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Scarification is a method to break seed dormancy by making a small cut or abrasion on the seed coat, allowing water to penetrate and kickstart germination. For Mimosa diplotricha seeds, scarification can be done by using sandpaper to gently rub the seed coat, or by soaking the seeds in warm water for a few hours before planting. This process helps mimic natural conditions that would trigger germination in the wild.

2 answers

scarification, removing the tattoo with an acid solution to form a scar in its place

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Yes. Different seeds need different types of scarification.

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Scarification can actually have a positive effect on the rate of germination for certain seeds. By nicking, scratching, or softening the seed coat, scarification can help water and oxygen reach the embryo more easily, thus promoting germination. It can be especially helpful for seeds with hard or impermeable seed coats.

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No. The common sunflower does not require scarification; they have a sufficiently high germination rate without cracking the hull.

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There are masses of synonyms for 'scarification'. Some of these are 'laceration', 'pierce', 'dissection', 'slash', 'slit', 'notch', 'nick', 'graze' and 'wound'.

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Scarification is a crude form of body art, much like tattoos. The two main types are branding and cutting. Branding is done usually using a small tool to create complex designs. Usually heat is used, but some opt for cold branding, which cools the branding tool so much that it leaves a burn. Cutting is using a scalpel to carve complex designs into the skin. A derivation from cutting is skin peeling, where the scarification artist peels away skin to leave more pronounced scars. The whole point of scarification is to leave visible scars on the skin for something more unique then a tattoo. Scarification is also practiced by some African tribes as a right of passage for children and adults. There are professional scarification studios, but usually a tattoo artist or piercer will take scarification art as an additional service at their business. Scarification is not the same as self injury. Because it is classified as body art, for it to be legal the artist must not give their client any kind of anesthesia.

Scarification is also the term used to describe the process of raking moss out of a grass lawn.

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They had scarification for the smallpox vaccine.

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Lisa Whitehall has written:

'Tattooing and scarification'

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Plant scarification is a process that involves breaking or weakening the seed coat of hard-seeded plants to promote germination. This can be done mechanically through scratching, cracking, or treatment with acid or heat. Scarification increases water absorption and allows the seed to germinate more easily.

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The parallel lines represent scarification patterns.

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Scarification can enhance germination in jute mallow seeds by breaking down the seed coat, making it easier for water and oxygen to penetrate the seed and kickstart the germination process. This process can help improve the overall germination rate and speed up seedling emergence.

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Ritual scarification was commonly practiced in some tribes of Africa. It still is, but is much less common.

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Scarification is actually branding. Its the process of burning the skin causing it to react much like a burn would on the stove. It's actually quite dangerous if done incorrectly abnd can easily become infected. I'd have thoughtthe ink used would be the same as a tattoo ink, if any ink IS used at all? a lot of the time it is essentially engraved into your skin.

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Cicatrisation, as a form of scarification is a process widely spread in Africa as a way of body aesthetic improvement, bearing complex cultural and social status messages.

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The content that is typically posted on Modblog is related to either tattooes, piercings, scarification, body rituals, and cultural procedures. They also have an 18+ section of the blog for hardcore topics.

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Kentucky coffee tree takes a long time to germinate because of the thick seed head. If you take a file, score the seed head and it will sprout faster. This is called scarification.

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Body modification Ezine offers services such as tattoos, piercings, scarification, implants and extreme modifications. Along with these services they provide you with all the risks and treatment to make sure your body remains healthy.

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Seed scarification is a process that involves breaking or softening the seed coat to promote germination. By scarifying the seed coat, it allows water and air to penetrate the seed, which can speed up germination and improve overall seed viability. This process is particularly important for seeds with hard outer coatings that may inhibit germination.

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It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several years for a saguaro seed to sprout, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture levels. Some seeds may require scarification or soaking to germinate.

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No, scarification cannot change your fingerprints. Fingerprints are determined by the pattern of ridges on your skin, which remain the same even if you have scars. However, scars on your fingertips can make it more difficult to obtain a clear fingerprint for identification purposes.

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A lot of tribes practiced body modification, and the Cherokee were no different. They practiced scarification, early forms of tattoos, stretched their ears, and had piercings. Usually they only had their ears, but in most tribes, septum piercings were commonplace, and I do believe that the Cherokee were no different.

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Getting a tattoo removed can be extremely painful ! When you get a tattoo removed it usually just leaves a scar of what the tattoo is, it's almost like getting a scarification tattoo, there is honestly no point in even getting a tattoo removed, you will still have it on your skin.

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Christopher F. Thompson has written:

'Drag scarification trials in lodgepole pine logging slash in the Nelson Forest District of British Columbia' -- subject(s): Field experiments, Forest regeneration, Lodgepole pine, Slash (Logging)

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Seed scarification is a process that softens the seed coat, allowing for water uptake and subsequent swelling of the seed. This can be achieved naturally through factors like weathering or artificially through physical or chemical treatment methods.

