The Teutonic Knights were (as far as knights go) not evil. They were actually the only order of Knights that would spare the lives of captured prisoners. They were actually founded for the same reason as the Knights Hospitaller, to tend the wounded. Just because they are German does not mean they are evil!
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Anton Quintano has written:
'The Maltese-Hospitaller sailing ship squadron' -- subject(s): History, Knights of Malta, Navies
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There were monastic orders of men who took such vows. They included the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, and Teutonic Knights, and possibly others. The crusaders were rather like this also, but they were not necessarily under vows.
There are links below.
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Yes. Many religious figures accompanied a crusade - after all, it was a holy undertaking. Everything from Bishops to accompany Kings to priests and monks. There were also religious military orders, such as the most famous two - the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller
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The patron saints of knights are:
•James the Greater
•Julian the Hospitaller
•Michael the Archangel
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The patron saints of knights are:
•James the Greater
•Julian the Hospitaller
•Michael the Archangel
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Yes. The Knights Templar were Germanic, the originated as a Christian religious order of Knights who fought in the Crusades and they were originally from the Western portion of Germany near the Rhine river. Towards the end to after the crusades, a few of the members of the Knights Templar moved into France, and expanded the order to France. The Knights Templar originated from the Teutonic order of Knights, and the Knights Hospitaller who were both famous, yet powerful, Christian groups who were from Germany. The Knights Templar still are around today but are referred to as just "Templars" or "Free Masons."
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The Knights of Malta or Knights Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem were a western military order during the Middle Ages. Founded in 1099 in Jerusalem. It is the worlds oldest surviving chivalric order. Headquarters in Palazzo Malta in Rome. The motto is Protecting the Roman Catholic Church and serving those in need.
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In medieval times, knights were often under the command of a king or noble lord who would grant them land, titles, and privileges in exchange for their loyalty and military service. They would also follow a code of chivalry and could be part of a larger knightly order, such as the Knights Templar or the Knights Hospitaller.
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The Knights Hospitaller were originally based in Jerusalem in the 12th century. After the loss of Jerusalem, they moved their headquarters to various locations including Cyprus, Rhodes, and eventually Malta.
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Anthony Luttrell has written:
'The Hospitaller state on Rhodes and its western provinces, 1306-1462' -- subject(s): History, History, Military, Hospitalers, Knights of Malta, Military History
'The Making of Christian Malta'
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Charles Savona-Ventura has written:
'Knight hospitaller medicine in Malta' -- subject- s -: History, History of Medicine, History, 16th Century, History, 17th Century, History, 18th Century, Knights of Malta, Medicine
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I think you mean Knights Hospitaller. They were a Christian organization that began as an Amalfitan hospital founded in Jerusalem in approximately 1080 to provide care for poor, sick or injured pilgrims to the Holy Land. After the Western Christian conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 during the First Crusade, it became a religious/military order under its own charter, and was charged with the care and defence of the Holy Land.
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(1 pt) Christian knights
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His correct Russian name is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Pyotr is frequently "Europeanised" to Peter. The Patronymic "Ilyich" is a Russian tradition indicating that he is the son of "Ilya".
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They where also Italin, Spanish, French, German, Latvian and Russian. :3
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Michael Wachtel has written:
'The Development of Russian Verse' -- subject- s -: Russian poetry, History and criticism, Russian language, Versification
'Russian symbolism and literary tradition' -- subject- s -: Influence, Symbolism - Literary movement -, Criticism and interpretation
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they sing this: goopla goopla goopla
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The tradition is that they found certain artifacts and religious knowledge during the crusades and organized themselves and their descendants to protect it all. It may be more myth and legend than history, but the tales persist.
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By Russian tradition, Halloween has been just a day in an Orthodox Church Calendar, and it is not celebrated like in USA.
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Drink 12 cans of vodka and kill one their friends!!
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the is actually no tradition that the boogieman comes with santa
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The value of absurdity and humor in Russian culture is reflected in The Nose. Gogol's satirical take on bureaucracy and societal norms reflects the Russian tradition of using wit and satire to critique the flaws of society. Additionally, the theme of identity and self-perception is a common thread in Russian literature and is present in the story as well.
