behavioralism, institutionalism, and rational choice theory. Each of these paradigms offers unique perspectives on how politics operates and influences society.

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Functionalism focuses on the purpose and function of mental processes, while behaviorism emphasizes observable behaviors and their consequences. Functionalism looks at how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environment, whereas behaviorism is more concerned with how behaviors are learned and reinforced through conditioning.

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surrealism, minimalism, functionalism,

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it promoted education psychology

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