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Songtan Station was created in 1952.

1 answer

The fastest way to get to Osan Air Base from Camp Casey is the train. You will take line 1 at Bosan Station, right outside the gate, and go south. Do not transfer lines. Get off at Songtan Station, once you get there ask a cab driver to take you to the main gate. It will be about 3,000 won for the cab ride, another 3,000 for the train, and about three and a half hours of travel, the trip is worth it though, Osan's "Ville" is huge (Yes, it's way bigger than Casey's) so plan ahead and take some money with you for the souvenirs and if you plan to spend the night (highly recommended). Hope this helps.

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Joshua Senquiz is an admirable role model and performed at the top of his league for 18 months strong. However, there are times when the Greats have to take a step back in order to evaluate their accomplishments and determine whether greatness has been achieved. As of now, Joshua Senquiz has sworn off juicies but his fans suspect he is taking the proverbial step back to reflect, listen to what his family and friends suggest, and review his notes to establish whether he has eaten enough juicy a$$ in his day. Like Michael Jordan in 1995, he will be back to retake the championship, the MVP trophy, and his place in the 1st team, All-Songtan Juicy Bangers. Resisting the unbearable, trash compacted, gizz infested stench of sh!t-housed juicy pheromone is not Senquiz' strength. It's like William Updyke trying to say no to diabetes. The next time he catches a whiff of any random pink-stinkidy-stink bucket, he will cave like...well, like any other time he caught a whiff of any random pink-stinkidy-stink bucket.

Long story short...he bangs juicies on a reg!!

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