Assessment of Military science & technology.
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Civil War technology was video, pictures, letters and articles. Earlier military technology did not have video and only depended on letter and pictures.
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Max Schwarte has written:
'Die Technik im Weltkriege' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, Military art and science, Technology
'Kriegstechnik der gegenwart' -- subject(s): Military art and science, Naval art and science
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Science and technology played a significant role in World War II through advancements such as radar technology, improved communications systems, the development of the atomic bomb, and innovations in medicine and logistics. These contributions had a profound impact on the outcome of the war and influenced military strategies and tactics.
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Martin L. Van Creveld has written:
'Nuclear proliferation and the future of conflict' -- subject(s): Nuclear nonproliferation, War (International law), Military policy
'Technology and war' -- subject(s): History, Military History, Military art and science, Technology
'The Encyclopedia of Revolutions and Revolutionaries'
'The transformation of war' -- subject(s): History, Military art and science, Military history, Modern, Modern Military history, War, World politics
'Command in war' -- subject(s): History, Command of troops, Command and control systems
'The rise and decline of the state' -- subject(s): State, The, The State, World politics
'Hitler's strategy 1940-1941' -- subject(s): Campaigns, World War, 1939-1945
'Supplying war' -- subject(s): History, Logistics, Military art and science, Military history, Modern, Modern Military history
'The art of war' -- subject(s): War (Philosophy), Military art and science, History
'Air power and maneuver warfare' -- subject(s): Maneuver warfare, Case studies, Air power
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Flavio Russo has written:
'Tormenta navalia' -- subject(s): Military art and science, Naval History
'L' artiglieria delle legioni romane' -- subject(s): Military History, Military art and science, Ancient Weapons, History
'Indagine sulle Forche caudine' -- subject(s): Caudine Forks, Battle of, Italy, 321 B.C., Military History
'Pompei' -- subject(s): History, Technology, Technology and civilization
'Tormenta' -- subject(s): History, Military engineering, Military art and science, Engines of war
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The book is Trial by Fire: Science Technology and the Civil War by Charles D.Ross.
In Trial by Fire, Charles covers the applications of science and technology in the Civil War. He addresses the applications of existing technology to support combat forces and the applications of new technology to combat.
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Many European leaders thought that these modern advances in military technology would result in a short war.
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Science and technology relate to the military in many different ways actually! They use it for improvements in weapons, tanks, etc. Every time there is a large improvement in technology or science it can be used to defend our own country by using the object or using parts of it. That's why the technology they make very rarely comes to us.
-Tech Wiz
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there was no spanish american war.
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increased military casualties in battles fought during the war
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The Cold War had a great impact of science and technology by rapidly increasing development. Satellites were quickly deployed by both sides which have since become a major part of daily lives.
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one of the new military weapons was the machine gun
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Science relates to technology because science created technology. It was the knowledge and experimentation of science that lead to the creation of technology.
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Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=
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increased military casualties in battles fought during the war
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Yes. The root of technology is science . As science evolves, technology also evolves .
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what are the effect of comunication of science and technology, or science and technology effect on communication.
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Science and Technology
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Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=
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Science creates technology which helps create science! Technology is like robotics and computers science is chemicals and nano technology they support each other!
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Ironclad warships and Rifle
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science is the origin of technology. Without science it is impossible to create technology. so you can say first science and then technology.
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Doyne Dawson has written:
'The first armies' -- subject(s): Ancient Military history, Armies, History, Military art and science, Military history, Ancient
'The origins of Western warfare' -- subject(s): Ancient Military history, History, Military art and science, Military history, Ancient, Moral and ethical aspects, Moral and ethical aspects of War, War
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Short answer: neither
Long answer: Science and technology are interdependent of each other. Science relies on technology to progress, and technology relies on science to do the same.
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it can be misused and can cause to diect world war
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Science first because you can't invent a technology that will improve and make the work easier without science.
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Science and Technology are the same because Technology is another word for Science and what you do in Technology, you do in Science.Its pretty much the same really.
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by performing science you discover technology
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Science (knowledge) is a prerequisite for technology.
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Lucien Zacharoff has written:
'\\' -- subject(s): Defenses, Russia, World War, 1939-1945
'This is war!' -- subject(s): Military Aeronautics, Military art and science, War
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its acutally both because a clock is technology because it tells time and its also science because technology is a part of science
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Science is the system of acquiring knowledge and technology is the usage and the use of tools, crafts and knowledge. Science influences technology and technology influences science also technology and science are influenced by society and society is influenced by technology and science. It is like triangle that each side affects the other sides.
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science is an open ended subject and technology is an application of science.
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science is how you get new technological breakthroughs technology is the result of science
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David C. Gompert has written:
'Emerging US Defense Strategy'
'Right makes might' -- subject(s): Democracy, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Information technology, Foreign relations, Free enterprise, History, Information technology, Liberty, Political aspects, Political aspects of Information technology, Power (Social sciences), Social aspects, Social aspects of Information technology, World politics
'Security in Iraq' -- subject(s): Politics and government, United States, Iraq War, 2003-, National security, Internal security, Disengagement (Military science), Military policy
'Making Liberia Safe'
'Shoulder to shoulder' -- subject(s): Military relations, Combined operations (Military science)
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the spanish civil war
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Desmond O'Connor has written:
'The future of defence and technology in Australia' -- subject(s): Military research, Military art and science, Defense industries, Defenses
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No, man chose to use the discoveries of Science to build the Technology of the bomb as a war was in progress. It is man's choices that are responsible.
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Technology is hardware or (software) and knowledge is brainpower
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