Hargrave Jennings has written:
'The Rosicrucians, their rites and mysteries'
'The rosicrucians'
1 answer
Max Heindel has written:
'The web of destiny' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'The Rosicrucian mysteries' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Teachings of an initiate' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Astro-diagnosis, a guide to healing' -- subject(s): Medical astrology, Astrology
'The message of the stars' -- subject(s): Astrology
'Gleanings of a mystic' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians, Imprints
'Freemasonry and Catholicism' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Book download'
1 answer
Magus Incognito is the author of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages," an encyclopedic volume on various mystical and esoteric topics. He is known for his insights into occultism, symbolism, and ancient wisdom teachings.
2 answers
Raymund Andrea has written:
'Mystic Way'
'The Technique of the disciple' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Them ystic path' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'La Voie mystque'
'The Way of the Heart'
'The Rosicrucian Path to Enlightenment'
'The technique of the master' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
1 answer
There is no universal verdict on the Rosicrucians being evil. The Rosicrucian Order is a mystical society that promotes spiritual development and knowledge. Like any group, individual beliefs and actions can vary, so it is important to assess each case independently.
2 answers
Harve Spencer Lewis has written:
'Rosicrucian questions and answers' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'The symbolic prophecy of the great pyramid' -- subject(s): Curiosa and miscellany, Pyramids, Rosicrucians
1 answer
The central symbol for Rosicrucians is the Rosy Cross, a combination of a rose and a cross. It symbolizes the union of spirit and matter, the divine and human, and the journey of the soul towards enlightenment and spiritual transformation. Rosicrucians believe that through contemplation of this symbol, one can unlock deeper spiritual truths and insights.
2 answers
A. Gadal has written:
'Sur le chemin du Saint-Graal' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
1 answer
George Winslow Plummer has written:
'Rosicrvcian symbology' -- subject(s): Symbolism, Rosicrucians
'The Voice of Science'
'A brief course in mediumship' -- subject(s): Spiritualism
'Rosicrucian manual for the instruction of postulants in the associate membership' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Master's Word'
'Masonic Obligations'
'Living Stones'
1 answer
Frederick Hockley has written:
'The Rosicrucian seer' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Early works to 1800, Occultism, Rosicrucians
1 answer
R. Kienast has written:
'Johann Valentin Andreae und die vier echten Rosenkreutzer-Schriften' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
1 answer
This could refer to any "cult" or secret society, notably the Freemasons (Freemasonry, Masonic Order) or the Rosicrucians (Rosicrucianism).
1 answer
Raymond Bernard has written:
'Meat Eating a Cause of Disease'
'The Secret Life of Jesus the Essene'
'Tierra Hueca, La'
'Le Bossu d'Amsterdam'
'The invisible empire' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Creation of the superman'
'Great Secret Count St Germain'
'The physiological enigma of woman' -- subject(s): Menstruation
'Flying Saucers from the Earth's Interior'
'Strange encounters' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
1 answer
Knowlege which tends to be secretive, obscure, available to the few initiated--
Examples--Gnostic Christianity, Kabbalism, Wicca, secret societies such as the Masons and Rosicrucians, Tantric yoga....
1 answer
Florentinus de Valentia has written:
'Rosa florescens' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians, Early works to 1800, Early works to 1900, Occultism
1 answer
Bernhard Joseph Schleiss has written:
'Der im Lichte der Wahrheit strahlende Rosenkreuzer' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians, Early works to 1800
1 answer
1 answer
Pensatia. has written:
'Vigil' -- subject(s): Society of Rosicrucians
'The high mountain' -- subject(s): Occultism
'The flame of white ; & The rose of life' -- subject(s): Occultism
'The lotus of wisdom' -- subject(s): Occultism
1 answer
The Rosicrucian Order had its traditional conception and birth in Egypt in the activities of the Great White Lodge. ( Refer to: 'Rosicrucian Questions and Answers' - H.Spencer Lewis; Published by The Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California) CRC
1 answer
S. L. MacGregor Mathers has written:
'The Tarot' -- subject(s): Tarot
'The Qabalistic Invocation Of Solomon'
'The Key Of Solomon Concerning The Arts - Pamphlet'
'Astral projection, ritual magic and alchemy' -- subject(s): Astral projection, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Magic, Occult sciences, Occultism, Rosicrucians
'The Kabbalah Unveiled'
'Kabbala denudata' -- subject(s): Cabala
'Ritual magic of the Golden Dawn' -- subject(s): Astral projection, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Magic, Occultism, Rosicrucians
'The Key Of Solomon Concerning The Experiment Of Invisibility And How To Perform It - Pamphlet'
1 answer
1. (in the 17th and 18th centuries) a person who belonged to a secret society laying claim to various forms of occult knowledge and power and professing esoteric principles of religion. 2. a member of any of several later or modern bodies or societies professing principles derived from or attributed to the earlier Rosicrucians, esp. of an organization (Rosicrucian Order or Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis) that is active in America. (Addendum FRC) The Rosicrucian Order has its traditional conception and birth in Egypt in the activities of the Great white Lodge. The reader is directed to the following references: Ahmose I ; Amenhotep I; Thutmose I; Thutmose III. Thutmose III has particular importance in the development of the present day Rosicrucian Order.
