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NOTE: Please keep in mind that the words "Ritual Abuse" do not usually refer to 'Satanic Ritual Abuse'. Or in other words, "Ritual Abuse" usually refers to somebody abused for any religion other than Satanism. Any form of Satanic Ritual Abuse that might have taken place is always (and should always) be termed under Satanic Ritual Abuse or SRA for short. Also please be especially careful when examining any facts or figures and make sure that they are being applied to Satanic Ritual Abuse or SRA and not 'Ritual abuse' or 'RA'.

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is a subset of Ritual Abuse (RA).

Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of these horrific crimes against children and adults.

Ritual abuse is defined in the Dictionary of Psychology as "A method of control of people of all ages consisting of physical, sexual, and psychological mistreatment through the use of rituals" (Corsini, 1999, p. 848).

Young, Sacks, Braun & Watkins (1991) use the term "satanic ritual abuse" to describe ritual abuse associated with satanic worship. Becker and Fröhling (1998) caution that (1) a ritual can be staged to make a victim believe that the ideological background is real, i.e., a child is made to think she has murdered a baby as a sacrifice to Satan or another deity, (2) that whether or not a ritual is staged, the victim is bound into the real or faked belief system of the perpetrator(s).

Bottoms, Shaver and Goodman in their 1993 study to evaluate ritual abuse claims found that in 2,292 alleged ritual abuse cases, 15% of the perpetrators in adult cases and 30% of the perpetrators in child cases confessed to the abuse.

Ritual Abuse: A Review of Research" by Kathleen Coulborn Faller (1994) In a survey of 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association, it was found that 30 percent of these professionals had seen cases of ritual or religion-related abuse (Bottoms, Shaver & Goodman, 1991). Of those psychologists who have seen cases of ritual abuse, 93 percent believed that the reported harm took place and 93 percent believed that the alleged ritualism occurred.

from the Extreme abuse survey : I was ritually abused in a satanic cult - 986 respondents (55%)

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) was a craze that swept through the globe during the 80's. Literally millions off allegations were made concerning people (usually women and children) being involved in some sort of ritual abuse - this abuse ranged from rape, to mutilations, right through to murder. Out of all these reported cases not one single authentic Satanic Ritual Abuse was subsequently proven.

It seems that panic stemmed from "reports from children and adults using therapeutic and questioning techniques now considered illegitimate".

"Despite allegations appearing in the United States, Holland, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia, no material evidence has been found to corroborate allegations of organized cult-based abuse that practices human sacrifice and cannibalism."

"Two investigations were carried out to assess the evidence for Satanic Ritual Abuse. In the United States, evidence was reported but was based on a flawed methodology with an overly liberal definition of a substantiated case. In the United Kingdom, a government report produced no evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse, but several examples of false satanists faking rituals to frighten their victims."

"With both children and adults, no corroborating evidence has been found for anything except pseudosatanism in which the satanic and ritual aspects were secondary to and used as a cover for sexual abuse."

"Official investigations produced no evidence of conspiracies or the slaughter of thousands of babies and children in bloody sacrifices"

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Every symbol man came up with for satanic rituals can be considered satanic. But the main idea is that symbols are just symbols and the symbol itself is not satanic unless and until someone uses it for a satanic ritual and evil purpose!

1 answer

James Randall Noblitt has written:

'Ritual abuse in the twenty-first century' -- subject(s): Ritual abuse victims, Occult crime, Ritual abuse, Multiple personality

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magnify glass

Artificial Demonic Possesion, or ADP for short.

1 answer

  • Satanic ritual offenses
  • school violence
  • sedition
  • serial killing
  • serial rape
  • sex trafficking
  • sexual assault
  • shoplifting
  • slashing
  • slaying
  • smuggling
  • solicitation
  • stabbing
  • stalking
  • statutory rape
  • stealing
  • substance abuse
  • suicide

1 answer

Hell Minus One is Anne Johnson Davis' story of being put through satanic ritual abuse as a child. Some of Anne's story have been backed by the verbal and written confessions of her stepfather and mother.

Anne describes being sexually abused, tortured and forced to hurt her siblings in satanic rituals from the ages of 3 to 17. She recovered her memories of abuse outside of therapy in her 30's.

