The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
The Roman people did not elect Caesar dictator. A dictator was an appointed position. Caesar was appointed dictator by the senate. The people had nothing to do with his office.
2 answers
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
The Roman senate declared Julius Caesar dictator for life.
4 answers
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
Julius Caesar did not declare himself dictator of Rome. The senate declared him dictator according to Roman law.
3 answers
In 44B.C. Julius Caesar became dictator of the Roman world.
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Juliius Caesar became dictator at the end of the Roman republic.
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Julius Caesar was a dictator, claiming the title, "Dictator Perpetuus," which means "dictator for life."
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Julius Caesar became the first Roman dictator who was appointed for life (dictator perpetuus, dictator in perpetuity).
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Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
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The Roman general who was appointed dictator for life was Julius Caesar.
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Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
Julius Caesar never became a Roman emperor. He was a dictator which was a legal office under the republican form of government.
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No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
No one. No one could make himself dictator in ancient Rome. The office of dictator was granted to a man by the senate. It was a legitimate political position under the Roman republic.
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The first public office Caesar was that of quaestor (second to the governor) in the Roman province of Hispania Ulterior (Further Spain) in 69 BC at the age of 31. The first post he held the city of Rome was that of curator of the Appian way in 66 BC and hid first public office in the city was that of aedile in 65 BC.
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Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
Yes, Julius Caesar was a ruler among his other accomplishments. He ruled as a dictator, which was a legitimate position in the Roman republic.
5 answers
It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian.
Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.
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The Roman office of dictator was unusual by the fact that it was a delegation of supreme power to one man. The reason that the Romans established the republic in the first place was to avoid rule by a single person and the appointment of a dictator seemed to contradict this principle.
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You're thinking of Julius Caesar who became dictator for life in 44 BC.
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Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, writer, general and the last dictator of the Roman republic. He was the great uncle of Augustus, and was responsible for the rise to power of his nephew by making him his heir.
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Julius Caesar never named himself dictator. He was named dictator by the senate. At that time the Roman government was that of a republic.
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The term of office for a Roman dictator was supposed to be six months, but it could be renewed if the dictator had not finished his job in that length of time. However it was expected that a dictator would resign the office once he had finished the job even though his sis month term had not expired.
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A dictator could have the sme powers of a king in Roman times.
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The first recorded dictator of Rome was Cincinatus. He didn't take advantage of the office though, he was appointed, did his job, and then resigned. The office of dictator was not a loophole in Roman law. It was a legitimate governing tool.
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Dictators were appointed for a term of 6 months.
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He was a general in the Roman Army. Later he became Dictator of Rome.
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Cleopatra's husband was Roman Dictator/Consul Julius Caesar
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Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
Any Roman dictator could be considered a military dictator. Dictators were only appointed in times of crises and most crises were due to war/invasion. Cincinnatus, Sulla, Caesar and anyone in between could be considered military dictators.
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The dictator ruled with almost absolute power for six months during times of war.
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