form_title=Satellite Installation form_header=Watch any channel you want with your new satellite TV! Don't worry about the installation- get the experts to do it for you. Have you ever had a satellite dish before?= () Yes () No () Unsure Do you currently have satellite installed? = () Yes () No () Unsure How many TVs do you need hooked up to the satellite?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} Do you live in a single family home, apartment, or condominium?=_
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form_title= Satellite internet ISP form_header= Use satellite internet to stay connected to the world. What is your budget?*= _ [50] What is your minimum speed requirement?*= _ [50] How often do you use the internet?*= _ [50]
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they were under the control of (The Soviet Union)
hince the word (satellite)
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form_title= Satellite Direct form_header= Install Satellite Direct in your home. How many televisions do you have in your home?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you want to add DVR?*= () Yes () No Have you ever used Satellite Direct before?*= () Yes () No
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is it available in this aREA?
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Satellite Internet service is the one high-speed Internet service that is available anywhere. As long as one has electricity and (in North America) a clear view of the southern sky, satellite broadband should be available. These broadband providers are generally specialized Satellite Broadband Providers. Unlike the first satellite internet services offered a few years back, neither a phone line nor a dial-up data modem is required for uploads.
Satellite Internet service operates independently of telephone or cable networks. In order to have a satellite Internet connection in your home, you will need to have a satellite dish (antenna) attached to the roof of your home and a satellite modem connected to your home computer. After you select the right high-speed Internet plan, a certified installer will connect your computer to a satellite modem and link the modem to a satellite dish (antenna). The installer provides the satellite modem and the satellite dish. Once installed, the satellite dish sends and receives information (i.e., email, Web pages, files) over the Internet and delivers it to your computer through your satellite modem, giving you secure and fast high-speed Internet access.
Performance speeds for residential download Satellite Broadband Internet are typically 500-1000 Kbps (Kilobytes per second) or about 10-20 times faster than a 56K modem. Upload speeds are generally 100 - 256 Kbps. Satellite Internet is not ideal for consumers who require highly responsive high-speed Internet service, such as that required for online games or stock trading. VPNs do not work well over satellite also. You may use a VPN, but you will likely experience reduced speeds by as much as 50–75 percent. You can restore your connection to full speed by simply disabling your VPN client when your session is over.
Voice over IP and video streaming doesn't work well with satellite internet either, due to the latency issues. Installation for satellite Internet requires about $600.00 in specialized equipment and the proper installation of a small satellite dish with a clear view of the southern sky. Equipment can often be financed by the satellite Internet provider. Monthly, the costs usually run anywhere from $60.00 to $90.00, depending on service options and speed plus the cost of the equipment and in some case an activation fee of about $100. Some satellite Internet providers are now offering "cheap" satellite internet in the $40.00- $50.00 range. It is slower than regular Satellite broadband and conditions may apply. Be sure to ask about all available options. Some other tips when considering satellite internet: it is fully mobile, meaning you don't have to stay close to home to have access. It can be a perfect solution for an RV or the summer cabin. Be sure to evaluate all options before choosing a high-speed Internet service broadband provider.
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form_title=Install Satellite Television form_header=Satellite television offers a variety of channels and movies. Do you have trees near your home?= () Yes () No How many televisions will need to be hooked up?= () 1 () 2 () 3 () 4 () 5 () 6 () 7 Have you ever used a satellite tv provider?= () Yes () No What features do you want out of the service?=_
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Satellite Internet access is provided via a geostationary satellite at broadband speeds or a Low Earth Orbit satellite at slower speeds. While many people worldwide have access to satellite Internet in addition to more common options such as DSL and cable, it is the only option available for people in areas where traditional land-based Internet is not available, such as when on a ship or in a remote area.
There are two main types of satellite Internet access: two-way and one-way. Two-way access uses a satellite for both outgoing (upload) and incoming (download) transmissions while one-way access uses a satellite for incoming transmissions only. In the case of one-way access, outgoing transmissions are sent via a traditional telephone line. The average download speed of satellite Internet is 1 Mbps while upload speed varies between 56 Kbps with one-way access and 256 Kbps with two-way access.