1 answer
Robert Fludd, "an Oxford esoteric philosopher and one of the leading Rosicrucians... He published his thoughts about human consciousness and its relationship to
the macrocosm of divine creation in his spellbinding book, Utriusque Cosmi (Of this World
and the Other), in 1617-19." (Warner, Marina. (2003) In the Mind's Eye: Thought-Pictures and Ethereal Presences)
Robert Fludd, also known as Robertus de Fluctibus(1574, Bearsted, Kent - September 8, 1637, London) was a prominent English Paracelsian physician, astrologer, and mystic. He was not a member of the Rosicrucians, as often alleged, but he defended their thoughts in the Apologia Compendiaria of 1616.[1]
(Wikipedia, accessed 23/09/2009)
1 answer
Elias Ashmole was the first known speculative mason he was an alchemist and was at art school with thre rosicrucians called moor Booker and lilly and they all formed the society of antiquarians but ashmoles library was burnt to the ground in 1679 along with his collection of medals but on his death he left a museum to the university of oxford.
1 answer
Christoph Besold has written:
'Christophori Besoldi, jcti. Operis politici variis digressionibus philologicis & juridicis illustrati editio nova' -- subject(s): Constitutional law, Monarchy, Political science, The State
'Signa temporvm' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians, Secret societies
1 answer
I. S. has written:
'Dreyerley Arcana an die hocherleucte und kunstreiche Herrn der philosophischen Fraternitet vom Rosen Creutz' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Velyka evropeis'ka viina' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918
'Clidamas, or The Sicilian tale. VVritten by I.S'
1 answer
G. E. Poesnecker has written:
'Chronic fatigue unmasked 2000' -- subject(s): Adrenal Insufficiency, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic, Naturopathy
'In search of health and happiness' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'It's only natural' -- subject(s): Clymer Health Clinic, Naturopathy
1 answer
Henry Grote Lewin is known for his book "The Fraternity of the Rosicrucians," which explores the history and spiritual teachings of the Rosicrucian Order. Lewin was an early 20th-century author who delved into esoteric topics and mystical traditions.
2 answers
John Heydon has written:
'The English physitians guide, or, A holy-guide, leading the way to know all things past, present and to come, to resolve all manner of questions' -- subject(s): Medicine, Early works to 1800
'Theomagia, or, The temple of wisdome' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Rosicrucians, Occultism, Early works to 1900, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric
'The Rosy Cross Unveiled'
'Advice to a daughter' -- subject(s): Young women, Early works to 1800, Conduct of life
'Eugenius Theodidactus, the prophetical trumpeter sounding an allarum to England' -- subject(s): Apocalyptic literature
'The wise-mans crown, or, The glory of the rosie-cross' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians, Early works to 1800, Alchemy, Occultism
'English Physician's Guide or a Holy Guide, Part 2'
1 answer
H. Spencer Lewis has written:
'Two Important Letters Answered By The Imperator'
'A Rosicrucian Biography Of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis - Pamphlet'
'Lemuria And Its People'
'The mystical life of Jesus' -- subject(s): Biography, Rosicrucian interpretations, Rosicrucians, Society of Rosicrucians
'The Great White Lodge'
'The Work Of The Higher Degrees - Pamphlet'
'Authentic And Complete History of the Ancient And Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis'
'Mental poisoning' -- subject(s): Mental suggestion
'American Rosae Crucis 1920'
'Rosicrucian Numerology And The Real System - Pamphlet'
'Mystic Triangle 1928'
'Rosicrucian Temple Lectures And Methods Of Instruction - Pamphlet'
'A Pilgrim's Journey to the East'
'Mystic Triangle 1925'
'The Complete Operating Manual Of The Rosicrucian Order Containing The Work, The Symbols And Other Matters'
'Winning $20 Million By Mystical Laws - Pamphlet'
'The symbolic prophecy of the Great pyramid' -- subject(s): Curiosa and miscellany, Pyramids, Rosicrucians, Miscellanea
'Mental poisoning' -- subject(s): Mental suggestion
'The Secret Doctrines of Jesus' -- subject(s): Rosicrucian interpretations
'If I But Dared'
'Love, Its Nature And Realization'
'God Spoke! - Pamphlet'
'Rosicrucian Principles for Home and Business'
'An Ancient Manuscript From India With Ritual For The Dawn - Pamphlet'
'The Cosmic Pilgrim'
'Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life'
1 answer
Boaventura has written:
'Iglesia popular'
'Por que a Igreja condenou o espiritismo' -- subject(s): Catholic Church and spiritualism, Spiritualism
'O ser do padre' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Clergy, Pastoral theology
'Igreja popular' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church and social problems
'The people's church' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Liberation theology, Socialism and Christianity
'A umbanda no Brasil' -- subject(s): Umbanda (Cult)
'O Rosacrucianismo no Brasil' -- subject(s): Society of Rosicrucians
1 answer
No one knows. Depending on who you believe the Rosicrucians either faded away around the turn of the 20th century (some sources say earlier) or they went so deeply underground that you will never find them again. Also there have, over the last couple hundred years or so, been a few dozen rosicrucian groups, all of which had their own sets of symbols, passwords and grips, of which no written record has ever surfaced.
Its entirely possible that the grips, like with the Masons, are not only decided by the lodge but change from time to time. So, there's probably never been one single grip.
1 answer
The Rose Cross is a symbol associated with Rosicrucianism, a philosophical and mystical movement. It represents the synthesis of alchemy, astrology, and Christian mysticism. The cross symbolizes spiritual balance and transformation, while the rose symbolizes divine love and enlightenment.