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Tim Wallace-Murphy has written:
'The Knights of the Holy Grail'
'Hidden wisdom : secrets of the Western esoteric tradition '
'Hidden wisdom'
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Mongol rulers modeled absolute power for later Russian rulers. Ivan the Great started the autocrat style of ruling in Russia when he tried to limit the power of the boyars (great landowning nobles).
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Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol was born March 19, 1809 in Ukraine. He as a Russian humorist, dramatist and novelist. His book Myortvye sushi, translated as Dead Should, and his short story Shinel, translated as The Overcoat were the beginnings of the tradition of Russian realism in the 19th century. He died February 21, 1852 in Moscow.
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The Knights Templar were formed after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims who traveled the road between the seaport town of Jappa and Jerusalem - a distance of about 50 miles.
The Knights Hospitaller were formed to do as their name implies: they provided hospital services.
Both orders did fight in later Crusades, and both were military orders - just like the Teutonic Knights.
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The Battle of Arsuf was a battle that occured roughly halfway between Acre and Jerusalem, near the coast of the Mediterranean during the Third Crusade. The Crusaders, along with the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller and lead by RIchard the Lionheart, faced the Muslims under Saladin. The Battle was a triumph for the Crusading forces. Numbers on each side were roughly equal (20,000) although casualties weren't: approximately 700 Crusaders dead for approximately 7,000 Muslims dead, including 32 of their Emirs.
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You need to get the Black Knights because they are the strongest knights.
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Patrons of childless people or those wanting to conceive: Anne Line
Catherine of Genoa
Henry II
Julian the Hospitaller
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The anime series of Vampire Knight ended because they ran out of manga to use for more episodes. More manga has come out since then so this could possibly mean another season of Vampire Knight.
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That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.
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Ivan III began the tradition of using the title Czar or Tsar, a form of the word Caesar, that the Roman and Byzantine emperors used. Although he called himself Czar, it was Ivan IV who had himself crowned as Czar as the title for the Russian rulers.
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The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.
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There were ceremonies in which Knights kissed the cross, and this often happened when they became knights.
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Typical features of Russian culture include a rich tradition of literature, ballet, classical music, and visual arts. Russian cuisine often features hearty dishes like borscht, pelmeni, and blini. Hospitality is highly valued in Russian culture, with guests often being offered tea and snacks upon arrival. Matryoshka dolls and orthodox cathedrals are also iconic symbols of Russia.
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Father Frost is a popular Russian figure who symbolizes winter. He is often depicted as an elderly man with a long beard, dressed in a long blue or white coat lined with fur, and carrying a staff. He is typically associated with the Russian winter holiday tradition.
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"Malteser" can refer to a type of confectionery made by the Mars company, which consists of a malt-flavored nougat center coated in milk chocolate. It can also refer to a person who is a member of the order of the Knights of Malta, officially known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta.
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The medieval Knighthood Order came to existence after the during the first crusade in 1099, the Knights Hospitaller.
However, cavalry troops existed before then which somewhat fulfilled the role of the Knight, yet they may not have had the social and noble status of a Knight. The Normans during their campaign against the Saxons in England made use of mounted troops, it's reckoned that these were catalysts that led onto the knights.
During the Roman Empire's existence, they made use of Sarmatian cavalry in their campaigns, they were reowned for remarkable horseman ship. Some may call theses Knights, but they aren't the same Knights of the Medieval period.
After the first crusade, chivalric codes were righten for the Knight, it became a noble title and a respected position. Originally made for safe passage of Catholic pilgrims to the Holy Lands. This then branched out over Europe as the Western Kingdoms formed their own Knighthood Orders.
Holy Knights did exist as many were strong Catholic believers, however as time progressed in the Late Medieval period, commoners could train to become a Knight, most worked as mercenaries, looking to earn gold for their trade in warfare. These mercenary Knights were far from Holy.
Lady Knights, sadly women were never granted the title of Knight, it simply did not happen.
Joan of Arc may have been an exception, but she was no Knight and she was no warrior. Do not let books and films mislead you.
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