Both of the sentences 'Spending my Sunday at home' and 'spend my Sunday at home' are correct depending on their context of use, and tense.
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Family is one of the most important things you will ever have. Make it a point to spend time together, even if it is just to watch a movie and eat popcorn on the weekend. Try to do different things each month together, like going bike riding or having a picnic outside.
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Spending a lot of time on your knees can cause pain after a while. Answer: spend less time on your knees.
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The future tense of "spend" is "will spend" or "going to spend."
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I/you/we/they spend. He/she/it spends.
The present participle is spending.
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spend it on some armor (if your a mage spend it on runes)
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it is a heat rash caused by body heat and sweating the only cure is to not stay on the computer so long.
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I won't spend a lot of time writing this.
I want to spend all my money today.
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Spend, Spend, Spend!! Spend your money to boost America's GDP and its economy. Increase the worth of your dollar.
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They like to spend their times in dark places or spend in their caves doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Try not to spend that all in the same place.
Let's spend the weekend in the mountains.
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Translation: 'Pasar' or 'gastar' (tiempo) = to spend (time)
gastar (dinero) = to spend money
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Most farmers spend their money on achol or cattle, most of the time they spend it on hookers
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They spend the most of their time out and about, foraging.
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yes they only have as much money as they get to spend, they can't spend extra money.
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Well you can only spend them in wh smith because they are sold in there and they cant be sold online
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Yes, "spend" is a verb. It is used to indicate the action of using money to purchase goods or services.
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The Republicans spend now and pay later. They borrow money to spend now. Democrats tax for money to spend now. It is called "pay as you go" by Democrats and "Tax and Spend" by Republicans who are "Borrow and Spend" players.
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Approximately how long does it take to spend $1 million How long does it take to spend $1 billion?
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The past simple of "spend" is "spent." For example, "She spent the weekend at the beach."
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he spend his weekend with his family
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