2 answers
1. (in the 17th and 18th centuries) a person who belonged to a secret society laying claim to various forms of occult knowledge and power and professing esoteric principles of religion. 2. a member of any of several later or modern bodies or societies professing principles derived from or attributed to the earlier Rosicrucians, esp. of an organization (Rosicrucian Order or Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis) that is active in America. (Addendum FRC) The Rosicrucian Order has its traditional conception and birth in Egypt in the activities of the Great white Lodge. The reader is directed to the following references: Ahmose I ; Amenhotep I; Thutmose I; Thutmose III. Thutmose III has particular importance in the development of the present day Rosicrucian Order.
1 answer
Maurice Magre was a French author who wrote novels, poetry, and essays. Some of his notable works include "Magicians, Seers, and Mystics" and "The Secret World." Magre was known for his exploration of mysticism, spirituality, and the occult in his writings.
2 answers
Gnome \Gnome\, n. [F. gnome, prob. fr. Gr. gnw`mon one that knows, a guardian, i. e., of the treasures in the inner parts of the earth, or fr. ? intelligence, both fr. gnw^nai, gignw^skein, to know. See Know.]
1. An imaginary being, supposed by the Rosicrucians to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardian of mines, quarries, etc. 2. A dwarf; a goblin; a person of small stature or misshapen features, or of strange appearance. 3. (Zo["o]l.) A small owl (Glaucidium gnoma) of the Western United States. 4. [Gr. ?.]
A brief reflection or maxim. --Peacham. Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
1 answer
Gnostocism flourished during the early years of Christianity and, in the view of some scholars, may have accounted for around half the Christian population. What was to become the dominant branch of Christianity, Catholic-Orthodox, persecuted Gnosticism out of existence in western Europe, although it continued in eastern Europe. The Cathars were a sect with strong Gnostic influences that re-established a presence in southern France in the twelfth century, but was once again eliminated by the Catholic Inquisition.
Modern Cathars claim to be survivors of that purge and to maintain original Cathar beliefs.
The Rosicrucians are a legendary and secretive order that appears to have been founded in the 15th century, the 17th century or perhaps the 18th century. While it probably can not be described as genuinely Gnostic, it does claim some Gnostic influence.
1 answer
Michael Maier has written:
'Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Crosse (Themis aurea)' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Examen fvcorvm psevdo-chymicorvm detectorvm et in gratiam veritatis amantium succincte refutatorum' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Examen fvcorvm psevdo-Chymicorvm' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Alchemy, Chemistry
'Silentium post clamores, hoch ist, Tractatus aplogeticus' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'Michaelis Majeri Viatorivm, hoc est, De montibvs planetarvm septem seu metallorum' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Symbola avreae mensae dvodecim nationvm' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Atalanta fvgiens' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Emblems, Chemistry, Alchemy
'Lvsvs serivs' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Examen fvcorvm psevdo-chymicorvm detectorvm et in gratiam veritatis amantium succincte refutatorum' -- subject(s): Alchemy
'De circulo physico, quadrato, hoc est, auro' -- subject(s): Therapeutic use, Early works to 1800, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Gold
'A subtle allegory concerning the secrets of alchemy, very useful to possess and pleasant to read' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Symbola avreae mensae dvodecim nationvm' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
'Michaelis Majeri Viatorium, hoc est, De montibus planetarum septem seu metallorum' -- subject(s): Alchemy, Early works to 1800
1 answer
The most mysterious secret society known is the rosicrucianism who are a brotherhood of schola these were echoes ofrs alchemists and esoteric researchers who first became known in the seventeenth century its adepts were bound to each other informally and the religion they followed was and still is a mystery except they claimed to be visible and also invisible with their history easy to sum up Around 1615 three manifestors appeared in succession which were echoes of the fraternity of the most praiseworthy order of rosicrucianisms confessions of the enigmatic brotherhood of the most honourable rose cross and especially the chemical weding of christian rosenkreuz around 1710 Samuel Richter organized the first fraternity of golden rosicrucians then in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries rosicrucian secret societys popped up in large numbers one of which was stanislas de guaitas cabalistic order of the rose cross
1 answer
Gnostocism flourished during the early years of Christianity and, in the view of some scholars, may have accounted for around half the Christian population. What was to become the dominant branch of Christianity, Catholic-Orthodox, persecuted Gnosticism out of existence in western Europe, although it continued for some time in eastern Europe. The Cathars were a sect with strong Gnostic influences that re-established a presence in southern France in the twelfth century, but was once again eliminated by the Catholic Inquisition.
Modern Cathars claim to be survivors of that purge and to maintain original Cathar beliefs. Also, the Rosicrucians are a legendary and secretive order that appears to have been founded in the 15th century, the 17th century or perhaps the 18th century. While it probably can not be described as genuinely Gnostic, it does claim some Gnostic influence. In both cases, the number of followers appears to be extremely small.
1 answer
To quote the American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of 'gnostic' is:
1. gnostic Of, relating to, or possessing intellectual or spiritual knowledge.
2. Of or relating to Gnosticism.
n. A believer in Gnosticism.
The origins of the word are found in the Greek 'gnosis'which refers to the spiritual knowledge of an enlightened human being.
It is from a focus on gnosis that the religious movement known as Gnosticism hails; the followers of which are called Gnostics.
2 answers
Friedrich Lienhard has written multiple books on philosophy, including "Analytical Philosophy of Time" and "Philosophy of Time: A Contemporary Introduction." He is known for his works on the philosophy of time and metaphysics.
6 answers
Letitia M. Morse has written several children's books, including "William the Curious: Knight of the Water Lilies" and "William the Curious: Knight of the Magical Pool." Her books often feature elements of fantasy and adventure.
