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Second Life Syndrome was created in 2005-06.

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Yes, there are several types of Turner syndrome, including monosomy X, mosaic Turner syndrome, and partial X chromosome deletions. These variations in genetic makeup can affect the severity and presentation of symptoms in individuals with Turner syndrome.

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A baby duck syndrome is the tendency of computer users to believe that the system they originally used is better than any subsequent system.

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the nervous system

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Harry Potter didnt have potters syndrome. SO malfoy that for a second.

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shark tooth syndrome is when you are growing a second row of teeth behind your already grown in ones. like a shark.

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A school system in Florida must accept your child with Down Syndrome. This doesn't mean that each school in the system will accept him or her, only that there is at least one school within the system that will provide for them.

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The second X chromosome other females have.

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If you could be a little more specific, that would be great. There are a lot of disorders of the digestive system such as crohns disease, celiac, irritable bowel syndrome, dumping syndrome, cancers.....and the list can continue on....

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Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV.

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It is named after John H. Edwards, who first described the syndrome in 1960. It is the second most common autosomal trisomy, after Down Syndrome, that carries to term.

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As of 2014, there are no reported famous people who suffer with Rett syndrome. This condition affects the central nervous system.

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Mostly, immunologists (physicians interested in the immune system) have studied Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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  • inherited immunodeficiency syndrome
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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Tourettes Syndrom is a condition in the Nervous System

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Auto immune deficiency syndrome is a disorder of the immune system where the system attacks its own cells or tissues making the body susceptible to diseases. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or more popular as AIDS, on the other hand, is a compromised immune system due to the presence of human immunodeficiency virus infection or HIV. The former is non-communicable, while AIDS is transmittable.

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Men in Black The Series - 1997 The Star System Syndrome 2-12 was released on:

USA: 23 January 1999

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Perhaps Helene Fourment, the second wife of Rubens.

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Ten percent of the persons infected with Leptospira develop a serious disease called Weil's syndrome. The symptoms of Weil's syndrome are more severe than those described above and there is no distinction between the first and second stages of disease.

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Second impact syndrome is a rare but life-threatening condition that occurs when a person sustains a second concussion before the first one has fully healed. The rapid swelling of the brain can lead to severe neurological damage, coma, and even death. It is important to allow the brain to fully recover from a concussion before engaging in activities that may risk another head injury.

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iritable bowel syndrome and crohns disease

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The hypothalamus and the sympathetic nervous system are primarily associated with the general adaptation syndrome. The hypothalamus initiates the stress response, while the sympathetic nervous system activates fight-or-flight reactions in response to stress.

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Marfan syndrome affects three major organ systems of the body: the heart and circulatory system, the bones and muscles, and the eyes.

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The major cause of Pickwickian syndrome is extreme obesity. This obesity places an excessive load on the pulmonary system. The role of genetics is also being studied

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Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by a number of different diseases. The common mechanism which seems to cause damage involves the immune system. For some reason, the immune system seems to become directed against the person's own kidney.

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Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs as a result of an extra copy, or part thereof, of chromosome 21. The body systems that Down Syndrome affects may include the heart and lungs. Down Syndrome also affects physical development and intellectual disability.

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-Trisomy 21(Down Syndrome) means there are 3 chromosomes on the 21st pair of chromosomes.

-Kleinfelters (XXY) means there is an extra chromosome on the 23rd pair(where the sex chromosomes lie).

-Turner Syndrome(XO) On the 23rd pair, there is no Y or second X chromosome. The female can survive with this.

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Tourette's Syndrome affects the nervous system, which in turn affects the muscular system, causing tics.

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They are Imperial, Metric, and SI.


They are the:

  1. fps (foot-pound-second system
  2. cgs (centimeter-gram- second system)
  3. mks (meter-kilogram-second system)

The SI system is based mainly on the mks measurement system.

1 answer

They are Imperial, Metric, and SI.


They are the:

  1. fps (foot-pound-second system
  2. cgs (centimeter-gram- second system)
  3. mks (meter-kilogram-second system)

The SI system is based mainly on the mks measurement system.

1 answer

Diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome can be made by an internist (a specialist in diseases of the internal organs), a gastroenterologist (a specialist in the diseases of the digestive system), or a general surgeon.

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can second hand smoke of pcp get in a person system

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Nope.. the second planet in the solar system is VENUS

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Installing a second hard drive in your system will have an immediate impact on system performance if your system is memeory bound?

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Behcet's syndrome is a chronic disease that involves multiple body systems.A group of symptoms that affect a variety of body systems, including musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and the central nervous system.

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If the test for this syndrome is a blood test then, maybe. A blood test will detect marijuana. A urine test will also detect marijuana.

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Yes Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system.

1 answer

no but i have been prescribed amitriptyline to relax my nervous system.

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AIDS- acquired immune deficiency syndrome

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No, he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome. It affects the nervous system and causes paralysis.

Ryutaro.. :(:(

1 answer

Individuals with Turner syndrome typically have a genotype of 45,X, meaning they only have one X chromosome instead of the usual two. This genetic condition affects women and is associated with various physical and developmental differences.

3 answers

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

HIV is the name for a virus that makes your immune system weaker, and AIDS is the name of the condition, brought on by the virus, when your immune system doesn't work anymore.

3 answers

DiGeorge syndrome affects multiple systems in the body, but it is primarily associated with developmental issues in the immune system and the heart. It is caused by a deletion on chromosome 22 and can lead to a range of symptoms including heart defects, immune system deficiencies, and developmental delays.

2 answers

RSD is a chronic neurological syndrome characterized by: severe burning pain. pathological changes in bone and skin. excessive sweating. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS), also known as complex regional pain syndrome, is a rare disorder of the sympathetic nervous system that is characterized by chronic, severe pain. Excessive or abnormal responses of portions of the sympathetic nervous system are thought to be responsible for the pain associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome.

1 answer

The diagnosis is confirmed with a blood test to look at the person's chromosomes so it can be seen if the second X chromosome is missing. This test is done after a doctor notices the person has characteristics associated with Turner syndrome.

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