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the Empire was virtually a Dictatorship and the republic was a democracy

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Julius Caesar is the military leader and the dictator who transformed the roman republic into an roman empire. He assumed total power after transforming the republic into the empire.

1 answer

The Roman Republic was ended by the takeover of the senate by Ceaser. He essentially became the supreme ruler, or emporer. So essentially, the Roman Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire.

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The Holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with the Romans. It was a medieval institution centred around Germany. The Roman republic became an empire by expansion both before and after the Punic wars.

1 answer

Roman Republic 4xx to 28 BCE.

Roman Empire 28 BCE to 476 CE, however the Byzantine Empire in the east continued until 1453 CE.

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The Roman Republic preceded it.

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There really is no major difference. The Roman Empire was the empire itself, lasting from 27 BCE-476 AD (1453 for the Eastern half, which came to be the Byzantine Empire). In the beginning the Roman empire was an autocracy, headed by emperors. It then later turned into a republic, which is when people use the term Roman Republic or Republic of Rome. This is actually where the modern day type of republic comes from, Rome.

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The republic was run by a coalition of citizen assemblies and senate, the empire by a coalition of emperor and senate.

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The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

The Roman republic expanded into the empire by conquest, treaty and sometimes by inheritance.

3 answers

the barbarians and roman republic i believe

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Augustus ruled the Roman Empire. After the fall of the Roman Republic he became the first Roman Emperor.

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Under the Republic, the Roman Empire annexed Sicily and Sardinia, along with many other provinces.

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The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

The Roman empire was ruled by Roman law.

3 answers

Legions was a common name for the armed forces of both the Roman republic and Roman Empire

2 answers

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.

2 answers

Augustus established his absolute personal rule and became the first Roman emperor. However, he establish the Roman Empire. He started the 503-year of (absolute) rule by emperors which followed the republic. The Roman Empire already exited during the Roman Republic. Historians make a confusing use of the term Roman Empire. They use it to denote both Rome's territorial acquisitions and the period of rule by emperors which followed the fall of the Roman republic. In territorial terms, the Roman Republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's expansion occurred during the republican period.

1 answer

The Roman Republic lasted from the time of the kings until the civil wars in the first century BCE. The first Roman ruler that we call an emperor was Gaius Octavius -- or Augustus -- who ruled from 27 BCE to 14 CE. He didn't call himself an emperor, but "princips" or "first citizen." For more information about the Roman Republic, check my website:

4 answers

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

The Roman empire began after the second Punic war and a that time Rome did not have an emperor, it was the republic and was ruled by elected officials.

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The Senate was one of the governing bodies of the Roman Republic and of the Roman Empire.

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It began in Roman Empire. Plato has written in his treatise on Republic.

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In the republic, the people were given a chance to elect their officials, at least theoretically. In the principate or "empire" the officials were appointed or approved by the emperor.

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Probably because it was possible for everybody to vote. The USA's government was based off of the Roman republic.

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The Roman Empire started during the Roman Republic, that is under a republican government. The Republic was then replaced by the absolute rule by emperors.

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Yes it was. It pre-dated the Roman Empire.

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He was Agustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor.

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The Roman and British empires were republics.

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There was only one Roman Republic. The Empire divided in two two hundred years later.

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The Republic was a type of democracy (before the empire) and not very successful. The Pax Roman was a time of peace for the Roman empire because of good trade.

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The Republic had citizens assemblies which voted on issues put by the senate. The Empire had the Princeps and Senate who governed in coalition without any direct input from the citizens.

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No, Spartacus was not a Roman Emperor.

Spartacus was a Thracian, possibly a soldier who was either captured by a Roman Legion or served as an Auxilliary in a Roman Legion, was enslaved either for failure to served appropriatedly as an Auxilliary or because he had been captured, and trained as a Gladiator. He initiated a slave rebellion within the Roman Republic known as the Third Servile War, in an apparent attempt to escape Roman territory.

There were no Roman Emperors at the time, since it was the Roman Republic and not the Roman Empire whom he rebelled against. Spartacus rebellion occur in the late phases of the Roman Republic, & just prior to the Roman Empire.

There would not be a de facto Roman Emperor until Julius Ceasar who was technically Dictator for Life, a position contrary to the constitutional framework of the Roman Republic. Julius was the last executive of the Roman Republic.

There would not be a de jure Roman Emperor until Octavius Ceasar, better not as Augustus Ceasar, terminated the Roman Republic and initiated the Roman Empire. Augustus was the first executive of the Roman Empire. Augustus established the Principate phase of the Roman Empire which had some vestiges of the Roman Republic; this was not the case in the Dominate phase of the Roman Empire.

1 answer

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

The Roman republic was a form of government and the Roman emperor was a man. If you mean the difference between the Roman republic and the Roman empire, there was no difference except in the form of government. Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. When a single person took over leadership of that government, it became the principate or what is erroneously called the "empire". In both types of government, vast amounts of territory were ruled by a single authority, the senate under the republic and the "emperor" under the principate. Both the republic and the principate met the criteria for an empire.

2 answers

One aspect of the "old Roman Empire" that was carried on to the new eastern Roman empire, which became the Byzantine Empire was the standard of written laws. This was an important feature of the old Roman republic and later when the republic was a shell of its former self. Generally referred to as the Roman Empire, there were still written laws.

The governing office of Emperor also was carried on.

2 answers

the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Kingdom lasted from 753 BC to 509 BC and was characterized by the rule of kings. The Roman Republic existed from 509 BC to 27 BC and was a period of representative government. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC and lasted until 476 AD, during which power was concentrated in the hands of emperors.

2 answers

The Greek empire was before the Roman Empire.

4 answers

Theme would include monarchy, early republic, middle republic, late republic, early empire and later empire. Region would include western part of the Roman Empire and eastern part of the Roman Empire. Period would include principate, pax Romana, crisis of the third century and dominate.

1 answer

Historian make a confusing use of the term Roman Empire. they use it to refer both to the territories Rome conquered and the period of rule by emperors which followed the fall of the Roman Republic.

The Roman Republic was brought down by a series of civil wars which tore it apart. Augustus was the final winner of these wars and established his absolute rule and became the first Roman emperor. Thus, he started the 503-year period of rule by emperors. In terms of empire as territorial conquests, the Roman Republic already had an empire. Much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the Republic.

1 answer

This is a confusing question. First please remember that Rome was already an empire under the republic. What is erroneously called the "Roman empire" is the Principate. The government of the republic was by popular election while the government of the principate was by appointment. Both forms of government used the senate as a consulting body.

9 answers

Through most of their history the ancient Romans had their own religion: Roman Religion. In the Later Empire Christianity spread in the Roman Empire, was endorsed by the Roman emperors and became state religion.

1 answer

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

The Roman republic grew into an empire by expansion into Italy by conquests and treaty and by winning foreign wars, the most notable being the Punic wars.

2 answers