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Soot's plural is soot.

2 answers

soot doors is provide to clean the outside of the water tubes and to remove the soot.

1 answer

Soot is typically black in color.

1 answer

The homophone for soot is suit.

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The old fireplace was covered in a thick layer of soot, leaving the room with a faint smell of smoke.

5 answers

I think soot and smog come from the air pollution.

2 answers

Soot is the product of an incomplete combustion of carbon.

1 answer

Be wary of that soot on the hearth.

1 answer

Botten Soot died in 1958.

1 answer

Eyolf Soot was born in 1858.

1 answer

Eyolf Soot died in 1928.

1 answer

The soot in the chimney covered the white cat that was crawling inside. The soot in the chimney covered the white cat that was crawling inside.

2 answers

soot forms because of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.


1 answer

"Soot" in English is suie in French.

1 answer

It is a key item used to pick up soot when you walk through the grass. You can exchange soot for prizes.

1 answer

Botten Soot was born on March 22, 1895.

1 answer

A small piece of soot is called a "smut."

1 answer

The walls of the cave were covered with the soot of fires. He scrapped the soot off the chimney and used it to make a crude ink.

1 answer

I think you might be talking about soot. Soot is the leftover stuff from when wood or other materials are burnt.

2 answers

There are many things that produce soot. The burning of coal or wood produces soot. In prior years, individuals would hire chimney sweepers to clean the build up of soot from their fireplaces and chimney flutes.

1 answer

Soot appears when there is an incomplete combustion of carbon. In fact, soot is just carbon but floated up as it becomes less dense.

1 answer

collect soot using soot sack and exchanges for it

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Fritz Soot was born on August 20, 1878, in Germany.

1 answer

Carbon is the element found in coal and soot.

2 answers

When soot (carbon particles) and water mix together, the soot particles can stick to the water molecules, creating a suspension. This can form a mixture known as blackwater, which can be difficult to separate due to the small size of the soot particles.

2 answers

Soot, as in chimneys, is just ashes. The word is majivu, the same as produced by by a cigarette, fireplace, or a pipe.


Soot = masizi

Ashes = majivu

1 answer

Skin Cancer, from the soot and tar.

Lung and other respiratory cancers, from the soot and tar.

Stomach and some other digestive cancer from swallowing, guess what, soot and tar.

Allergic reactions to soot, tar, and other possible antigens.

Blocked passages, from soot and tar (like if you were a smoker);

and getting buried alive by a two-ton rock made of soot and tar falling on your head.

Yahhh, I think it's safe to say that it might be smart to stay away from soot and tar.

Read more: What_are_hazards_of_mining

1 answer

Soot is a noun. It is the black residue left behind by burning some substances.

1 answer

Daniel Soot has written:

'? Whatsoever (Matthew xxi:22) ?'

1 answer

Fritz Soot died on June 9, 1965, in Berlin, Germany.

1 answer

"The chimney sweep came down covered in soot."

1 answer


I pronounce soot as suut so words are put,foot,etc.

1 answer

Yellow soot is obtained when the holes of the burner are not clean. The combustion is incomplete. The yellow soot or yellow flame is because of unburnt carbon particles.

1 answer

Soot is primarily composed of Carbon.

Four different types of particulate carbon can be identified in different types of soot, so getting more specific would require knowing what type of soot it was.

3 answers

Soy candles don't produce as much soot as conventional petroleum candles, but they do produce some soot. When burned correctly, soy wax, a natural and cleaner-burning substitute, produces very little soot. Soot production can be influenced by variables like wax impurities, drafts, and flame length. In order to reduce soot, make sure the candle is made of quality soy wax without ingredients, avoid burning candles in draughty places, and trim the wick to the suggested length of around 1/4 inch before each use.

The soy candles from FS Blends are made to burn cleanly and produce less soot. Crafted to reduce soot creation and offer a nice, clean burning experience, these candles are made from quality soy wax and include selected filaments.

2 answers

No, burning a log in a fireplace will not effectively remove soot buildup. Soot is best removed by cleaning the fireplace using appropriate tools and methods recommended for the specific type of fireplace and soot buildup.

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The chemical that dissolves soot effectively is called trisodium phosphate (TSP).

1 answer

Alkenes have a double bond that can undergo incomplete combustion, leading to the formation of more soot compared to alkanes. The presence of the double bond also provides more carbon atoms that can contribute to soot formation during combustion.

5 answers

Soot is like a dark blanket covering a once bright surface, obscuring its true colors beneath a layer of darkness.

2 answers

Soot is a type of fine black or dark powdered residue composed mostly of carbon. Insects like roaches or beetles can sometimes be found living in soot due to the warmth it provides. However, most animals avoid soot due to its abrasive and harmful properties.

1 answer

You can get it on the route east of fallarbor town everytime you step in the grass you will receive one piece of soot.

1 answer

If you think to black soot this is formed from tiny carbon particles.

1 answer

Dust is very fine particles of soil or ash and soot is very fine particles of carbon.

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The anagram "soot tire" unscrambles to spell the animal tortoise.

1 answer