6 answers
Manly Palmer Hall has written:
'The culture of the mind ..' -- subject(s): Thought and thinking
'The Apocalypse attributed to St. John' -- subject(s): Bible, Criticism, interpretation
'Astrological keywords' -- subject(s): Astrology
'Melchizedek and the mystery of fire' -- subject(s): Fire
'The Nature of the Absolute and God the Divine Foundation'
'Freemasonry of the ancient Egyptians' -- subject(s): Freemasons, History, Initiations (into trades, societies, etc.), Mysteries, Religious, Religion, Religious Mysteries
'The guru'
'What the ancient wisdom expects of its disciples' -- subject(s): Mysticism, Psychology, Religious, Religious Psychology
'Venerated teachers of the Jains, Sikhs, and Parsis' -- subject(s): Religion
'Dream symbolism' -- subject(s): Dreams
'Symbolic essays' -- subject(s): Symbolism
'Healing, the divine art' -- subject(s): Mental healing, Spiritual healing, Suggestive Therapeutics, Therapeutics, Suggestive
'The space-born'
'The Rosicrucians and magister Christoph Schlegel' -- subject(s): Utopias, Rosicrucians, History
'Codex Rosae Crucis'
'Pathways of philosophy' -- subject(s): Philosophers, Philosophy, History
'The little world of PRS' -- subject(s): Art collections, Philosophical Research Society, Philosophical Research Society. Library
'Death to Rebirth' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Reincarnation, Future life
'Journey in truth' -- subject(s): Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy, Ancient
'Adventures in understanding' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Conduct of life
'The story of healing' -- subject(s): Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Mental healing, Spiritual healing
'Unseen Forces' -- subject(s): Spiritualism, Parapsychology
'The judgment of the soul and the mystery of coming forth by day' -- subject(s): Egyptian Philosophy, Philosophy, Egyptian
'Atlantis' -- subject(s): Atlantis, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Greek
'The philosophy of astrology' -- subject(s): Astrology
'Radio Talks On Philosophy And Psychology'
'Paracelsus, his mystical and medical philosophy' -- subject(s): Medicine, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Spirits, History
'The mystical Christ' -- subject(s): Mysticism
'A commentary upon The quiet way' -- subject(s): Quiet way, Spiritual life
'Buddhism and psychotherapy' -- subject(s): Buddhism, Psychology
'The secret teachings of all ages' -- subject(s): Cabala, Freemasonry, Hermetism, History, Mysteries, Religious, Occultism, Religious Mysteries, Rosicrucians, Secret societies, Symbolism
'Right thinking the royal road to health' -- subject(s): Psychotherapy, Mental healing, Mind and body
'First principles of philosophy' -- subject(s): Ancient Philosophy, History, Metaphysics, Occultism, Philosophy, Philosophy, Ancient, Theurgy
'The way of heaven, and other fantasies told in the manner of the Chinese' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social life and customs
'The noble eightfold path' -- subject(s): Buddha and Buddhism
'Growing up with grandmother' -- subject(s): Childhood and youth, Biography
'From A Philosopher's Scrapbook' -- subject(s): Miscellanea, Philosophy
'Meditation disciplines and personal integration' -- subject(s): Meditation
'Death And After And The Theory Of Reincarnation'
'The therapeutic value of music ; including, The philosophy of music' -- subject(s): Music therapy, Music, Philosophy and aesthetics
'Words to the wise' -- subject(s): Occultism
'The adepts in the esoteric classical tradition' -- subject(s): Eleusinian mysteries, Mysteries, Religious, Religion, Religious Mysteries
'Wit and wisdom of the immortals' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Classical wit and humor
'Magic' -- subject(s): Occultism, Magic, Demonology
'The Child's Place In The Plan'
'The secret destiny of America'
1 answer
Agnosticism should not be confused with Gnosticism. The two words both come from the Greek word 'know', but for different reasons.
The word agnosticism contains the prefix 'a-', which means 'not'. So, an agnostic does not know whether there is a God.
Gnosticism was a major, early branch of Christianity, in which the believers, or Gnostics, sought to 'know' the truth about God, not just to have blind faith. The early Gnostic schools no longer exist, but some believe that the Rosicrucians still follow some of the early Gnostic principles.
4 answers
Frederick King Poole has written a range of books on topics like marketing, business, and technology. Some of his notable works include "Mastering Market Analytics" and "High Impact Marketing That Gets Results."
10 answers
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is not a cult. It is a fraternal order of women and men who study mysticism (and many topics related to it) and apply what they learn to the common good of humanity.
Members are equally as free to join as they are to leave the Order. They are asked to keep private certain experiences, but the "secrets" they posess can be found by any scholar or dedicated lay person with basic research skills.
The primary membership is private, with study at home lessons loaned to members as part of their membership along with journals and magazines. Group participation is totally voluntary. The cost of membership is very modest and covers a fraction of the costs of running the membership service functions. The Rosicrucian Order operates as a non-for profit organisation, with any surplus in funds being put back into delivering member services.
The Order has published rules to prevent it evolving into any form of dangerous cult. People attending Rosicrucian Groups will find sincere seekers for a happier, healthier and more peaceful life; but from time to time people will meet strong personalities in AMORC groups, in this case officers are trained to respond with firm kindness to prevent perversion of the groups purpose, which is to help members learn Rosicrucian ideals and principles in a supportive group environment.
