Streetlight Manifesto is considered "3rd wave ska" or "ska-punk"
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3rd wave ska is the third wave ska movement that started in the 1980s.
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ska. If you win, please share the Weatherspoon vouchers with me!!
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Vi vet inte vart vi ska men vi ska komma dit was created in 2004.
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Sublime is a band that incorporates ska, reggae, punk, and other genres into their music. They are often associated with the ska punk movement, but they are not exclusively a ska band.
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Ska is a Scandinavian music genre and has nothing to do with science.
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Ska P is a combination ska and punk punk,called ska-punk for short.The group is from Spain.They are an anti-establishment music group,but are not known for jamming.They have well-crafted musical arrangements.
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there are many good ska covers bands in Hampshire but The Skandalz are the best Original ska bands. Check out their album Opportunities Knocked which has a great mix of ska, punk and reggae in the unique Skandalz style.
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FC SKA-Energiya Khabarovsk was created in 1946.
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That is the correct spelling of the Jamaican musical genre "ska" (considered a precursor to reggae).
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Ska originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s, whereas Rocksteddy is a Filipino rock band formed in 2003. Therefore, ska came first before Rocksteddy.
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Not exactly. Green Day has said before that they're not ska, but some of their influences are (example: Operation Ivy). On tour, they have horns, which are very commonly in ska. Look up "King for a Day" on Youtube and make sure you pick their performance video. They probably like ska, but their music (most of the time) would not be considered ska. Also, the song "King for a Day" is to the tune of a song called "All Things Considered," by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, a ska band.
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its liki yevoska .... y like yesterday ...vos like Boston ... ska like ska YEVOSKA
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Vi ska tvivla - 1987 is rated/received certificates of:
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The Lakota word ska means white. Example: siteha-ska white tail deer.
Other native American languages may have entirely different meanings for the same word.
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The last "Ska is Dead" tour was packed, so I would say that is a definite yes.
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You might be thinking of Sublime's "What I Got" but they aren't really a ska punk band, although they did a few ska songs and a few punk songs.
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In the 60's, it was Jamaica with traditional Ska music, then it became popular in the 70's and 80's in England with the second wave or Two Tone, then it hit America in the 90's for the third wave which spawned ska-core and punkska. There are ska bands from all around the world though!
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