About 12 to 13 hours. Mine was 14 but that was a really slow flight.
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they dont they just no there going fast or slow not exactly
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there is NO way u can play it so you better get a faster computer or just use somebody elses example:friend
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Flaps are metal, slat-like things that lower on a 90o Angle that are used to slow a plane down on approach to a runways, but a raised in flight.
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slow winds will help them to fly better but high velocity of wind will hamper flight eventually making it infeasible
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Tailwinds and headwinds affect the speed and efficiency of an aircraft during flight. Tailwinds help the aircraft move faster and save fuel, while headwinds slow it down and increase fuel consumption. Pilots adjust their flight plans to take advantage of tailwinds and minimize the impact of headwinds.
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An FMC stands for Flight Management Computer which is used by the pilots to program in routes and important information such as the fuel and weight on board. This then helps the aircraft in flight and makes sure that the pilot doesn't go too slow as to stall depending on how much weight is on board.
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The collective noun 'flight' is used for:
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The slowest flying insect is the hawk moth, specifically the species known as the hummingbird hawk moth (Macroglossum stellatarum). These moths have a slow and hovering flight pattern, similar to that of hummingbirds. Their slow flight speed is due to their unique wing structure and flight mechanics, which allow them to move with precision and agility while feeding on nectar from flowers.
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Woodcocks are relatively slow birds that move in a distinctive, zigzagging flight pattern. They can fly up to speeds of around 5-10 miles per hour.
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Yes, the noun 'flight' is a standard collective noun for:
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Lift is opposite of weight
Thrust is opposite drag. When lift >weight plane climbs. If lift < weight you best find a place to land. If thrust> drag you accelerate. If drag>thrust you slow down. High and fast are your friends. Low and slow are out to kill you.
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The best way you can book a last minute is flight is to do it with an online booking site. Travel agencies are slow and costly, so if you visit someone like Expedia or Travelocity, you are sure to get the best deal for a quick one way flight.
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fn+UP ARROW Thrust up (take off)
fn+DOWN ARROW Thrust down (slow down)
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Flight occurs due to the principal of lift being generated under a wing. As a wing moves through the air and its velocity increases differences in air pressure are generated. Below the wing the air is moving slower, creating high air pressure pushing the wing up; lift. Above the wing is opposite, slow air, and low pressure. These differences create for flight.
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During stage 5 of a shuttle flight, the orbiter performs a deorbit burn to slow down and descend back to Earth's atmosphere. The orbiter then re-enters the atmosphere, where it faces intense heat and deceleration. Finally, the orbiter glides to a landing at the designated site.
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No, the collective noun 'flight' is not used for chickens. A flight of birds is a group of birds of a type that fly together. Chickens, even wild chickens, don't fly in groups.
The collective nouns for chickens are:
The collective noun 'flight' is used for:
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During the alarm stage of the stress response, heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline production speed up. Meanwhile, digestion, immune response, and reproductive functions may slow down as the body prepares for fight or flight.
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A slow left arm orthodox bowler can outsmart the batsman by varying their delivery through changes in pace, flight, and spin. By mixing up these elements, the bowler can deceive the batsman and make it difficult for them to predict the trajectory and movement of the ball, increasing the chances of getting them out.
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it's because your internet is running slow, your computer is slow, or the site is slow.
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There are many expressions that start with "as slow as". A few of the most common ones are:
* As slow as a snail * As slow as a tortoise * As slow as a wet weekend
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I think you mean slow down and speed up. slow down =slow, speed up=fast
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space flight you go to outer space regualr flight flight you stay around earth
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it's because your internet is running slow, your computer is slow, or the site is slow.
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it's because your internet is running slow, your computer is slow, or the site is slow.
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A flight from Brisbane to Dubai is a 22 hour flight. This flight advertises as a non stop flight but will stop to refuel.
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Telekinetic Flight is combining Telekinesis with flight. Telekinetic Flight is where you use the telekinetic abilities to fly. You can also move objects with telekinetic flight.
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The flight there was, I believe 13 hours. The flight back was about 15 hours. Very long flight, I know... The flight there was, I believe 13 hours. The flight back was about 15 hours. Very long flight, I know...
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The ailerons are used to control roll rate. The flaps are used to increase lift at slow speeds. The elevators are use to control pitch. The rudder is used to control yaw. The spoilers are used to slow the aircraft quickly. The trim tabs are used to adjust back pressure to achieve straight and level flight with no control input.
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The outbound flight is the initial flight to your destination. The inbound flight is your flight back home.
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No, Combat Flight Simulator 3 does not need a Flight Simulator.
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Free flight
assessable flight
open flight
terminal flight
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Flight started with the Wright Brothers but from there flight has really evolutionized.
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