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Surma is an ethnic group in southwestern Ethiopia, also known as the Suri people. They are known for their unique body decoration practices, including lip plates and body scarification. The Surma have a cattle-centered culture and engage in stick-fighting ceremonies as a way to settle disputes and demonstrate bravery.

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It is cold planing - or milling - of the asphalt surface. This is done for a number of reasons including the following:

-Removing ruts or bumps or irregularities in a roadway before resurfacing.

-Lowering a road surface that is to be resurfaced or treated so that it fits the profile of adjacent roads.

-Removing existing asphalt that is found to be unacceptable.

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It is a broad term but there are a lot of nuts out there who engage in intentional personal harm via deep cuts, improvised Tattoos, etc, that are beyond explanation. It seems to be more popular with Blacks and is sometimes called scarification, not to be confused with the same term for pavement grooving which is still occasionally practiced and may improve traction.

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A Carib boy had to undergo a series of rituals and tests to prove his strength, bravery, and readiness for manhood. These often included endurance tests, hunting challenges, and rites of passage such as vision quests or scarification. Upon completing these rites successfully, the boy would be formally recognized as a man within the Carib community.

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The isolated spots of mud are places where the dirt has been compacted, which decreases the ability of the roots to take up nutrients, and the ability of the soil to hold onto oxygen and other necessary nutrients. Scarification, aeration and fertilization of the compacted areas will allow grass to grow there again.

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Weapons have only one use, killing:

  • They killed and ate animals
  • They killed rival tribes in attacks or when attacked
  • They probably established who was boss by killing, or beating rivals
  • They might sacrifice animals or captives
  • They might have rituals of self mutilation, circumcision, scarification

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Despite the intended permanence of tattoos, various methods are used in attempts to remove them: Laser removal (burning the tattoo away), surgical removal (cutting the tattoo away), dermabrasion (sanding the skin with a wire brush to remove the epidermis and dermis), salabrasion (using a salt solution to soak the tattooed skin), and scarification (removing the tattoo with an acid solution and creating a scar in its place). These methods are expensive and can be painful!

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Traditionally speaking, the text that you are referring to in Leviticus, more so associates itself to the older practice of tribal bloodletting and scarification, and not so much to do with tattooing per se. However, being that most people associate it with all forms of body adornment, I would say that it isn't the most kosher of ideas, but not really all that inappropriate.

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Jesus emphasized the importance of love, compassion, kindness, humility, and forgiveness in his early teachings. He also highlighted the importance of faith in God and living a life that reflects God's will through acts of service and charity towards others.

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In a normal situation a boy is born with the glans of the penis covered by a layer of skin known as the prepuce or Foreskin. This tissue should not be tampered with as it is still connected to the glans of the penis in newborns and does not separate entirely for a mater of weeks to years depending on the individual. the foreskin is there to protect the glans of the penis and to protect the child against invading organisms such as bacteria. However religious and cultural situations have led to the practice of the foreskin being removed. this leads to a situation where a large amount of nerve endings that give sexual pleasure are sacrificed and the surface of the glans of the penis is no longer protected from scarification.

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It depends on the seeds. Some seeds, like alfalfa seeds and clover seeds, need to be coated with a specific rhizomidous bacteria that helps break down their hard outer coating. Other seeds require scarification or fire or even being soaked in water to soften or break apart that hard outer shell of the seed. Many other seeds do not require any of the above, and simply need a specific depth of soil to be planted in, a little bit of water, sunlight, and time.

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A tattoo is, by its very nature, a scar. The trick is to do as little damage to the skin as possible while applying the tattoo, so that the scar tissue that forms is minimal (sufficient to retain the pigment forever, yet not so significant as to cause a three-dimensional scar). When a tattooer "hammers" an area, it damages the skin sufficiently to cause 3D scarring. IT's a matter of training, knowledge of equipment, knowledge of skin, etc. There's also customers who habitually keloid (3D scarring- people of African descent tend to keloid, which is why some scarification practices of great beauty evolved in the African continent).

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it matters

It is unlikely though not impossible.

Avoid very heavy black work (tribal, Polynesian, Samoan, Marquesan) and maybe look to other types of Tattoo work.

It is very very rare that this may happen tattooing does not create what is known as a 'wet wound' (going beneath the layers of skin and creating a gash or slit in the skin which will ooze or bleed, scarification causes wet wounds for instance) and keloid is usually created by wet wounds.

If you are very prone to keloid scarring however I would do some serious research and ask other people with black skin to advise you.

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Human Body Suspension is a form of extreme self-mutilation. It involves individuals who willfully impale themselves or allow themselves to be stabbed with hooks. They are then suspended in the air from the hooks. It is often practiced by individuals who have mental issues such as self-hatred or suicidal thoughts. "Cutters" are frequent practitioners of HBS. This is also popular with "scarification" enthusiasts. Often times, individuals who practice HBS often find sexual pleasure in pain, and are sadomasochists.

