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"Sanchita" is a Sanskrit term that translates to "accumulated" or "collected." In Hindu philosophy, it refers to the accumulated karmas from past actions that a soul carries forward from previous lifetimes. This accumulated karma influences a person's current life experiences and future destinies.

2 answers

Sanchita Bhattyacharya was born in 1991.

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Sanchita Shetty was born in 1988.

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Sanchita Padukone was born on 1988-03-16.

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Mrs .sanchita sarkar

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Sanchita Basu Das has written:

'Road to recovery' -- subject(s): Singapore economic policy, Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, Financial crises

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'Sancha' is the feminine version of 'Sancho' (as in 'Sancho Panza', Dom Quixote's page), and is the short form of 'Alexandra'.

'Sanchita' is the diminutive of 'Sancha' and means 'little Sancha'. If 'Sancha' equals 'Sandy', 'Sanchita' might be, say, 'Sandikins'

It also has a broader meaning as 'the other woman', especially when, as here, used with 'la' ('the').

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The Catholic Church does not believe in karma.

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Karma in Tibetan is written as "ཀརྨ" which is pronounced as "karma".

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Karma to Burn - Karma to Burn album - was created on 1997-02-25.

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In Fallout 3 you can have either Very Good Karma (750-1000, Good Karma (749- 250, Neutral Karma (249- -249, Bad Karma (-250- -749) or Very Bad Karma

(-750- -1000). So Bad Karma would be the second worst Karma.

If you mean "What Is The Second Worst Karma Rank" as in the title for very bad Karma @ lvl 29; then it is Demon Spawn.

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Karma in Hinduism is also considered to be a spiritually originated law. Many Hindus see God's direct involvement in this process, while others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma. However, followers of Vedanta, the leading extant school of Hinduism today, consider Ishvara, a personal supreme God, as playing a role in the delivery of karma. Theistic schools of Hinduism such as Vedanta thus disagree with the Buddhist and Jain views and other Hindu views that karma is merely a law of cause and effect but rather is also dependent on the will of a personal supreme God. Examples of a personal supreme God include Shiva in Shaivism or Vishnu in Vaishnavism. A good summary of this theistic view of karma is expressed by the following: "God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve."

Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts. Karma means "deed" or "act" and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction that governs all life. The effects experienced are also able to be mitigated by actions and are not necessarily fated. That is to say, a particular action now is not binding to some particular, pre-determined future experience or reaction; it is not a simple, one-to-one correspondence of reward or punishment.

Karma is not fate, for humans act with free will creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response.

One of the first and most dramatic illustrations of karma can be found in the Bhagavad Gita. In this poem, Arjuna the protagonist is preparing for battle when he realizes that the enemy consists of members of his own family and decides not to fight. His charioteer, Krishna (an avatar of god), explains to Arjuna the concept of dharma (duty) among other things and makes him see that it is his duty to fight. The whole of the Bhagavad Gita within the Mahabharata, is a dialogue between these two on aspects of life including morality and a host of other philosophical themes. The original Hindu concept of karma was later enhanced by several other movements within the religion, most notably Vedanta, and Tantra.

According to Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, we produce Karma in four ways:

  • through thoughts
  • through words
  • through actions that we perform ourselves
  • through actions others do under our instructions

Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is Karma; as is also that which we think, speak or do this very moment. After death we lose Kriya Shakti (ability to act) and do karma. Actions performed consciously are weighted more heavily than those done unconsciously. But just as poison affects us if taken unknowingly, suffering caused unintentionally will also give appropriate karmic effect. We are in position to do something about our destiny by doing the right thing at the right time. Through positive actions, pure thoughts, prayer, mantra and meditation, we can resolve the influence of the karma in present life and turn the destiny for the better. A spiritual master knowing the sequence in which our Karma will bear fruit, can help us. As humans, we have the opportunity to speed up our spiritual progress with practice of good Karma. We produce negative karma because we lack knowledge and clarity.

Sri Tulsidas said: "Our destiny was shaped long before the body came into being."

Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds:

  • Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all Karmas in one life. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which has begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being experienced. Hence, it is the sum of one's past karmas - all actions (good and bad) that follow through from one's past life to the next.
  • Prarabdha Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has "ripened" and appears as a particular problem in the present life.
  • Kriyamana is everything that we produce in current life. All kriyamana karmas flow in to sanchita karma and consequently shape our future.

In this way, so long as the stock of sanchita karmalasts, a part of it continues to be taken out as prarabdha karma for being experienced in one lifetime, leading to the cycle of birth and death. A Jiva cannot attain moksha until the accumulated sanchita karmas are completely exhausted.