In the United States, there are four major providers of satellite Internet access: HughsNet, SkyWay, StarBand, and WildBlue. Satellite Internet access purchased through a satellite television provider is through one of these access providers.
In a typical scenario, which illustrates two-way access, a satellite dish is installed at the consumer’s home or business that both receives incoming transmissions and sends outgoing transmissions. In both cases, the transmissions are processed by a satellite modem connected to a computer. The outgoing signal from the consumer’s satellite is sent to a satellite in space and from there to the Internet service provider. In response, the service provider retrieves the requested data from the Internet and sends it back to the satellite in space which then sends it back to the consumer.
With one-way access, the outgoing transmission travels through a telephone line to the service provider. The incoming transmission process does not change.
The main advantage of satellite Internet is that it is available anywhere on Earth. However, the disadvantages outweigh this. The main disadvantage is its low speed when compared to DSL or cable. Due to the large distance between the satellite and Earth, there is often a long delay between the moment the signal is broadcast and the moment it reaches its destination. Other disadvantages include interruptions due to inclement weather, the necessity of having a clear line of sight between the consumer’s satellite and the satellite in space, and the high cost.
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form_title= Satellite Television Services form_header= Watch all your favorite TV shows with satellite! How many TVs do you need it connected to?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More than 10} What is your budget?*= _ [50] Do you want any premium channels?*= () Yes () No When do you want the Satellite installed?*= _ [50]
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It is often a good idea to go with satellite television over some of the cable options that are available. When you do this, you are going to be able to save money in your monthly budget. While there are some drawbacks to satellite tv, the savings cannot be matched. If you are a homeowner who is just getting your start, you are going to need all the money that you can possibly get, and you are therefore going to want to get satellite tv rather than other options that are available. The use of satellite tv will be good enough for you until you are able to afford other options.
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A satellite of earth that is not man made is the moon. There are many satellites that are man made that orbit the earth. These satellites are used for communication between Internet and television viewing.
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Satellite TV is a huge rip-off because it the signal isn't always strong.
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A satellite dish can make the difference between living in isolation and keeping pace with the rest of the world. By using a satellite dish to connect to the internet, people living in geographic areas where there is no phone or cable service can telecommute, do research, and keep up with the latest news.
How it Works
A dish installer aims a small satellite dish about four feet in diameter at a precise angle to optimize satellite reception. A satellite ISP--internet service provider-- charges customers a monthly fee to relay signals from orbiting information stations to the client’s satellite dish where it travels via wiring to the in-house modem, initializing internet service.
Satellite internet access can be considerably faster online than a dial-up telephone connection, and it is as fast or faster than a DSL--digital subscriber line--cable connection. Satellite ISPs rarely go offline like dial-up or DSL providers do.
The equipment for satellite reception, including the receiver dish and the modem, are an up-front purchase that consumers must make before buying monthly service. The initial cash outlay, therefore, can be prohibitive, with many providers charging between $500 and $1000 for equipment. Monthly service fees vary according to the level of internet access you select, and often providers require you agree to a service contract that locks you in to a set number of months with that provider.
Fair Access Policy
You may think that because you own the equipment, you have unlimited access to the internet. This is not strictly true. The majority of satellite ISPs voluntarily comply with the Fair Access Policy that gives them the power to monitor and limit your usage of shared satellite resources. If you habitually download or upload files via satellite internet that total more than 150-200 megabytes per day, your satellite ISP may limit your access for few days to let you know that you are using more than your share of access time.
Consumers utilize satellite dishes for television access as well; however each separate service, TV or internet, requires a dedicated dish. A satellite dish enables you to tap into a large spectrum of international networks.
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Satellite cable has taken over the television industry simply because it offers so many benefits over regular cable television for a lower price in most situations. Research has shown that satellite cable is people's preference because they can get more channels. However, there are numerous other benefits.
For starters, satellite cable is available to those that live in remote areas. Many times cable is only available to those that live within city limits, which leaves those that live out in the country to have the options of using an antenna and converter box will usually only gives them a handful of channels. Since television is usually the main source of entertainment for families, a handful of channels just does not cut it. Thus, they turn to satellite cable.
