Siobhan Egan has written:
'The invasive potential of the alien Rhododendron ponticum, on blanket bog in north-west Ireland'
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The scientific name of the poisonous plant Jetberry bush is Rhododendron ponticum. It belongs to the family Ericaceae and genus Rhododendron.
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The scientific name for rhododendron is Rhododendron.
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For a species rhododendron such as Rhododendron maximum, it is written: R. maximum.
For a hybrid rhododendron such as Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla', it is written Rcv. 'Nova Zembla' (Rcv. meaning rhododendron cultivar).
For a selection of a species such as Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada', it is called R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' although you may see it written Rcv. 'Koichiro Wada'.
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The state flower is the Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum).
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Rhododendrons generally do not grow well under walnut trees as walnut trees produce a toxin called juglone that can inhibit the growth of many plants, including rhododendrons. It is best to avoid planting sensitive plants like rhododendrons under walnut trees to prevent any negative effects on their growth.
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Rhododendron is the state flower for the State of Washington.
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named it as rhododendron, or the rhododendron was won in a flower contest, sorry folks that's all i know
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The State symbols of Azad Jammu and Kashmir are as the following:
* Kashmir stag (Cervus cashmirensis hanglu)- State animal
* Black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) - State bird
* Rhododendron ponticum- State flower
* Chinar tree (Platanus orientalis) - State tree
* Polo - State sport
* Urdu - State language
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Please see related links for a Rhododendron photo gallery.
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Yes, the rhododendron plant is toxic to humans if ingested.
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No, it is not safe to eat rhododendron as it contains toxins that can be harmful if ingested.
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Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden was created in 1950.
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Rhododendron, Pentanthera (deciduous) and Tsutsuji (evergreen) are the two types of azalea plants. The scientific name for a leaf is a leaf. There are 8 types of Rhododendrons. One type is azalea. There are two kinds of azaleas; deciduous and evergreen. One sheds its leaves in the fall (leaf abscission), one keeps them all year long.
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Peter A. Cox has written:
'The larger rhododendron species' -- subject(s): Rhododendron
'Cox's guide to choosing rhododendrons' -- subject(s): Rhododendron
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the Latin name for a rhododendron is surprisingly, Rhododendron! some plants such as hydrangea, Euonymus, and rhododendron, share the same common and scientific name!
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Yes, the rhododendron plant is toxic to humans and animals if ingested.
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The scientific name of rhododendron is Rhododendron. It is a genus of plants in the heath family (Ericaceae) that includes a wide range of species known for their showy flowers.
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A:any of genus (rhododendron) of widely cultivated shrubs and trees of the health family with a alternate leaves showy flowers.
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The phone number of the Rhododendron Species Foundation is: 206-927-6960.
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Deer are known to eat rhododendron flower buds. Their browsing can be detrimental to rhododendron plants, as they find the buds particularly appetizing. It's important to protect rhododendrons from deer to ensure their healthy growth and blooming.
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To plant a rhododendron successfully, choose a location with well-draining soil and partial shade. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball and plant the rhododendron at the same depth as it was in the container. Water regularly and mulch around the base to retain moisture.
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Rhododendron is a beautiful flower with different colours and shapes. The Greek translation of Rhododendron means 'Rose tree'. However, Rhododendron may be small shrub to tall tree (up to 12 m). The hills of Nepal are coloured red, white or pink during the blooming season of Rhododendron. This flower also got national recognizing as national flower in Nepal. The genus and species which is dark red in colour is Rhododendron arboreum which is called as 'Lali Gurans' in Nepali. I will be posting the pictures of different Rhododendrons from Norway. Sorry, I don't know their species name.
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