The Roman official who was responsible for registering the population for tax and voting purposes was called a censor. This role was crucial for maintaining records of Roman citizens and allocating resources within the ancient Roman Republic.
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The protection of morals was one of the duties of the censor in ancient Rome.
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The censor
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The Roman official who registered the population for tax and voting purposes was known as the censor.
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The word 'censor' is both a noun (censor, censors) and a verb (censor, censors, censoring, censored).
Our censor will check your work for its suitability for children's programming. (noun)
We've had to censor the material to eliminate gender bias. (verb)
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The censor gave the film an R-rating. They might censor that word from your story.
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During the Roman Republic the censors were responsible for public morality. This is were the terms censor and censorship originate from.
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To censor is to remove or suppress objectionable material.
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The cast of El censor - 1989 includes: Juan Carlos de la Cal as Joven censor Cris de la Huerta as Censor Jefe
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Censor - 2001 is rated/received certificates of:
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The Censor - 1980 is rated/received certificates of:
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The function of a cam processing censor is to determine which cylinder is firing.
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a job censor is a thing that truax does to get a job and trusex is a really hard worker.
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can i see a picture were the crankshaft censor gos
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The first Roman aqueduct was commissioned in 312 BC by Appius Claudius, a Roman censor. Therefore, it was called Aqua Appia (Aqueduct of Appius). It was the first aqueduct which supplied the city of Rome. It was 16.4 Km (10 miles) long and brought water from the nearby Apennine Mountains.
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The phrase is Nihil Obstat [or Quominus Imprimatur] (Lat., Nothing hinders [it from being printed]) The words by which the censor of books certifies that he has inspected a given work and finds therein nothing contrary to faith or good morals. You will find this in the beginning of any Bible, Catechism, or other official work approved by the Church to be read by the Christian faithful.
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The cast of The Censor - 1980 includes: Gordon Lawson as Voices
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A bleep censor is a software module manually operated by a broadcast technician, putting a five-second delay on live content and used to censor audio and video feed "as live".
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El censor - 1995 is rated/received certificates of:
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A homonym for "censor" is "sensor." These words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
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The Censor in early Rome was basically a snoop. His duties were to monitor conduct in both public and private affairs. For example, he could go into a senator's private accounts to see if he actually had the financial requirement to be a senator. (one million sesterces) If not, the senator could be expelled from the senate. The Censor could also monitor a person's private lifestyle. In the early days, too lavish a lifestyle was punishable by a heavy fine. His purpose was to see that Roman citizens adhered to the "old values". Needless to say, the job was unpopular and the Romans did away with that part of it. Another of his duties was to oversee the census of Roman citizens every five years.
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The Censor in early Rome was basically a snoop. His duties were to monitor conduct in both public and private affairs. For example, he could go into a senator's private accounts to see if he actually had the financial requirement to be a senator. (one million sesterces) If not, the senator could be expelled from the senate. The Censor could also monitor a person's private lifestyle. In the early days, too lavish a lifestyle was punishable by a heavy fine. His purpose was to see that Roman citizens adhered to the "old values". Needless to say, the job was unpopular and the Romans did away with that part of it. Another of his duties was to oversee the census of Roman citizens every five years.
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On the Sims website Mod the Sims, there are "mods" designed to remove the censor. One such is linked in the Related Links page. Note: Underneath the censor, it's about as explicit as a Barbie doll.
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The Censor in ancient Rome was a government official who oversaw the census every five years. He had the power to snoop into people's finances, as the voting assembly, the Comitia Centuriata, was divided into wards based on wealth and age. He also reviewed the list of senators and could remove anyone from the senate who acted illegally or against Roman morality.
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The Sensor that is located after cat. converter on side of engine with evenly numbered cylinders.
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where is the transmission censor located on a 1997 Chevy cheyenne truck
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Because the Iranian government control and censor all media in the country and they can't censor the BBC.
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If your car has an oxygen censor it means you have too much money. Try giving some to charity.
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the crankshaft censor is on top of the oil filter houseing!! its on the back side of the motor
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how many wires in and o2 censor and where are the o2 censors located in a buick rendezvous
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2002 Nissan altima how much is a censor
2002 Nissan altima how much is a censor
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The social media platform decided to censor any content that violated its community guidelines.
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Censor used as a verb means to officially examine a movie or book and suppress unacceptable parts of it. A censor is an official who examines something before it is released to take out parts that are unacceptable for specific reasons that include being obscene.
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The cast of The Censor - 2001 includes: Tara Ciabattoni as Arlene Monica Steuer as Mother Superior
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