Many people who are on the fence about getting satellite cable often worry about the price. However, most of the big satellite companies offer such deep discounts to first time customers that it is cheaper for them than having to purchase an antenna then a converter box. For example, the satellite dish will be free as well as the installation and the satellite box for a specific number of rooms. With the converter box costing on average of fifty dollars, setting up three rooms for television would cost one hundred and fifty dollars. This is money that could be saved by going with satellite cable.
Another huge benefit of satellite cable is that the cost per month is set for a certain time period that you sign your contract. Most of those who have regular cable often complain that month after month the price seems to increase. For those that sign a year or two year contract with satellite, which is the normal amount of time that have that price assurance for that time period. After that period they can usually have the same price, depending upon the type of programming that they have.
For those that move frequently, cable just does not match satellite. Most satellite companies will transfer your new service to your new home and have someone come out free of charge and install the service. This is something that cable does not offer, which is one of the major downfalls of choosing cable over satellite.
Overall, for the price and the number of channels that you receive with satellite cable, it is no contest between the two services.
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depending on the tv you could use different a/v inputs. if it is basic cable it can be connected to antenna input on the satellite receiver will work as if connected strat to the TV. if it is a digital cable box the first is only option.
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Given that ALL computer images are formed from pixels, that would be a yes.
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form_title= Satellite TV form_header= Get more channel options with your satellite TV. How many televisions do you have?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you currently have a TV provider?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure If so, who?*= _ [50] Are you willing to sign a year long contract?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure
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Ever since the first launch of artificial satellite, Sputnik1, in 1957 by the Soviet Union, hundreds of satellites have been orbiting around Earth. Moon is our natural satellite. There are many types such as military (spy) and civilian Earth observation satellites such as communication satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and research satellites. In a sense a satellite is a specialized wireless receiver that is launched by a rocket and placed in orbit around the earth. It gathers and collects information on the movement of Earth.
Cell phones, GPS, telephone, and the Internet all rely on communication satellites. The communication satellites are very important to our daily lives. They link remote areas of the Earth with telephone and television. Modern financial business is conducted at high speed via satellite, and use of internet is primarily dependent on the communication satellite system. Satellite radio Sirius/XM is popular and in the US, allowing listeners to roam across an entire continent, listening to the same audio program. We also use Broadcast satellite for Dish Network and Direct T.V. to enjoy satellite television in our homes. The weather satellites help meteorologists predict the weather. Typical weather satellites include the TIROS, COSMOS and GOES satellites. The satellites generally contain cameras that can return photos of Earth's weather, either from fixed geostationary positions or from polar orb. Also, usage of GPS (Global Positioning System) has become very popular as well for everyday navigation.
Military satellites gather information to spy, communicate with nuclear logistics, and other countries. They use it for mostly communication purpose and for intelligence application.
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form_title=Install Satellite Television in Your Business form_header=Whether you have a waiting room or want to provide an employee perk, consider installing satellite TV. How many TVs will need service?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,More} Do you want a ground based sattelite or a roof based?= () Ground () Radio () Other What features would you like?= [] Basic Package [] Premium Package [] HD [] DVR [] Premium Movie Channels [] Premium Sports Channels [] Other
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DISH is a leading satellite TV & internet provider offering the best programming and technology at an unbeatable value. Dish delivers the best video anywere at anutime utlizing state-of-the-art equipment & technology & award-winning HD & DVR Technology!