If members, ex-members or family members have concerns they should raise them with the local office of the Order in their own country. Media, Scholars or those wishing to know more may freely contact the Order, by locating the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC or equivalent name in your language online or in telephone directories.
Summary of why AMORC is not a cult:
-People may join or leave freely
-There is no dogma proscribed
-Members are encouraged to practice the religion or philosophy that resonates with them (no one is expected to change their beliefs or worship)
-It proposes no pathway to salvation
-There are no messiahs, gurus, infallable leaders offered
-Self-knowledge and Self-Reliance are promoted
-What is taught by the Rosicrucians is not the thoughts of one person, but the accumulation of the wisdom of the ages
-It is a not for profit organisation
-People may accept or reject any of the things they are taught with AMORC
-Members are encouraged to develop their own philosophy of life and contribute as best they can to the uplifting of humanity in their community
-AMORC seeks to uphold human rights, dignity and freedoms and teach its members ways to attain a happy, healthy and peaceful life.
1 answer
Literally, those who are enlightened, Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament., Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the year 1575. Their principal doctrine was, that, by means of prayer, they had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances, sacraments, good works, etc.; -- called also Alumbrados, Perfectibilists, etc., Members of certain associations in Modern Europe, who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise men and society to perfection, esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, which spread rapidly for a time, but ceased after a few years., An obscure sect of French Familists;, The Hesychasts, Mystics, and Quietists;, The Rosicrucians., Any persons who profess special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment.
6 answers
Peter Zellmann is a firearms historian and author who has written several books on firearms, including "Encyclopedia of German Military Weapons" and "Encyclopedia of Japanese Military Cartridges, 1890-1945". He is known for his expertise in military firearms and their history.
9 answers
Eternal life. == I believe it means simply "life" which could be temporal or eternal. It is believed that the heiroglyph originated from an image of the female reproductive system.
Addendum: While the Ankh in its simplest meaning means "life" (specifically, "eternal life"), and may or may not thus be connected with the female reproductive system (as in the later symbol for female), it was moreover to them the symbolic "key" to opening the door between the Ka (Kah) & the Ba (Bah), i.e., the Spiritual & Physical Worlds...
A type of amulet, and the symbol of life, shaped as a cross with a loop on top.
9 answers
Arthur Edward Waite has written:
'Mysteries Of The Logos In Magic'
'Ancient Mysteries'
'The Art Of Knowing The Good Genie And Their Influence Upon The Destiny Of Men'
'Spirituality A Question Of Service'
'Lamps of western mysticism' -- subject(s): Mysticism
'The brotherhood of the Rosy Cross being records of the house of the Holy Spirit in its inward and outward history' -- subject(s): Rosicrucians
'The Eternal Love'
'The Great Symbols Of The Tarot'
'Post Reformation Mystics - Pamphlet'
'Raymund Lully, illuminated doctor, alchemist and Christian mystic' -- subject(s): Biography, Philosophers, Alchemists, Mystics
'The Beloved Kinsman - Pamphlet'
'The Dionysian Heritage'
'The Holy Grail Vessel Considered As A Bowl Of Plenty'
'The Masonic Grade Of Rose Croix And Its Variations'
'To Kabalah And The Book Of Purifying Fire - Pamphlet'
'Fairy Music' -- subject(s): Fairy poetry
'The Holy Grail, its legends and symbolism' -- subject(s): Literature, Medieval, History and criticism, Grail, Medieval Literature
'Masonic Death'
'Metrical Exercises Of Saint-Martin - Pamphlet'
'An ode to astronomy and other poems'
'Lucasta, parables and poems'
'The Mystery Of Shekinah And The Kabalah'
'Arabian And Syriac Alchemy'
'The Life Of Alphonse Louis Constant'
'The Age Of Zoharic Tradition - Pamphlet'
'Black Magic And The Evocation Of Demons'
'Early Masonic Building Guilds'
'The Grand Of Mystic Of Majorca'
'The Psychal Union'
'Studies in mysticism and certain aspects of the secret tradition' -- subject(s): Spiritualism, Mysticism
'The Castle Of The Interior Man'
'The Doctrine Concerning Sheol And The Kabalah'
'The Masonic Chapter Of Claremont'
'The Middle Way'
'Famous Alchemists'
'The Lost Book Of The Holy Grail'
'The Antiquity Of Magical Rituals'
'Life Of The Mystic - Pamphlet'
'Albertus Magnus'
'Book of Mystery and Vision'
'The Ecstatic Absorption'
'Turba Philosophorum'
'The Alleged Christian Elements Of The Kabalah'
