The spelling "bugger" is a UK slang term, sometimes derogatory, for a male person.
Originally the term meant a sodomite, from the verb to bugger (sodomize), and is used as an epithet or mild oath.
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Sod is the grass that is grown and then you roll it out like a carpet. They call the places where they grow sod sod farms.
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"Sod" can refer to a section of grass-covered soil held together by matted roots, used for landscaping. It can also be a slang term for a person, often used to express annoyance or contempt.
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Bugger is a bugger in ur nose and a cheeseburger is a burger with cheese
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bug·ger 1(bgr, bg-) n.1. Vulgar Slang A sodomite.
2. Slang A contemptible or disreputable person.
3. Slang A fellow; a chap: "He's a silly little bugger, then" John le Carré.
v. bug·gered, bug·ger·ing, bug·gersVulgar Slang
v.intr.To practice sodomy. To practice sodomy with.
2. To damn. Phrasal Verb: bugger offChiefly British Slang To leave someone alone; go away. ---- [Middle English bougre, heretic, from Old French boulgre, from Medieval Latin Bulgarus; see Bulgar
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who are the sodomite tribes my granmother said she was from the odeimite tribe that lived in caves or mountains in mexico she is deceased and so is most of her family so it is hard for me to get answers help
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everyone is a bugger in this world but animals arent because they are small and furry.
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No, Lot's wife was not a Sodomite. She was a resident of Sodom along with Lot and their family, but she was not associated with the sinful behavior that was prevalent in the city. She famously turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom.
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The phrase oh bugger means that something was hard or the task was difficult.
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Bugger is a slang, somtimes thought of as offensive word which is used in a similar way to "Damn". e.g. "Oh bugger! I lost the bet". It is thought of as offensive because it means anal sex.
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The dimensions of a piece of sod are approximately 2' X 6'
There is no standard measurement for sod. Sod is a piece of turf of indeterminate dimensions.
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Sod is related to lodge because sod grows on lodges in the plains.
4 answers
The word 'bugger' is a slang term for someone who does unacceptable sexual practices.
'Bugger' comes from the old Anglo-Norman word, 'Boulgre', which comes from the original name for the Bulgars, a rough tribe who originally conquered the area now named, 'Bulgaria'.
These days, 'Bugger' can mean a cute person, usually male, or "To heck with", as in, "Bugger that!" In areas like Australia, it hardly means anything at all, and is used like we might say, "Gees!"
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Sod is a kind of grass. Farmers used to live in sod houses.
When you want a fast lawn you can use sod instead of seed.
The farm west of town is a sod farm. It provides grass for the rest of the city.
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Certainly, you can lay sod at anytime. You do have to insure that there is plenty of water for the new sod.
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form_title=Landscape Sod form_header=Installing sod allows you to enjoy a lawn of instant beauty and maturity without the usual labor-intensive troubles of seeding. How large is the area that you need sod for?=_ What type of sod would you prefer for this project?=_ Do you know the proper care needed for new sod? = () Yes () No
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Menards does sell sod but not every day. In our area, Menards posts signs when they have sod for sale.
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The Alaskan sod house has a wood frame that is covered in sod. The Alaskan sod house is often a round shape to make it easier to heat. The roof is usually made of plywood that is covered in sod. The entire house looks like a sod hill with a door and one or two windows.
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Just long enough for the the new sod to sink it with the dirt. This would make the worms highly enjoy the new sod then after that take up the sod in the middle ofnthe lawn and plant a tree for the best growth of sod.
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The sod house was warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
The workers will be here in the morning to sod the yard.
He was a cantankerous old sod and seldom had a good word for anyone.
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The lodges that are covered with sod are at a Plains Indian lodge
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"Sod" can be a noun referring to a section of grass and the soil held together by its roots or a verb meaning to cover an area with sod.
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