Pagan sacrifices depend on which pagan religion you are referring to.
Generally, any religion that is not Christian, is a pagan religion. Not all pagan religions require sacrifices.
In the ancient northern Mayan culture, there were human sacrifices.
In the ancient southern Mayan culture, sacrifices consist of chickens and iguanas.
In Sri Lankan ancient paganism, the sacrifices were mostly chicken. Sacrifices were made only to demons (as a bait) and not for higher level Gods.
Human sacrifices were shunned upon and limited in unearthing treasure.
In ancient Hinduism, they sacrificed mostly Chicken and Goat.
In Wicca and Stregheria there are no blood sacrifices done, ever. However there are sometimes offerings of wine, fruit, and grains.
Modern Santeria and Voudon use chickens and sometimes goats.
1 answer
This would depend upon who you ask. Some Christians would say anything that is not Christian is pagan. Others may say any religion that is not of the 3 Abrahamic Faiths; Christianity, Judaism, Islam is pagan.
The true definition of the word pagan comes from the Latin word "pagani" meaning "people who dwell/live in the country".
The definition of "ism" is "A distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement."
With that logic, "Paganism" would be the distinctive practices of people who live in the country.
This could apply to anyone though, Christian or not, so long as they live in the country. I am sure that is not quite the answer you were looking for. That is however the most educated answer.
The answer that you are looking for is probably going to be any person or group of people who believe and/or practice a polytheistic faith or an "earth-based" religion. Paganism is commonly thought of as Wicca and the pagan practices of Western Europe such as, Celtic, Norse/Germanic/Asatru, and Italic/Stregheria but paganism in this sense has a much greater reach than that of Europe.
This form of "paganism" is found in nearly every country and continent on this earth such as African native tribal religions, South American, Japanese Shinto, Afro-Caribbean, Native American, and Australian Aboriginal; to name a few.
1 answer
pagan religion means that you worship idols and not god and there is only 1 god
That is a biased opinion and not fact. The purpose is to answer the question with facts not to quote your own religion as being better than others.
The meaning of "pagan" is a term used to describe "country dweller". This was used to differentiate the "country" folk who stuck to their old gods and old religions rather than be converted to new religions such as Christianity.
It has gone through many meanings, and today is an overall term used to describe people who are not of any Judeo-Christian faith. Simply because it is not mainstream does not mean it isn't there and real for hundreds of thousands of people.
i agree with the above anser, that is very correct, the first answer is based purely on personal bias
a pagan religion means; any group of peopel that respect nature and life, and live according to this,
they believe in balance and harmony of al things, negative and positive, that they are all part of the same thing, life
they are very respectful of life, nature and other beings and people, and soem pagans don't believe in or worship any gods at all
idolarity is not what poaganism is about at all, in fact its alla bout the balance of life , you, all creatures, nature and any gods goddesses that exist
not worshipign or idolising them, but respecting and acknowledging them
Both of the answers above are correct - but - paganism is not actually a religion. But rather the collective term for the religious beliefs that were celebrated and up held before christianization swept across Europe and labelled all "pagans" as heathens who did not follow the one "true" God.
Some of the religions labelled "pagan": wicca, druidism, old Nordic (i.e. Thor), Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman ect.
5 answers