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Answer: All commercial television broadcasting satellites are in orbit over the equator. If you live north of the equator, television broadcasting satellites will be located in the southern sky and conversely, if you live south of the equator, television broadcasting satellites will be located in the northern sky. If you happen to live within the boundaries of the equator itself, television broadcasting satellites will be located directly over you. This is the first starting point. In reality, there's an exact method to aim your dish at a specific satellite and there's an easy way to do it. The exact way can get quite complex; given that it involves determining where the satellite is exactly located, relative to your house where I presume that you will be installing your satellite TV receiving system. It involves factors such as latitude, longitude and azimuth (the angle of the satellite relative to your location). Let's go for the easy way. Bring your entire satellite system outside your house as well as a small TV set if you have one. If not, borrow one; otherwise, you'll need an assistant who will stay inside the house by the TV and be in a position to hear what you are saying and vice-versa. Let's assume that you have a small TV and that you live north of the equator. You must now hookup all the components correctly which basically involves (i) connecting the cable from the satellite dish antenna to the satellite receiver and then connecting the satellite receiver to the TV. This is where you have to really read the manual carefully, especially the part where you connect the satellite receiver to the TV. I say this, because, there are so many different types of TVs on the market, with each one having various options in terms of where you can connect the cable or cables from a satellite receiver to. At this point, we're not interested in other auxiliary components such as DVD players and the like. Our goal is to position the dish correctly; then maintain that position. Afterwards, once the dish has been properly aimed and installed, you can tackle the auxiliary components. Ensure that you are using an electrical power baroutside to plug in the receiver and TV and don't even attempt this if it's raining or about to rain. Once you have connected the components as per the user manual, you then turn the receiver and TV on and should be able to see the receiver's Signal Strength Meter on your TV. The signal strength meter's appearance and functionality may vary based upon your receiver model. This information can usually be found when you access INFO on your receiver's remote control, or SELECT/Installation. Note: In all cases, there cannot be any obstruction such as a building, tree, etc., between the satellite and your satellite dish. In some cases, a neighbor may have a satellite dish installed which should give you a pretty good idea where to start aiming your dish. With your dish antenna facing south, you can now start to slowly sweep the southern sky starting at about a 45 degree angle and keep adjusting the angle until the Signal Meter shows some movement. Now it's easy: first find the optimum vertical position and lock it in, then find the optimum horizontal position and lock it in. You've done it!
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Many people in America today live in areas which are not covered by any cable or DSL broadband internet providers. This is often the case in rural communities which are often overlooked by many internet companies due to their low population. Residents of these area are normally left with only slow and unreliable dial up internet service, which can make even regular everyday use of the internet painfully slow.
However, there is an alternative option for those not living within the service areas of broadband internet providers. There are a few satellite providers in the United States which offer high speed internet access through a simple satellite connection. In most cases, all you need is a dish and a satellite modem to get connected.
Satellite internet works by retrieving information from satellites that orbit the earth. The data is beamed down by the satellite into the dish and is then decoded by the modem who sends it to your computer.
Most satellite providers today offer a two way connection which means that data is both uploaded and downloaded by using only the satellite dish. Some companies offer a one way connection that sends any data downloaded from the internet to the satellite dish, but requires you to maintain an active dial up connection to upload or send information from your computer. While usually less expensive, a one way connection can make certain applications which rely on sending data from your computer quite slow, as you would be limited to the speed of a 56k modem for uploads.
While internet access from satellite providers is more expensive and offers slightly lower speeds than other types of broadband connections, it still remains the only way to get high speed internet for millions of people across the country. As it does not rely on cables to provide the connection however, it is a very reliable way to access the internet and as the numbers of subscribers grow, it can help eventually push the prices down to make it more affordable for everyone.
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form_title=Satellite Dish System Repair form_header=Need your satellite dish repaired? We'll help match you with an experienced satellite dish system contractor in your area. Why do you need your satellite dish repaired?*= [] Audio cracks [] Poor reception [] No signal on any station [] Receive some channels [] Rain affects signal [] Problems are intermittent [] Other How many dishes or receivers do you have?*= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 10 or more} When would you like this service request to be completed?*= {Within 1 week, 1 to 2 weeks, Longer than 2 weeks, Timing is flexible} What problem(s) are you experiencing with your satellite dish system?*= _Please Explain[100]
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Satellite TV remains one of the most relevant sources of television for many Americans today. Despite many of the technologically advanced forms of television available today, many people use satellite TV because of its reputation and widespread availability. There are three main providers of satellite TV in America, and each of them succeeds in furthering this reputation.
DIRECT TVWhenever someone mentions the words satellite TV today, many people often think of Direct TV. It has become the cornerstone of the market because of its great prices, the number of channels available, its HD service and its widespread adoption and popularity compared to competitors in the United States. Also, the end results of popular ad campaigns in recent years have aided this cause.
