You can add smiley faces to text by using keyboard symbols like :) for a smile or :D for a big smile. You can also use emoji keyboard options on your device or platform to insert a variety of smiley faces into your text.
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It means Smiley, she changed he name to Miley because she used to smile a lot. -Smiley Miley-
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I dont know yes, or no, but I do believe that you cannot change your smiley.
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There is no Mr Smile, it's just the name of a smiley face mask you can obtain from a rather simple quest
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Well, miley (real name destiny hope cyrus) always used to smile so her parents started to call her smiley and then called her smiley miley!
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actually when miley was small, her mom named her Destiney. Since miley liked to smile a lot, her dad called her Smiley. Soon he shortened Smiley to Miley.
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Her dad used to call her Smiley Miley because she used to smile when she was a baby.
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because when you smile it shows, it's a piercing through the skin on your inner lip
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The cast of Stolen Smile - 2010 includes: Shemeka McNair as Smiley Lady Analisa Verdusco as Police Officer
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The noun forms are smile and smiles, the singular and plural, common, concrete nouns.
The noun forms for the verb to smile are smiler, smilers and the gerund, smiling.
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eyess like in a smiley face an equal sign is the eyes and a parenthesis is the smile
ex:: =]
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That Means They Are Trying To Be Polite And Sending You A Smile .. Or Maybe They Want To Talk .
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Some smiley faces include:
(sticking tongue out)
(suprised, amazed)
(Lost, confused)
Hope that helps!
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To make a smiley symbol on Facebook, you can simply type :) or :-) to create a happy face emoticon. You can also use shortcuts like :D for a big smile or ;) for a wink. Facebook will automatically convert these into smiley emojis.
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He is just so dang cool! The way he smiles at me makes me want to smile. He always has a funny joke that makes me urinate on myslef. He is the bestest sub ever. =)(=
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Jim Smiley is described as a lean, lank man with long, straggling black hair, and a complexion of "yaller janders." He often has a smile on his face and a lively twinkle in his eye.
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When she was young, she used to smile a lot so they called her "Smiley" then they started to call her Miley.
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They are supposed to look like this:
No. It's how I write mine, but this one can tell better who's pleased to see whom. The standard Western smiley faces are , :D, :-) and :-D, and they change the mouth shape. Research has been conducted on smiley faces, and a true smile is in the eyes.
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If a smiley has "x"s for eyes, then that could mean that the person is worried about something (for example, "I forgot to do my homework! x.x"), or the person might be confused (for example, "What do smiley faces with x eyes mean? x.x"). If a smiley has one x eye and one o, such as x.o, then the person might be winking.
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this is how you make an angel text smiley face 0:)
0 = the halo
: = the eyes
) = the smile
i hope this is what you mean.
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well her birth name was destiny hope Cyrus so it has evolved.
when she was little she would smile alot so her dad started calling her smiley and smiley rhymes with miley so it just turned into that.
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Smiley or Destiny I think... well yea she was first called Destiny duhh that's her real name then her dad saw her smile and started calling her smiley then it got shortend to Miley. I luv Miley Cyrus
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Awesome Face is a classic internet meme of a well recognized smiley face. This face is used to indicate approval. The icon is a yellow smiley face with a wide open smile and eyes looking towards one direction.
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There is no -ly adverb formed from the noun or verb smile.
The adverb, rarely used, would be smilingly.
The adjective form may be smiling or "smiley." (used often as a nickname)
The noun "smiley" can be used to mean any emoticon, but usually :) or :-)
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The person hoo smiles the most is amman bashir or by the name of 5M1LEY! (Smiley!!)
5M1L3Y RULEZ (h)(h)
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Her real name is Destiny Hope Cyrus - when she was little she got called smiley after her big smile and then they shortened it to MILEY!
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If you see it on a gate of a rural property it means "smile you're on camera". And/or we have guns. Trespass and you'll wish you didn't :)
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An emoticon (smiley) is a small graphic that expresses the emotional state of the person typing it. Examples include Smile :) Frown :( Kiss :* wink ;) and many many more
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No, smile is not an adjective. Smile is a noun and a verb.
As a noun: You have a beautiful smile.
As a verb: Smile for the camera.
The adjective could be "smiley" or the present participle (smiling).
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Because. When Miley was young she used to smile alot so her dad started calling her smiley. She officially changed her name to miley two years ago. Now her dad calls her Smiley miley
it was all her moms idea
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It was more her. Everybody used to say they loved her smile so the called her Smiley and then her mom and dad started calling her Smiley Miley and when she was old enough to change her name she changed it to Miley Ray Cyrus, which I think is a beautiful name.
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Lol means Laugh Out Loud or Lots Of Love, With a smiley face it means lol in a kind way. Just laughing with a smile. Making them laugh. Or just saying Lots Of Love Smiling Nice. Yoffur Welcfh Your Welcome I hope this helped you alot!
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One can download Get Smile or Smiley Arena to get MSN emoticons. If one is interested in rude emoticons one can download them from the website Sherv.
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When she was smaller her family used to call her 'Smiley' because she always used to smile when she was younger. So her dad made the name shorter to 'Miley'. Her birth name was Destiny Hope.
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There are many names for people who enjoy smiling;
Riley, - you can see where they are all coming from can't you x
Shirley, - don't ask me why!
And suprisingly Miley and Miles !! <<girls and boys versions.
Smiley face, - sounds kinda insulting
I hope these names help x :D
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yeah because when she was small she used to smile almost all the time so they use to call her smiley and after sometime from smiley her name became miley whoever wrote this above me is wrong. Her first name was Destany Hope, and she changed it to Miley Cyrus when she became famous because she said DESTANY HOPE IS EMBARRASING!
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its a smiley face. =) its like smiling in person except over the phone.
its a smiley face = are the eyes and ) is the smile
it just means he laughed at whatever you said
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Norman Smiley's birth name is Norman Anthony Smiley.
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