The sea otter is a mammal and is a vertebrate.
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No, the sea otter is a mammal and all mammals are vertebrates.
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how do you get an underwater room for your sea otter on webkinz?
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The descripton of the Sea Otter is that they suck balls bye.. :)
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yes sea otter's do have realationships
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No, unless it is the start of a sentence, then you would capitilize the word "sea". Also, if there was a sea otter named "Sea Otter" then you would capitilize the name.
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they are the largest otter i mean giant sea otter
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The range of the southern sea otter is in the ocean to south
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No. A sea otter does not give birth or has milk to feed its young.
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A sea otter is a mammal and has a spine, so is a vertebrate.
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Yes, a sea otter primeraly lives in the sea and rarely comes on to land. A land otter (such as a Eurasian otter) is more semi - aquatic (living both in the water and on land).
Hope I helped.
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A female otter is called a bi*ch, a male otter is called a dog and otter young are called pups.
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In California, the southern sea otter is listed as threatened (not endangered).
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i don't think the sea otter does
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A sea Otter is not a marsupial, so doesn't have a pouch like a kangaroo.
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The sea otter is usually solitary when it comes to mating.
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Sea otters are the only species in their genus, Enhydra. However, there are thirteen species of otter in the subfamily Lutrinae; these include the Marine otter, the North-American river otter, the Neotropical river otter, the Southern river otter, the Eurasian otter, the Hairy-nosed otter, the Asian small-clawed otter, the African clawless otter, the Congo clawless otter, the Giant otter, the Smooth-coated otter, the Spotted-necked otter, and (of course) the Sea otter.
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River Otter (3 species), Sea Otter, Giant Otter, Hairy Nosed Otter, Japanese Otter, European Otter, Spotted Necked Otter, Marine Otter, African Clawless Otter, Oriental Small Clawed Otter.
13 species
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sea otter temperature is -4 at night and stays the same at day
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Because the sea otter would die. It would be very sad.
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The sea otter is native to the Pacific Ocean coasts of North America and Asia.
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a sea otter will rest in the water floating on their backs and that is called rafting.
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Orcas (killer whales) eat the sea otter which is partly why they are an endangered species.
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A sea otter needs to eat 20%-25% of their body fat a day.
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an otter is a sea and land animal Answer: An otter is a mammal which is the largest member of the weasel family. Otters all require proximity of water to live. An otter has a long cylindrical body with a long tail and four legs. It is covered with very dense fur.
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