For the best possible deals, flexibility and pricing for satellite TV look into Direct TV. DISH NetworkAlthough the market is clearly dominated by DIRECT TV, DISH Network is also a great option for those in areas lacking DIRECT TV, those who want an alternative to DIRECT TV and those looking for a cheap and competitive option to DIRECT TV. DISH Network is well-known for its promotion of freebies and other goodies to new customers.
DISH Network is a competitive option for anyone looking for a service other than DIRECT TV. It offers comparable deals and services and is usually generous with new customer incentives. Sky AngelSky Angel is one of the best local options for anyone looking for satellite TV in an area where other providers are nonexistent. Despite its lack of influence and channel availability, Sky Angel provides satellite TV at great prices, in many cases cheaper than other competitors in the market. Also, because of its Christian base, the company is ideal for anyone in that market and interest group.
For many Christians and people in smaller areas, Sky Angel is an excellent satellite TV option. With lower prices and decent channel offerings, it is great for basic TV watching.Despite its decline in popularity in recent years, satellite TV has remained important and relevant to the lives of many Americans today. There are many affordable options that bring great value at great prices for people across the country.
1 answer
Hyy here the best satellite TV and internet provider with the best programming technology at unbeatable price with coupons and they're experts and they work with Yazing so you can trust them you can call them anytime anywhere
htt ps://yazing .com/deals//NyiNyiTun (this is url so before use erase the espace between it)
3 answers
Satellite-mounted sensors in oceanography are used to collect data on various parameters, such as sea surface temperature, ocean color, and sea level. These sensors, placed on satellites orbiting the Earth, provide a global view of the oceans and help scientists monitor changes in oceanographic conditions over time. The data collected from these sensors is valuable for understanding ocean ecosystems, climate patterns, and for forecasting weather events.
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One of the many ways to receive television channels is by satellite. However, they don't just come automatically to any television. Certain equipment is needed to receive and decode the signals. Setting up satellite tv can be done a variety of ways.
Sometimes when you sign up for a satellite tv subscription, the company will offer a promotion for free installation of the equipment. This can be very convenient and save the buyer time. It also ensures that everything is properly done, and will work when finished.
A professional doesn't have to do the work, however. The buying individual can accomplish the installation, if they are handy and have a decent knowledge of what to do. It may take more time, but will save money.
The satellite dish needs to be placed somewhere outside the building so that it can receive signals from the sky. Obviously, a high position would be best for this. However, some people have them on the ground, but pointed out where there are no obstructions such as trees or buildings.
If the dish is placed in a higher location, it needs to remain accessible. Reasons for this include repairs, or brushing off snow in areas which receive such weather. Also do not place it near power lines, for safety.
The receiver is a box-like device, that is placed inside the building. It is connected with cables, to the television. It can also be connected to the phone line, for ordering pay-view programs, automatically paying the bill, and other services which require a link to a land line.
A long coax cable is also needed, attached to both the satellite dish and the receiver. Holes need to be drilled through walls of the building, and then sealed with silicon to prevent leaks, debris, and even things such as insects and small animals from getting through.
Most people think that satellite tv is a better picture and sound quality than conventional television. This is usually true, though some factors can alter the signal. Water reflects signals, and snow is the most troublesome as it is 'solid'. Rain usually does not interfere with signals, unless it is a very heavy rain which comes in 'sheets'.
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Satellite dishes differ vastly in price, depending on whether you want a do-it-yourself version or you prefer a qualified installer. If you are going to do-it-yourself make sure that you purchase from a reputable company. Do you homework and use your local phone book or newspaper to find suppliers. Give them a call and ask for their advice before you buy. If you prefer a qualified installer, again make sure you find a reputable one, either from recommendation or by using your local phone book or newspaper, as prices vary greatly and you don't want to be ripped off.
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Everyone is looking for better value and to save a few dollars on their television service. One way to do this is by using a Satellite Television Provider instead of a local cable company.
Unlike local telephone or Internet service, everyone who can see the sky and can mount a small satellite dish on their roof has access to a dizzying array of television choices. High definition programming, cultural programming, news and local channels in most markets are available.
The major components of a satellite television provider service are the dish itself, the LNB that connects to the dish that receives the signals reflected by the dish and the wiring. Depending on the service ordered, an LNB can have multiple cable connections and require specialized hardware for the cabling to junction at. This is the case for high definition television service and access to multicultural television programming which are broadcasted from more than one satellite, thus the specialized hardware.