'Emblematic Freemasonry'
'Druids And Their Mysteries'
'Magic Defined - Pamphlet'
'The Masonic Word And The Soul Of Man - Pamphlet'
'Saint-Martin, the French mystic and the story of modern Martinism' -- subject(s): Philosophers, Biography
'Lamps On Mystical Heights'
'Masonic Knights Beneficent Of The Holy City - Pamphlet'
'The Perfection Of Humanity In The Light Of Aspiration, Legend, And In The Light Of The Actual Man'
'The Second Birth of Freemasonry in Continental Rites'
'The Heptameron'
'The Kabalah And The Doctrine Of The Ten Emanations - Pamphlet'
'Order Of The Temple'
'The Rose In Symbolism'
'Steps In The Way Of Mystical Attainment'
'Early Kabalistic Literature'
'Magical Transformations - Pamphlet'
'Sacramental Freemasonry'
'Concerning The Ineffable Experience Or Divine Union With God'
'The Knights Templar Influence On The Legend Of The Holy Grail'
'The Masonic Orders Of Chivalry'
'The Secret Church'
'The Word And Its Manifestation - Pamphlet'
'The Myth Of Earthly Paradise In The Kabalah'
'The Craft Degrees And Their Connections'
'Grounds Of Unity And Grace In Nature - Pamphlet'
'The Kabalah And The Paths Of Wisdom'
'A new encyclopaedia of Freemasonry' -- subject(s): Freemasons
'The Rosicrucians As Professors Of Magical Art'
'Thomas Vaughan And The Kabalah - Pamphlet'
'The Holy Grail And Analogies Of Masonry'
'The Kabbalah And The Coming Of Messiah - Pamphlet'
'Obligation And Service - Pamphlet'
'The Rider Tarot Deck with Other and Booklet'
'The Testimony Of The Transcendental'
'Collected Poems'
'The Latin Chain Of Hermes'
'The Book of Black Magic'
'Molinos And The Quietists'
'Count St. Germain And Cagliostro'
'The Gardens Of Paradise And Of God'
'The Hallows Of The Holy Grail Mystery Rediscovered In The Talismans Of The Tarot'
'A Kabalistic Order Of The Rose Croix'
'Necromancy - Pamphlet'
'Reflections From High Grade Masonry To Modern Occult Research'
'Rosicrucian Symbolism Of The Rose And Cross'
'Judgments Drawn From The Moon's Age'
'Kabiric Rites'
'Modern Spiritualism And Magic'
'The New Light Of Alchemy'
'Testimony Of Byzantine Alchemy'
'Churches And Spiritism - Pamphlet'
'How To Determine The Lucky And Unlucky Days At Any Month In The Year'
'The Legend Of The Deluge And The Kabalah - Pamphlet'
'The Masonic Grand Lodge'
'The Zohar And The Mystery Of Sex'
'China And Freemasonry'
'Divisions Of The Kabbalah - Pamphlet'
'Manual of Cartomancy and Occult Divination'
'The Hermetic Museum'
'Ancient York Freemasonry'
'The Mysteries And Their Mystical Side'
'Hermetic Schools and Freemasonry'
'The Mission Of The Repairer - Pamphlet'
'Mystical Faith And Vision'
'The Rituals Of Transcendental Magic'
'A Study In Christian Pantheism'
'Analogies Of The Quest Of The Holy Grail In Freemasonry - Pamphlet'
'Spiritualism, The Soul's Home, And The Legends Of Wandering Islands'
'Angels And Demons In Kabbalism - Pamphlet'
'Magical Equilibrium'
'The Mystery Of Faith'
'The Fama Fraternitatis Of The Meritorious Order Of The Rosy Cross'
'A Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn'
'The Mystical Philosophy Of Nature - Pamphlet'
'A Rite Beyond Masonry'
'A Short Tract Or Philosophical Summary By Nicholas Flamell - Pamphlet'
'The Sum Of Qabalistic Pneumatics'
'The God Of Light And The God Of Shadow In Magic'
'The Hermetic & Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus: Vol. I'
'The Kabalah And The Book Of Concealment'
'Ralph Cudworth'
'Rosicrucian Continental History'
'St. Martin's Philosophy Of Numbers'
'The Great Magic Agent Or The Mysteries Of The Astral Light - Pamphlet'
'The Place Of Freemasonry In The Rites Of Initiation'
'Some Christian Students Of The Holy Kabalah'
'The Book Of Purifying Fire'
'The Golden Wheel Of Fortune - Pamphlet'
'The Importance Of Ceremonial Magic'
'A Priest Of Stars'
'The Turba Philosophorum Also Called The Book Of Truth In The Art And The Third Pythagorical Synod'
'The Mystics As Professors Of Magical Art - Pamphlet'
'Crystallomancy And Secret Sciences In Connection With Magic - Pamphlet'
'The Five Illuminations Of Ideal Being'
'The German Cycle Of The Holy Grail'
'The Hermetic Doctrine Of Development'
'Of the New Alliance in Freemasonry'
'The Quest in Christian Ritual and Freemasonry'
'Rosicrucianism and Its Connection With Freemasonry'
'The Secret School And The Mystery Of The Holy Grail'
'Additional Grades Of Chivalry In The Scottish Rite - Pamphlet'
'Grand Pontiff'
'The Physical Theory And Practice Of The Magnum Opus - Pamphlet'
'Some Names Of Womanhood'
'Grades Of The Secret Masonic Tradition - Pamphlet'
'The Illuminati'
'The Progress Of Rosicrucianism In Germany'
'Mystic Aspects Of The Holy Grail Legend'
'A Mystagogical Quintology'
'The French Mystic'
'Henry More'
'J. B. Van Helmont - Pamphlet'
'Raymund Lully And The Universal Science - Pamphlet'
'Rumors Of The Mystic Quest'
'Theosophy And Magic'
'The Hierarchy And Classification Of Spirits - Pamphlet'