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the antonym of karma is conshents

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Hinduism has no special symbol for 'karma'. However, in buddhism, the 'wheel' is the symbol of karma.

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Sun Karma is 5' 8".

2 answers

no there is not a symbol for karma see if you look in the social studies textbook there will not be a symbol for karma.

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Karma Camille's birth name is Shelley Ann Hiserote.

2 answers

Karma applies to all human beings who are born on earth. We create Karma; we live and die as per our Karma and then we are reborn. Everything that is born, animals, insects, even plants, they are Bhoktas, they are experiencers of past Karma. But only human beings create new Karma. Therefore, Karma applies to human beings in terms of creating Karma, but it applies to all living creatures in terms of redemption. The only way to escape Karma is through the realization that we are not the body that is suffering the Karma, not even the mind and ego that is creating the Karma, we are the Divine Soul. Then we are liberated from all Karma and we are free from the cycle of death and rebirth.

2 answers

Desert loving in your eyes all the way

If I listen to your lies would you say

I'm a man without conviction

I'm a man who doesn't know

How to sell a contradiction

You come and go, you come and go

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

You come and go, you come and go

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream

Red gold and green, red gold and green

Didn't hear your wicked words everyday

And you used to be so sweet, I heard you say

That my love was an addiction

When we cling our love is strong

When you go you're gone forever

You string along, you string along

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

You come and go, you come and go

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream

Red gold and green, red gold and green

Every day is like survival

You're my lover, not my rival

Every day is like survival

You're my lover, not my rival

I'm a man without conviction

I'm a man who doesn't know

How to sell a contradiction

You come and go, you come and go

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

You come and go, you come and go

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream

Red gold and green, red gold and green

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

You come and go, you come and go

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream

Red gold and green, red gold and green

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

You come and go, you come and go

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream

Red gold and green, red gold and green

Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon

1 answer

karma theory where no transfer of BAD AND GOOD karma. BAD karma has punishment and GOOD karma has reward.But KARMA DONE IN WITHNESS OF SOUL MEANS AFTER ENLIGHTEN HAS NO FRUIT ,BAD OR GOOD.

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Karma is nowhere in the Bible. Karma is a Hindu concept and not a Christian or Biblical concept.

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karma theory where no transfer of BAD AND GOOD karma. BAD karma has punishment and GOOD karma has reward.But KARMA DONE IN WITHNESS OF SOUL MEANS AFTER ENLIGHTEN HAS NO FRUIT ,BAD OR GOOD.

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Yes,they do believe in karma!

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Dharma Karma was created in 1997.

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The word 'karma' is a noun.

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karma is not a myth it is real

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The cast of The Apartment - 2010 includes: Sanchita Sitaula as Girl Supath Sitaula as Guy

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The cast of Siski - 2009 includes: Sanchita Das as Saima Sudhir Raut as Tahir

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The cast of Apsara - 2000 includes: Sanchita Luitel Bipana Thapa Ramesh Uprety

1 answer

No Karma doesn't exist


Answer to question:

Good karma: Helping out someone (making them happy, charity, etc.)

Bad karma: Back talking someone, or being rude in general.

1 answer

The Soul does not accumulate Karma. Karma is accumulated by ME, the Mind and the Ego. The body dies, it finishes its Karmic journey but the Mind and Ego is reborn in a new body based on its Karma. Then the accumulated Karma keeps on adding in a new life. Every new life is a new chapter where Karma is concerned and we keep on accumulating Karma, not because of the Soul, not even because of the body, although the body is an instrument to create the Karma. The one who accumulates Karma is the Mind and Ego, called ME. Therefore, we should not confuse it with the Soul. The Soul is the power, it is the Spirit, the Atman that gives us life. It is not responsible for our Karma.

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Karma means your deeds in that life. Depending on karma your next birth is decided.

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First get the karma relic that you unlock in about level 30 each day you get 25 karma that means you get 6,625 karma in a year! Jayden Rhee

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Karma Cola was created in 1979.

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Dharma Karma was created in 1997.

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Crash Karma was created in 2009.

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Karma to Burn was created in 1997.

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Karma Tensung died in 1611.

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Nemoe Karma was created in 1931.

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Karma Tenkyong died in 1642.

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Karma Tenkyong was born in 1606.

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Lords of Karma was created in 1980.

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Lords of Karma happened in 1980.

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Filep Karma was born in 1959.

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Karma Cleansing was created in 1997.

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Kentucky Karma was created in 2005.

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Karma Lingpa was born in 1350.

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