The Roman soldier who pierced Jesus in the side , may have used the same spear for many years. You must remember that according to Roman law only hard core crimnals were sent to the cross to die. So no importance was made to that spear .
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The Romans pierced the side of Jesus with a spear to see if he was dead while on the cross and they found that yes he was.
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Spear phishing attacks commonly attempt to trick email users into opening an email, and clicking on a link. They do this by making it look like the email is coming from a trusted site or person.
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spear = Speer
spear = Lanze
spear = Spieß
to spear = aufspießen
to spear = spießen
to spear = durchbohren
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No, the assegai spear is your typical long spear used for throwing. Where the iklwa is a long bladed short spear used with a shield for close combat.
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No. The spear is a weapon but the woomera is not. The woomera is a spear-thrower. It enabled the men to throw a spear with greater speed and accuracy.
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a spear is : tsii'détáán
a spear for throwing is: tsii' 'anáhálghą́hí
"To spear him with it"-- bigháníshgééd
to throw spears at each other-- ahííníilt'óóh
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Throwing spear, in which the spear is projected from a tube
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Ralph throws a spear at an advancing boar and the spear hits its snout.
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Gerald was originally old German amd ment "spear ruler" Gerald was originally old German amd ment "spear ruler"
3 answers
It depends on the strength of the human, the weight of the spear, the material of the spear, the wind speed and the wind direction.
A thrown spear can reach 93 MPH.
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you use spear as a noun or verb.
Noun: His spear was always kept sharp if any unwanted visitors were to come.
Verb: I want you to spear that dummy right in the chest, soldier!
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It is a magical spear, a gift from her father.
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