hermet crab?
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Yes because moon sand has many chemicles in it that are not yet introuduced to the crab. Something may happen to the hermit crab so it would be safe not to put the hermit crab in the moon sand, since scientist have not experimented it and found out for sure.
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Most likely a land hermit crab, but you should always check with the person that sold it to you.
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The sand crab can vary in size there is no standard measurement. Though traditionally the sand crab is very small and can be less than an inch high and one to two inches wide.
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A horseshoe crab's diet consists of clams, worms, algae and small organic matter and inverts in the sand.
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The crab was clapping and dancing .
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No! They love sand but you can only use coconut fiber or sand, i mix them together
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The depth of substrate in a hermit crab habitat should be deep enough that it covers your largest crab at least by 3x. It should be made using about 5 parts playsand and 1 part coconut fiber, moistened to a sand-castle making consistency.
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It will usually be molting for a month or two. It's important that you try to leave your crab alone when it's molting.
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Sand crabs are a very small type of crab. They mostly eat plankton and other organisms they filter out of the water.
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probably not. but, you can always use your hermit crab as a guinnea pig for the rest of civilization wondering the same thing, then report back to us!
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I think that the fish rock might be a little too hard for your hermit crab because he needs soft enough sand to be able to molt and when they molt their skin is sensitive so the fish rock will probably make him uncomfortable.
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Sea shells, sea glass, sand dollars, star fish, beach pebbles, drift wood, sand, crab shells, and shark teeth.
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Sand eels eat a variety of crustaceans including crab and shrimp. They are actually a species of small fish rather than an eel.
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For the most part, yes. You can use the most expensive type which comes in small bags at about $7 per bag called calcisand or normal play sand like you would use in a child's sandbox. If you have a sick hermit crab that needs extra calcium however, you may consider calcisand because the crabs gain calcium from this type of sand. Otherwise, either is just as good for a regular land hermit crab.
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it depends which one you like better. Sand is good for burrowing under, but coconut husk isn't as messy i think
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I suggest that you not use it because hermit crabs sand should be soft and moon sand can be clumped together. If the sand is clumped together the hermit crabs can't dig. The sand you choose is optional just make sure it DOESN'T have the following:
make sure it can't be clumped together
Make sure you get enough sand that is able to cover double the crab and its shell.
There is A LOT more things to learn about hermit crabs so do your homework and get as much info as possible!
Also make sure to bathe your crabs, here's how:
1. Fill up a bowl of room temp water( make sure the bowl is big enough to cover the crab fully
2.put 1 crab at a time in the water and let go of them when there at the bottom of the bowl.
3.When u see the crab come out(NOT to where you can see his tushie)(make sure it doesn't come fully out of his shell)so when u see the crab come out(not fully) gently take the crab out of the water and back into the tank
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Nothing really. It is probably molting or just trying to get some shade. Look up " What should you do when your hermit crab is molting? " for what to do when your hermit crab is molting. Or just type in " molting " to know what molting is.
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Merostomata, such as the horseshoe crab, reproduce by having the male fertilize the females eggs. The female horseshoe crab can lay up to 60,000 eggs at a time which she buries in the sand after they have been fertilized.
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There are many species of crab, shellfish, worms, yabbies etc that live in the sand and mud on beaches.
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Crabs because during the day the sand is too hot for the crabs to come out, so at night they come out of the water to search for food at night.
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Fear Factor - 2001 Rolling Flag Snag Sand Crab Panning Suspended Car Rotisserie 5-11 was released on:
USA: 11 October 2004
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No. No species of crab is a vertebrate. Vertebrates have a vertebral column (backbone) that is part of an internal skeleton. Crabs are crustaceans, and their skeleton covers the outside of their body, like plate armor - they have no backbone.
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A crab uses its claws for a variety of purposes, such as catching prey, defending itself from predators, communication, and for handling food. The claws are also used for grooming and digging burrows in the sand.
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No, they can't dig down to molt. You have to use coconut fiber/ husk and/or sand, my tank have mostly coconut fiber and a corner of sand, which they love
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It is nearly impossible to keep a sand crab alive in a domesticated setting as they rely on the actions of the tides and ocean minerals and microscopic organism for food and neither can be replicated in a tank.
Generally it's always a bad idea to bring animals home from the beach. Take him back and release him where you found him.
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My mom is a vet. and she said that nothing can be a suubsitute for sand when it comes to delicate creatures like that. They are used to beautiful tropical weather and NEED sand. If you get a different answer do not do it take it from a pro!!! This is important info people!!
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Yes, I've had this problem too. Lots of lotion and massaging worked well for me. My crabs loved to eat semen, it's very healthy and full of protein.
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Fiddler crabs can get calcium from their diet, which includes foods like algae, dried shrimp, and commercial crab foods. Some crab owners also provide access to cuttlebone or calcium supplements to support the molting process. It's essential to offer a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for a healthy molt.
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Yes, you could possibly drown it. Hermit crabs can only swim in an inch of water. That is unless your hermit crab is huge, it could go in 2 inches. I WOULDN'T RISK IT.
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The small holes in beach sand that are about the size of a half dollar and appear to be dug out are most likely made by sand crabs. Sand crabs are small crustaceans that burrow in the sand and create these holes as they dig for food and shelter.
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FLORIDA!!!! especially in Port St. Joe.... they're everywhere.... and just for the fun of it, i must state that ghost crabs live in the sand and in the ocean.... just like every other crab!!!! surprising...huh?
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