There is no record of who actually named the constellation Scorpius. The name Scorpius is Greek and has been used for some 2300 years.
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The common name for Scorpius is the Scorpio constellation.
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Scorpius is not a star, but rather a constellation in the night sky. It is best known for the bright red star Antares, which is a red supergiant star located in the heart of the Scorpius constellation.
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Orion. A+
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Antares is the most important star in the Scorpius Constellation.
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Kim Strauss did the voice of Scorpius in "Power Rangers."
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Each star in Scorpius is a different distance from the other stars.
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The Scorpius constellation is approximately 400-500 light-years away from Earth.
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The constellations that border Scorpius are Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, and Libra. These constellations can be seen surrounding Scorpius in the night sky.
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Scorpius Gigantus - 2006 is rated/received certificates of:
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The constellation near Scorpius that is three letters in length is "Ara." It is located to the west of Scorpius and is known as the Altar.
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Bertie Gilbert is Scorpius malfoy according to the attached link.
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Scorpius is most visible in the southern hemisphere during the months of July and August, when it is positioned highest in the sky. In the northern hemisphere, Scorpius can be seen low on the southern horizon during the summer months of June to August.
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Draco Malfoy's son, whom we meet in the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, is named Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.
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The constellation of Scorpius the scorpion is very ancient and seen as a scorpion by many cultures around the world. The Greeks, Sumerians, Mayans, American Indians and various other ancient cultures identified the pattern of stars we know as Scorpius as a scorpion. The actual name Scorpius is the Greek name we now use. This name has been with us for at least 2300 years.
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The star Scorpius is also known as the astrological sign, Scorpio. Scorpius has a total of 47 stars that are located within it.
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The stars in the constellation Scorpius exhibit a range of colors, including blue, white, and red. Blue stars are hotter and more massive, while red stars are cooler and less massive. The colors of the stars in Scorpius can vary based on their temperature and composition.
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The temperature of Scorpius, which is a constellation in the night sky, is not a fixed value as it is made up of many stars at varying distances from Earth. These stars have different temperatures based on their size, age, and other characteristics.
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7 constellations border Scorpius. They are Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Lupus, Ara, Norma, Corona Australis and Libra.
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The constellation that is believed to have been sent to sting Orion to death is Scorpius. In Greek mythology, Scorpius was sent by the Earth goddess Gaia to kill Orion, the great hunter.
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The Scorpius constellation is easiest to spot in July. The best way to find it is by first spotting Antares, the brightest star in the constellation. It is easy to see because it is orange. The Scorpius' tail will be south from Antares.
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Scorpius Malfoy is eleven years old in the Epilogue to Deathly Hallows. He was presumably born c. 2005/2006.
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The brightest star in the Scorpius constellation is Antares. It is a red supergiant star located approximately 550 light years away from Earth. Antares appears as the brightest star in Scorpius due to its high luminosity and distinctive reddish color.
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Scorpius constellation is composed of around 18 stars that are visible to the naked eye. The brightest star in Scorpius is Antares, which serves as the heart of the scorpion.
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Scorpius is a constellation often associated with a scorpion in Greek mythology. It is located in the southern sky and is one of the brightest constellations in the night sky. Notable objects within Scorpius include the red supergiant star Antares and the open cluster Messier 7.
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Draco has one kid. Scorpius Malfoy as mentioned at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry Ron and everyone look up to see Draco standing there with his wife and one son as they were boarding the hogwarts express. Or maybe he has more than one. We don't know.
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Scorpius, known as the constellation Scorpio in astronomy, can be found in the southern celestial hemisphere. It is visible from latitudes between +40° and -90°. Scorpius is best observed during the summer months in the northern hemisphere.
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