One way to save money with satellite is by agreeing to an annual contract for service.By doing this, the television consumer receives free installation and free hardware such as receivers and digital video recorders. Having professional installation with a guarantee is a wise way to have the equipment installed, as an out of alignment dish, by only a few tenths of a degree, can make the service more likely to be affected by storm clouds and other inclement weather.
Also, watch the timing of the satellite hardware signup.Service providers conduct promotional offers from time to time to entice new customers to sign up. A common time for this to happen is around the holidays and during income tax refund time. Often times they will post discount coupons online as part or separate from these time sensitive promotions.
Finally, be Wary of up sell PackagesSatellite Television Provider sales people are taught to up sell customers up on the programming packages they subscribe to. Through teaser introductory package prices and lumping 100 channels into “only” $12.99 more sales pitches, they push to squeeze every penny out of new and existing customers. Be wary and resist the urge to do this.
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Most of the people reading this are probably too young to remember, but twenty years ago, if a prosperous family had satellite TV, it meant that there was currently a dish the size of a hot tub residing in the backyard. Early satellite dishes literally pulled the signals off satellites without benefit of stylized, easy to access program guides and customer service departments like Dish or DirecTV subscribers have today. Still, it was neat to watch soccer games from Brazil or game shows any time of the day - both rather commonplace in today's market.
The early satellite boom gave way to a new delivery system for cable television. The small, unobtrusive dishes that are now installed on rooftops all over the world have become a mainstay of television enjoyment. So, too, are the new DVR boxes - three times the size of a small cable box - capable of recording and storing hundreds of hours of high definition, glorious Technicolor programming.
Pay-Per-View entertainment is not a new concept, but the evolution of it is fascinating. Once reserved for the special delivery of event television - usually a hugely anticipated boxing or wrestling match that would be cause for a huge party built around the event - Pay-Per-View is now an every-day occasion purchase. Movies that were in theaters a few short weeks ago are being delivered to state of the art flat screen television's in glorious high-def - making a costly trip to the movies seem like a silly investment when the whole family can gather around the satellite cable TV for a fraction of the cost.
Combine this sort of family friendly programming with the power of a DVR box - watch your favorite shows whenever you want, skipping over the commercials as you see fit - and satellite cable becomes more and more attractive.
It is also being offered at a competitive price. Most cable companies do not charge significantly less than their satellite competition, and in many cases, actually cost more, unless you invest in a bundle deal that includes a land line and internet connection. Satellite cable companies have low introductory offers that are sometimes good for up to a full year of service, with additional savings possible if the consumer is willing to sign a contract with the provider.
With this high level of recreation activity, at a reasonable cost, the future of entertainment looks clear.
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Typically, they use frequencies in the C- (3.4 to 6.7 GHz) or Ku- (12 to 18 GHz) bands.
Newer technologies are being developed for the Ka-band (18 to 40 GHz)
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There are many avenues for finding quality and cheap patio furniture. Stores like Lowes and Home Depot have yearly sales where furniture is deeply discounted. Websites like nd also provide discounted furniture.
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>Back in the 50’s and 60’s, to receive television reception, most families had big antennas towering 20 feet or more into the sky, attached to their homes. To pick up a clear signal, they often had to be rotated, especially in bad weather. You were forced to do these things in order to participate in our civilization’s newest leisure activity. Sadly, an untold number of people met an untimely demise when allowing these metal monstrosities to contact live electric wires.
Thank goodness for the arrival of the satellite for t.v. era. Whether this evokes in your mind’s eye, the big 8 foot Goliaths that marred our landscape in day’s past, or the small mini-dishes of today, you have to admit that satellite for t.v. has definitely broadened our horizons. When it comes to extraordinary options for viewable content on the tube, satellite for t.v. is the premiere provider available today.
With technological advances moving at the speed of light, what will tomorrow bring us from satellite for t.v.? Most likely, we will not need any type of outside dish. Perhaps our televisions will have microwave receivers built-in. Looking farther into our future, we may just attach a few electrodes to our skulls, permitting the electronic stimuli to mesh with our brain waves, allowing us to not only experience a full 3D effect, but to feel a full range of physical reactions as well. On second thought, that may require a body suit, or some sort of super chair.
