From birth, it is pretty easy to spot the penis , just under the umbilical cord, just look.
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Tethered Spinal Cord is a condition where the spinal cord is attached to the spinal column and that causes the cord to become stretched.
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The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.
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an umbilicus cord is a cord which babies have inside a mother to provide nutrients to a baby when it is inside a mother
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a cord of wood is 4ftx8ft by 16 inches deep a bush cord is 4ftx8ftx4ft
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On average, there is no significant difference in the length of the spinal cord between adult males and females. The spinal cord length is typically proportional to the overall size of the individual rather than sex.
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You can plug an extension cord into another extension cord. A extension cord is to help make doing something easier.
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CORD Cone-Rod Dystrophy CORD Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders CORD Center for Occupational Research and Development CORD Collaboration On Repair Discoveries (adult nervous system) CORD Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors CORD Community Organizing for Responsible Development CORD Cone-Rod Dystrophy, X-Linked CORD Coordinated Operational Requirements Document CORD Cibernet Online Roaming Database CORD City of Refuge Development, Inc. (Amarillo, Texas) CORD Contention Resolution by Delayline (IEEE)
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Cord a to cord b to cord e
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Either an RF cord or and AV cord(the red, yellow, and white cord).
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Cord blood is a sample of blood taken from a newborn baby's umbilical cord. The meaning of a cord blood transplant is saving the cord blood for later use.
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not sure what you mean by "which of these" but the umbilical cord connects the embryo to the mother.
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Det cord or Detonating Cord does not have a RE Factor. PETN does. PETN is the explosive used inside the DET CORD.
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he cut the Cord. The cord strangled around his neck.
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Yes, unless your mp3 has a different connection cord it uses.
Usually your charger is your connection cord
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The purpose of the plug on the cord is to connect the cord to an electrical outlet so that electricity can flow through the cord and power the device it is connected to.
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To effectively hide a lamp cord and improve the aesthetics of your room, you can use cord covers, cable management clips, or raceways to conceal the cord along the baseboards or behind furniture. Another option is to use cord-hiding solutions like cord channels or cord sleeves to keep the cord out of sight and create a cleaner look in your room.
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The position of the worms nerve cord compare with your nerve cord is it placement along the ventral surface of the body. Our spinal cord is protected by vertebra were the worms is unprotected.
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"Cord Blood America collects, tests, processes, and preserves umbilical cord blood. They do this in order to provide families with a place to store this precious cord blood for future use."
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A blood cord is a reference to the umbilical cord. It is called this because blood builds up in the cord and the term is generally used by medical professionals.
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Electrical cord is also refered to as power cord, line cord, and main cable. Electrical cord is mainly used to connect the appliance to the main electricity supply via wall socket.
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An extension cord is a long power cord that plugs into an outlet and receives with an outlet. A computer cord just uses one long cable to transfer power to the computer from the outlet.
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form_title= Extension Cord form_header= Install extension cords in your office. What size extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] What color extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] Do you need a 3 prong extension cord?*= () Yes () No
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A cord blood donation is an act of giving your newborn's umbilical cord to a public cord blood bank. The donated cord blood will be stored in a nitrogen-filled freezer until a recipient orders one.
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It means ''having cord'' and it refers to the nerve cord. Greek : χορδή (chordi) cord.
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Watch the video by clicking on the link I added to the related links section below, and get answers to these questions about cord blood banking:
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A central cord impingement is an incomplete injury to the cervical spinal cord. A central cord impingement results in extensive motor weakness in the upper extremities.
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The two structures that are connected by the umbilical cord are the embryo and the placenta. The umbilical cord is also known as the navel string or birth cord.
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What marks are left on a child that has been hit with a looped cord are an extension cord are a belt buckle in the eye. What marks are left on a child that has been hit with a looped cord are an extension cord are a belt buckle in the eye. What marks are left on a child that has been hit with a looped cord are an extension cord are a belt buckle in the eye. What marks are left on a child that has been hit with a looped cord are an extension cord are a belt buckle in the eye.
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A cord blood donation is an act of giving your newborn's umbilical cord to a public cord blood bank. The donated cord blood will be stored in a nitrogen-filled freezer until a recipient orders one.
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To safely use an extension cord for your heater, make sure the cord is rated for the same or higher wattage as your heater, avoid overloading the cord with multiple devices, keep the cord away from water or heat sources, and unplug the cord when not in use to prevent overheating.
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