Her mother and stepfather confessed to Matt Jacobson a Lieutenant Detective in the Utah State Attorney General's Office and his partner Mike King.

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The remaining units are burned during a store-wide satanic ritual.

1 answer

George Bijur has written:

'Wine with long noses' -- subject(s): Wine and wine making, Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, History

'Wines with long noses'

2 answers

Extreme abuse is a form of severe abuse perpetrated on children and adolescents that may include forms of ritual abuse and mind control. This abuse may be perpetrated by cults or other organized groups. These groups may have an ideological basis for these forms of abuse.

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The 1975 film "Race With The Devil" starring Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Loretta Switt and Lara Parker was about two couples camping in a Winnebago who stumble onto a satanic ritual and are then chased for the rest of the film.

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Never attempt to summon a demon(you will regret it)Vampires are not real.They are just horror fantasy. one of the most foolish ways to become a vampire never atempt to mess with deomic forces the payments are always to high for it to be worth it

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No they not Satanic

1 answer

No Dethklok is not Satanic.

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No. not satanic!

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No, they are not Satanic.

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No, the Death Bat is not satanic. It is often mistaken as satanic by people, mostly Christians, but it is not.

2 answers

needs more cowbell, thx but it makes NO SENSE! Please, can anybody answer this question before friday night? actually, before friday at 2:50p.m.?

1 answer

Nope, they aren't satanic.

2 answers

Ritual abuse is methodical. It often times uses indoctrination. This is meant to break the will of someone else. Ritual abuse may be defined as abuse repeated over an long amount of time. It may include severe physical abuse and sometimes torture and killing. It may include sexual abuse which is usually humiliating, painful and its intention may be to gaining dominance over the one abused. The psychological abuse involved can be devastating and uses ritual indoctrination. Mind control techniques are used which cause strong terror in the victim of the cult members. Most victims suffers from terror and dissociation.


The above answer is very accurate and coves alot of ground. I am just going to add a little more information. This type of abuse can occur in cults. These cults vary in size and what kind of ritual abuse they do. There usually is a high priest/priestess that is the leader of this type of cult. These type of cults can be quite violent and extremely dangerous. Also these cults can be trans-generational which means they can be passed on from one generation to another. These types of cults do exist but not is much known about how widespread the these cults are? Where they are located? How they operate? What type of people join these groups? etc...

2 answers

NOOOOOO they aren't satanic

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The highest satanic holiday actually.

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No, a symmetrical scar is not satanic.

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sean kingstone is not satanic

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The Maltese cross is not satanic.

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That depends on what one's goal is. Anton LaVey stated that the primary purpose was for them to act as an "intellectual decompression chamber". In other words to take situations and thoughts that are influencing you and using the rituals to express them. Each ritual listed has a specific purpose and result it is meant to bring about, such as gaining a desired sexual partner or destroying an enemy. The basic idea is that if one takes all of the thoughts and emotions assoiated with a given situation and then focuses them through ritual, then one can influence the given situation in a desirable way.

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yes,jeff hardy is satanic

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The answer to "Is X satanic?" is no for almost all X.

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The Satanic Bible was created in 1969.

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Satanic Messiah was created in 2008.

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Satanic Sanction was created in 1988.

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The Satanic Rituals was created in 1972.

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Satanic Curses was created in 2007.

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The Satanic Witch was created in 1971.

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The Satanic Verses was created in 1988.

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The ISBN of The Satanic Verses is 0670825379.

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Satanic Surfers ended in 2007.

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Satanic Warmaster was created in 1999.

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The word is satanic. It means extremely evil or wicked.

3 answers

No, their music is considered Gothic Metal, not Satanic.

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The Satanic Bible has 272 pages.

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The Satanic Rituals has 224 pages.

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Satanic Art was created in 1996-03.

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Richard Guilliatt has written:

'Talk of the devil' -- subject- s -: Recovered memory, False memory syndrome, Ritual abuse

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No, it is not Satanic. It is part of the traditional garb of the pope.

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No, none of Atreyu is satanic, regardless of the cover art.

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If by "satanic" you mean having an evil belief, then yes.

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Satanic Rites was created on 1983-12-04.

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