Was Dinah Manoff in Seinfeld episode?
Nope, Dinah Manoff did not appear in any episode of Seinfeld. She's probably off somewhere being fabulous in her own way, but she didn't make it onto that iconic show. So, sorry to burst your bubble, but you won't find her hanging out with Jerry and the gang.
The character Denise, the patient receiving the sponge bath in the Seinfeld episode "The Contest," was played by actress Elena Wohl. Elena Wohl is known for her work in various television shows and movies, including her guest appearance on Seinfeld. Her portrayal of Denise added a comedic element to the episode as she interacted with the main characters in the hospital setting.
Is Julia Louis-dreyfus ticklish?
Oh, dude, I have no idea if Julia Louis-Dreyfus is ticklish. I mean, I haven't exactly had a tickle fight with her lately. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, who knows? But hey, if you ever find out, let me know, I'm dying to hear about it.
Was Seinfeld filmed before a live audience?
Well, honey, Seinfeld was indeed filmed in front of a live studio audience. Those laughs weren't just canned, they were the real deal. So, yes, Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer had a bunch of folks watching their shenanigans unfold firsthand.
What type of lamp was in J Peterman's office in Seinfeld?
Ah, the lamp in J Peterman's office in Seinfeld was a banker's lamp, with a classic green glass shade and brass base. It added a touch of sophistication and elegance to his workspace, don't you think? Just like adding a happy little tree to a painting, it's all about those little details that make a space feel just right.
Which Seinfeld character claimed the highest IQ?
Kramer claimed to have an IQ of 129 on an episode of Seinfeld.
How many women did Jerry date on the TV show Seinfeld?
Jerry dated many women throughout the series, with each episode focusing on a different love interest. The exact number is not specified, as his relationships were often short-lived or comedic in nature.
What is the brand name of the jacket that elaine wore in Seinfeld?
Need Brand name of Elaines Backpack that she always used on the sienfeld tv show
How much would purchasing the complete Seinfeld series on DVD cost?
The cost of purchasing the complete Seinfeld series on DVD would vary depending on the location of purchase, and whether it is a new copy, used, or a collector's edition. The prices can range from approximately $100 for a used copy, $250 for a new one, and $300 a collector's edition.
When was the first episode of Seinfeld aired in Australia?
Possibly "My Name's McGooley, What's Yours?" in the mid-1960's.
What is the photo by Seinfeld's front door?
I do know that there's at least one picture of Superman somewhere in each episode, and I believe in some seasons there's a Superman magnet on his fridge, but in some seasons it's blank. That's all I know.
Which of these characters a friend of Kramer's never actually appears on screen in Seinfeld?
Bob Sackamano(sp?) is one friend who is referenced many times in the series but never seen.
Kramer talks about his friend Jay Riemenschneider eating horse but this friend is never seen.
Lomez is another friend that Kramer speaks of in more than one episode.
Does Jerry Seinfeld have any siblings in the series Seinfeld?
He mentions a brother twice/ In one episode from Season 3 where he exclaims to a fortune teller "My Brother once impregnated a woman named Pauline!". Then in Episode 21 of Season 3 in the car, looking for parking with Elaine he remarks "My family never paid for parking, my mother, my father my brother..."
He never gives the brothers name or anything further details about him. His brother might exist solely to augment the show's ongoing comparison of George Costanza to Biff Loman from Death of a Salesman, occasionally commented on by Jerry.