This practice often leaves significant scar tissue and can lead to life threatening infection and life-threatening injury. For example, the hooks can tear through the flesh of the individual, causing extreme damage.

There are organized communities which practice this reckless behavior in large groups. They are often cult-like in behavior

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No, manipulating the seed will not affect its germination. Factors such as temperature, moisture, and light play a bigger role in seed germination. The genetic makeup of the seed remains the same regardless of any manipulation.

4 answers

Here's the law itself for Massachusetts

(A) No tattooing, piercing of genitalia, branding or scarification shall be performed

on a person under the age of 18. In MA every city has different laws. In some city's you can get pieced with your parent/guardian's permission.

(B) Body piercing, other than piercing the genitalia, may be performed on a person

under the age of 18 provided that the person is accompanied by a properly

identified parent, legal custodial parent or legal guardian who has signed a form

consenting to such procedure.

3 answers

Germination of seeds starts with absorption of water activating the enzymes to resume growth in the embryo which comes out from the seed as seedling.

Germination of spores develop the gametophytic plant body on which male and female reproductive parts develop for sexual reproduction and

germination of pollen grain results in the formation of pollen tube through which male gametes travel up to the egg for fertilization.

8 answers

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by an organism called neisseria Gonorrheae. Men and women can pass it to men or women; it can infect tissues of the thoat, cervix, urethra or rectum.

In general, symptoms (usually painful urination and discharge in men, a purulent discharge and possible irritation in women) begin in 3-5 days.

Since the urinary pain is due to the destruction of the urethral lining, it seems safe to assume the damage is occurring at that point.

In men, the damage can incluce scarification of the urethra resulting in strictures, that is, blockage of the urethra resulting in an inability to urinate and the need to reopen the urethra. This can be painful. Gonorrhea can go on to infect the testicles or prostate if untreated.

In women, untreated gonorrhea can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), which can result in surgical emergencies, organ rupture, infertility or death.

In both men and women, gonorrhea can disseminate into the bloodstream and cause many problems, such as serious joint inflammation. This is rare.

Gonorrhrea can be treated with an injection of Ceftriaxone and is often accompanied by treatment for Chlamydia. It can be prevented by using condoms appropriately.

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The amount of water affects seed germination by impacting the availability of moisture necessary for the seed to soften its coat and begin sprouting. Too little water can prevent germination, while too much water can lead to rotting or drowning of the seed. Optimal water levels support the biochemical reactions needed for germination to occur successfully.

5 answers

It typically takes about 3-4 weeks for an olive seed to germinate, provided that it is placed in the appropriate conditions such as warmth, moisture, and sunlight. Patience is key when waiting for olive seeds to sprout.

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Yes, you can grow a plum tree from a plum seed, but there's no guarantee that the resulting tree will produce fruit identical to the parent plum. It can take several years for the tree to reach fruit-bearing age, and the tree may be susceptible to genetic variability, disease, or poor growth compared to grafted plum trees.

7 answers

A keloid meaning that litle bead of scar tissue you get when a piercing is taken out and heals slightly improperly? you may be able to hide it, but the bump will only go away with sugery, or a dermal punch (a type of piercing that basically uses the piercing equivalent of a hole punch, to literally 'punck out' your skin, and put a piercing in there.

it depends on the age of the scar and if it's flat like at the same level as the skin.

if it is you can tattoo over it, the tattooist will just have to go over it a couple of times so the colour comes out as bright as the rest. but if it's old and flat enough it will only need to be done once.

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Sparrows are small birds with a stout body, short neck, and conical bill. They typically have brown or gray plumage with distinctive markings, such as a dark bib on the throat. Sparrows are known for their adaptability to urban environments and their melodious songs.

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"gonorrhea," 1587, of unknown origin, perhaps from M.E. claper, from O.Fr. clapoire, originally "rabbit burrow" but given a slang extension to "brothel." Originally also a v., "to infect with clap."

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper


The term comes from the Paris neighborhood Clapier because of it's large number of prostitutes during the 14th century.

AnswerAlthough it is not completely agreed upon how this became a slang term for the disease, it is thought it came from the old French word "clapier" that meant "brothel" because of how common the disease was in these places.

Hope this helps!

Dr. B.


I think many of us have heard different things about the oigin of the word "clap" - but, Dr. B's post above makes the most sense. (Although, I thought "clapier" had something to do with rabbits...)

I always heard the legend that it was named "the clap" because an old treatment involved slamming a heavy book or object down on an infected penis, causing the discharge to come out. Doesn't sound very effective to me...and probably should have been called "excruciating smash with a book" infection.

AnswerI learned that the origin of the slang term "clap" was a misnomer or bastardisation of another word. A common complication of gonnorhea is scarification or collapse of the uretha. It was my understand that during the World Wars when the disease was so prevalent among GI's, the hospital wards where the men were treated other patients and the medical personnel would refer to these men as having "the collapse" which was bastardized into "the clap". For what it's worth, that sounds completely plausible to me, but I don't know that it's correct.

Mccuda, RN

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