In reality, the great majority of us have become a society of couch potatoes, with all the concomitant health problems. How would it be if, somewhere down the road, the satellite for t.v. providers offered us, not only entertainment we can feel, but that would burn mega-calories in the process. By simply hooking-up, and watching the Boston Marathon, we’d undergo the same physiological processes realized by the runners. Of course, during this event, most of us would need to have our bodies monitored by emergency response personnel. Anything is possible, right? We don’t appear to have much choice, unless its to remain stagnant, but to open our minds and arms, and embrace the future.
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Home satellite services and cable companies take their programming off of satellites. That being said, the cable companies may receive their programming from different satellites located in orbit at different locations. That's what the cable company's `head end' has an array of receiving dishes at their site. Then they combine the signals and send it through wire cables to the receivers in your home.
With satellite TV, they too receive their programming of of the various satellites, but then return it up to their own satellites where they then directly retransmit the channels back down to you.
If you've ever seen a cable company's earth station (head end) you'll also notice that they have much larger dishes for reception than those who own home satellite set-ups. Their dishes need to be at least 5 meters across and sometimes, quite larger (for C-band systems as compared to the Ku-band systems) whereas a home receiving dish will be approximately 18" in diameter.
The larger dish of course, at the cable company, captures more of the satellites signal. The advantages of this is that in heavy rain or snow conditions, they're still able to receive the information and provide a video signal. With the smaller dishes, they're prone to having the signals blocked by heavy rain or snow and consequently, you could lose some, if not all of your signal. This fortunately has been corrected to some extent by satellites that retransmit with higher power than say, 10 years ago. The downtime due to heavy weather is minimal though, and averages probably less than one or two percent per year, on average.
I've had cable, DirecTV and Dish network, and the interruptions to weather aren't that significant here in the midwest. Do I prefer it over cable? Yes. Mainly because cable systems can be noisy at times because of poor connections and aging cables. Of course, that impacts the digital signals a lot less than the analog signals and soon it'll be a moot point.
What it really comes down to, is in the selection of the availability programming and fees. Used to be that cable offered one or two HBO options for around 10-11 dollars a month. Satellite systems offered the complete HBO lineup for the same amount (I think it was around 7 available channels at the time) for the same amount. That may have changed, so I can't make that claim any longer.
Satellite seems to be a few dollars less expensive than cable, too. And I'm happy to report, that out of the last 15 years I've been on satellite, I've never had to call the company to have them come out and fix anything.
A lot of the choices you'll make will probably be depending on program options, price and availability. There are some situations where satellite systems will not work because the dish has to point to the southern sky. If buildings, trees or other obstructions are in the way, your only choice may be cable.
Whatever you do, before you buy, do your research. Take the time to visit the various web pages of the satellite providers as well as the cable company. Do some comparison shopping and choose what you like best.
Here is a website that I used to compare. Its pretty objective and compares Satellite to cable as well as lists some providers for both services.
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The ozone layer is a region in the stratosphere where ozone concentration is highest, playing a key role in protecting Earth from harmful UV radiation. Holes in the ozone layer, such as the well-known Antarctic ozone hole, refer to areas of significant ozone depletion due to human-produced chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Monitoring these holes helps assess the effectiveness of international agreements like the Montreal Protocol in reducing ozone-depleting substances.
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Intelsat 9 is in geostationary orbit 35,794km above the equator at orbital location 58 West (58 degrees west longitude).
On the Earth's surface, this is above a mountainous rainforest in northern Brazil, about 400km NNE of Manaus, Brazil, and about 150km south of the Guyana border.
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In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, reconnaissance photographs taken by a high-altitude U-2 spy plane showed that Soviet missiles were being constructed in Cuba and aimed at the United States.
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True. Satellites are launched into space to explore other celestial bodies in our solar system, such as planets, moons, and objects in the outer solar system. They collect data and images that help scientists better understand these distant worlds.
2 answers
land satellite
sea satellite
communication satellite
weather satellite and
spy satellite
1 answer