'John Frederick Helvetius'
'The Key Of Solomon The King - Pamphlet'
'A Modern Rosicrucian Order and Its Relationships to Freemasonry'
'Reflections Of The Mystical Term In Post Reformation Schools'
'Alchemy And Masonry - Pamphlet'
'Intendant Of The Building'
'Consecrations Of Life And Thought - Pamphlet'
'Early Latin Literature On Alchemy'
'Masonic Rosicrucian Developments'
'The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck'
'The Voice Of The Beloved - Pamphlet'
'Freemasonry In France'
'Jacob Bohme - Pamphlet'
'Raymund Lully The Hermetic Doctor - Pamphlet'
'Thomas Norton'
'The Higher Understanding'
'Jewish Theosophy'
'Modern Criticism Of The Kabalah And The Book Of Splendor - Pamphlet'
'The Occult Science Of Jewels'
'The Religion Of Evolution'
'The book of ceremonial magic' -- subject(s): Magic, Occultism, Demonology
'Alchemy As A Supernatural Science'
'The Inward Man'
'The All Wise Door Keeper Or A Fourfold Figure Exhibiting The Hermetic Science Of Things Above And Things Below'
'Astrological Prediction as Deduced From The Character Of The Sign Of The Zodiac Ascending At The Birth Of The Individual'
'Spanish And Portuguese Holy Grail Quests'
'The holy Kabbalah' -- subject(s): Cabala
'Concerning Grades Of New Religion And Of Swedenborgian Masonry'
'Denys Zachaire And Other Alchemists'
'The Masonic Rite Of Strict Observance'
'The Paradise Of Birds - Pamphlet'
'Universal Waite Tarot Deck and Book Set'
'White Magic And The Evocation Of Angels'
'Azoth or the Star in the East'
'Dionysian Mysteries'
'The Hours, Virtues, And Colors Of The Planets'
'The Masonic Grades Of Kabbalism'
'A Tract Of Great Price Concerning The Philosopher's Stone - Pamphlet'
'The book of black magic and of pacts' -- subject(s): Magic, Occultism
'The Faithful Shepherd - Pamphlet'
'The Kabalah And Esoteric Christianity - Pamphlet'
'Miniature Rider Waite Tarot Deck'
'Of Moses, The Master Of The Law And The Kabalah'
'The Serpent, Son Of The Morning, And Fall Of The Angels In The Kabalah'
'Symbolism Of The Castle Of The Holy Grail - Pamphlet'
'The Art Of Ruling By The Law Of Grace'
'A new encyclopaedia of Freemasonry (Ars magna latomorum) and of cognate instituted mysteries' -- subject(s): Encyclopedias, Freemasons
'A Day Of Betrothal In Faerie'
'Later Life And Writings of Louis Claude de Saint Martin - Pamphlet'
'The Path Of Reality'
'The Turba Philosophorum Or Assembly Of The Sages'
'Welsh And English Texts In The Holy Grail Legend'
'The Bells Of Faerie'
'The Coming Of Messiah And The Kabalah'
'Developments Of Later Kabbalism - Pamphlet'
'The Holy Vessel And Its Literature In The Holy Grail'
'Masonic Grades Antecedent To The Symbolic Time Of The Craft Degrees'
'The Three Epochs In The Treatment Of The Human Soul - Pamphlet'
'Edward Kelly the Englishman's Two Excellent Treatises on the Philosopher's Stone together with the Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy'
'Elfin Music' -- subject(s): Fairy poetry, English poetry
'The Exoteric Church'
'Hidden Things Of The Law'
'The Kabalah And Louis Claude de St. Martin'
'The Ministry Of Light'
'Of Divination By Dreams'
'Roger Bacon'
'The secret tradition in freemasonry and an analysis of the inter-relation between the craft and the high grades in respect to their term of research, expressed by the way of symbolism' -- subject(s): History, Freemasons
'Danish Freemasonry - Pamphlet'
'The Finding Of A World In Verse'
'The Gate And The Sanctuary'
'The Kabalah And The Hidden Things Of The Law'
'On Numbers And Their Virtues According To Magic - Pamphlet'
'The Putative Masonic Rite Of Ramsay'
'The Secret Of Freemasonry'
'The Absorption Of Quietism'
'The Book Of The Secret Word And The Higher Way To Fortune'
'The Evolution Of Masonic And Rosicrucian Rituals'
'A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Volume I'
'Agia In Explored Doctrine And The Rosy Cross'
'Biographical Life Of Edward Kelly'
'Ecossais Freemasonry - Pamphlet'
'Shadows of life and thought'
'Christian Symbolism In Connection With Temple Building'
'English Metrical Remains of Thomas Vaughan'
'The Holy Grail And The Mysteries Of Adonis'
'The Mason, James Anderson'
'The Masonic Grades Of St. Andrew'
'The Elixir Of Life And Secret Sciences In Connection With Magic - Pamphlet'
'Ancient Hermetic Books And The Way Of The Soul Therein - Pamphlet'
'The Art Of Invoking Spirits In The Crystal'
'Spiritual And Physical Alchemy'
'Devil-Worship in France'
'The Concealed Being - Pamphlet'
'The Date Of The Qabalistic Book Of Formation'
'The Paths Of Wisdom And The Gates Of Understanding - Pamphlet'
'The True Principles And Nature Of The Magnum Opus And Its Relation To Spiritual Chemistry'
'What Was The Lesser Holy Grail? - Pamphlet'
'Berigard Of Pisa, Giovanni Braccesco, Leonardi Fioravanti - Pamphlet'
'Dionysian Artificers'
'The Holy Kabalah And Magic'
'Masonic Ecstasy'
'Three famous mystics: Saint-Martin'
