Depending on the age of the boy, you can estimate a daily recommended allowance for calories to be in between 1500 to 2000 (with the later being the allowance for an Adult Male).
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DRI-daily recommended intake
RDA- recommended daily allowance
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The recommended daily caloric allowance for an adult female is 2,200 calories. For a male, the allowance is 2,700 calories. The actual amount of calories needed depends on age and level of activity.
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Assuming you're talking about calorie intake... it's called the RDA (recommended daily allowance).
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The Recommended Daily Values describe what your intake for vegetables, fruits and meats should be. They were created by the FDA.
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The recommended daily allowance of protein for adults is around 46-56 grams for women and 56-70 grams for men, depending on factors like age and activity level.
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The Recommended Daily Allowance for a particular nutrient is the quantity recommended to be consumed per day.
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70g is "recommended" generally, however for males between 16 and 21, 120g is recommended
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For adults, the RDA for Vitamin A is 5,000 IU.
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There's no daily recommended allowance of poultry.
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RDD in nutrition stands for Recommended Daily Allowance, which represents the amount of a specific nutrient that is recommended for daily consumption to maintain health.
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Per Chicken Leg...
Vitamin A about 1% Daily Recommended Allowance
Calcium about 1% Daily Recommended Allowance
Iron about 7 % Daily Recommended Allowance
Roughly 181 calories (72 from fat)
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RDA in this sense has many meanings :-
Recommended Daily Allowance
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Remote Data Access
Research, Development, & Acquisition
Racial Discrimination Act
Retail Display Allowance - - and many others.
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Potassium is a naturally occurring element that can have a positive impact on the body. However, you need to watch how much you take in. The recommended allowance for teens is 4700 milligrams.
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The purpose of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) is to help people correct their nutrient intake so they can be healthy. They are not exact requirements but serve as a general guideline.
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One could find the recommended daily allowance for nutrition either from The American Heart Association, or from The Department of Nutrition for Health and Development.
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RDA means recommended daily allowance. The RDA says how much of a nutrient is recommended for maintenance of health.
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50% is the recommended daily allowance for whole-grain consumption.
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Potassium is a very important mineral that our bodies need daily. The recommended daily allowance for teens is 4700 milligrams.
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RDA stands for Recommended Dietary Allowance, which is the amount of nutrients required to meet the needs of most healthy individuals in a specific age and gender group. It is set by health authorities to guide individuals on their daily nutrient intake for optimal health.
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46 grams for a female.
45 grams for a male.
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The acronym USRDA stands for United States Recommended Daily Allowance. In some instances, the acronym is used for United States Recommended Dietary Allowance. In both cases, it refers to the quantity of macronutrients and micronutrients that a person is recommended to consume for maximum health.
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What is the Reccomended Daily Allowance for a 17 year old female?
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how can you apply economics in daily or weekly allowance
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There is no recommended daily allowance for dietary fiber, but 20-25 grams is a reasonable range.
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Recommended daily allowance - how much of eat type of food (i.e. salt, fat, sugar etc) it is recommended you should not exceed each day.
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There is no recommended daily allowance for dietary fiber, but 20-25 grams is a reasonable range.
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Folic acid, a.k.a. folate, has a recommended daily allowance of 400 mcg a day.
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Under no circumstances should water be rationed or limited. Let your teenager have as much water as they like.
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Trans fats are to be avoided for proper dietary measures. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for trans fats is less than 1 percent of the caloric daily intake
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hello, an answer worth knowing is that the daily allownce of fruit and vegetables is 5 peices of the combined a day. Olivia + Paola =) BISR we is wicked
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Well if the lady is a wage earner, what she does with her money is up to her. If she depends on another person for her money then what she gets is up for negotiation.
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The recommended daily allowance of salt is 2360 mg per day, which is approximately one teaspoon.
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The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day. The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day.
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The recommended daily allowance for protein suggested by the National Research Council is approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for sedentary individuals. This can vary based on factors such as activity level, age, and overall health.
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