'The quest of the golden stairs' -- subject(s): Occultism, Fiction
'An Order Of The Spiritual Temple - Pamphlet'
'The Luminous Book - Pamphlet'
'The Mystery Of Shekinah'
'The Active And Intelligent Cause - Pamphlet'
'The Book Of Splendor'
'Evolution In The Light Of Mysticism'
'The Sophic Hydrolith Or Water Stone Of The Wise In Alchemy'
'Mystical Quest in Freemasonry'
'Colonial And Indian Masonry'
'Later Texts Of The Grail Legend'
'Book of Black Magic and Ceremonial Magic' -- subject(s): Magic
'Louis Claude de St. Martin'
'The Book of Truth in the Art and the Third Pythagorical Synod'
'Eternal Life Or The Peace Of God - Pamphlet'
'Albert Pike And Freemasonry'
'The Book Of Formation - Pamphlet'
'Eden And Masonry'
'Three Famous Alchemists'
'The Chief Masonic Rites And Their Systems'
'The Doctrinal Content Of The Kabalah'
'The Masonic Charter of Larmenius'
'The Hermetic And Alchemical Writings Of Paracelsus'
'The Door Of The Way - Pamphlet'
'The Magic Chain - Pamphlet'
'Masonic Tradition And The Royal Arch'
'Saint-Martin, the French mystic, and the story of modern Martinism, by Arthur Edward Waite'
'Aqua Vitae non Vitis'
'The Letters Of Edward Kelly The Famous To Alchemist'
'The Hermetic Rite Of Pernety'
'Minor Tracts Of The Zohar'
'Mystical Life And Doctrine - Pamphlet'
'The Rituals Of Black Magic'
'The Subject Or Matter Of The Philosophers - Pamphlet'
'Christianity And Catholicism - Pamphlet'
'The Divine Contemplation - Pamphlet'
'The Holy Grail, The Suppressed Word, And The Mystic Question'
'Mark Masonry - Pamphlet'
'The Holy Grail' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Knights and knighthood in literature, Legends, Literature, Medieval, Quests (Expeditions) in literature, Arthurian romances, Romances, Grail, Themes, motives, Galahad (Legendary character), Literature, Comparative, Medieval Literature, Comparative Literature
'The Early History Of Merlin - Pamphlet'
'Magical Practices'
'Sacramentalism Of Our Inward Nature'
'Antichrist And Freemasonry - Pamphlet'
'The Life Of Raymund Lully A Famous Alchemist'
'The secret doctrine in Israel' -- subject(s): Cabala, Zohar
'Mythical Rosicrucian Precursors'
'The Date And Authorship Of The Book Of Splendor'
'Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, Part 1'
'The Kabalah And The Greater Holy Synod'
'The Rosicrucian Alchemical Nuptials'
'The State Of Mystical Philosophy In Germany At The Close Of The 16th Century - Pamphlet'
'The Covenant With Abraham And The Kabalah - Pamphlet'
'Grounds Of The Spiritual Practice - Pamphlet'
'The Kabalah And The Tarot'
'The Rosicrucians'
'Three Credos of Eliphas Levi - Pamphlet'
'Lascaris - Pamphlet'
'Masonic Magical And Kabalistical Degrees'
'The Science Of Hermes And The Universal Medicine - Pamphlet'
'Mysticism As A Practical Science - Pamphlet'
'The Foundation Of The Higher Magia - Pamphlet'
'The Hermetic Axiom And The Theory Of Willpower - Pamphlet'
'The Kabalah And The Doctrine Of The Four Worlds'
'The Rosicrucian Fama Fraternitatas'
'The Secret Tradition In Christian Times'
'St. Martin'
'Count Cagliostro'
'The Garden Of Venus And The Mystery Of Sex - Pamphlet'
'Gustenhover, Busardier, An Anonymous Adept, and Albert Belin - Pamphlet'
'Kabalistic Tradition And Masonry'
'Necromancy And The Evocation Of The Souls Of The Dead'
'Recent Editions Of The Suggested Inquiry An Alchemical Treatise'
'Rosicrucians And The Rose-Croix'
'The Development Of Rosicrucian Literature'
'Knorr Von Rosenroth And The Kabalah - Pamphlet'
'Masonic Orders Of Chivalry Apart From Templar Grades'
'The Second Holy House of Freemasonry'
'The Unprinted Literature Of Ceremonial Magic - Pamphlet'
'The Chymical Marriage Of Christian Rosencreutz'
'How To Find Lucky Numbers With Dice - Pamphlet'
'The Latin Literature Of Alchemy And The Hermetic Secret'
'Masonic Grades And The Symbolical Time Of The Third Degree'
'Alchemical Writings of Edward Kelly'
'The Monk Ferarius - Pamphlet'
'Ancient York Masonry'
'Mysteries Of The Pentagram And Other Pantacles - Pamphlet'
'Kabbalism And Secret Sciences In Connection With Magic - Pamphlet'
'Occult Science In Masonry'
'The Testimony Of The Natural Man'
'Alchemy And Secret Sciences In Connection With Magic'
'Mysteries Of Ancient Initiations'
'Angels In Masonic Ritual'
'The Magical Method Of Honorius'
'The Mystery Of Dreams'
'The Key Of Mesmerism - Pamphlet'
'Non-Masonic Rites'
'The Synthesis Of Religious Belief'
'Famous English Philosophers And Alchemists'
'Hermetic Mysteries'
'The Mystical Poet's Glass Of Vision'
'Rider Waite Tarot'
'Sir George Ripley'
'Supernatural Goodness'
'Analogies And Distinctions Of Attainment And Records Of Eastern Mysticism'
'Speculations On Philosophical Gold'
'The Great Magical Arcana - Pamphlet'
'The Place Of Freemasonry And The Rites Of Initiation'
'Some Axioms Of Transcendental Science'
'Lives of the alchemystical philosophers' -- subject(s): Alchemy
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