He went to school to Realschule, Karlstadt in 1873 for college,
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A Realschule accommodates children who do not expect to go to university (there's a "Gymnasium" for that; from which the final exam (after year 12 or 13, depending on which state you're in)) is called the Abitur (like the French Baccalaureat and the equivalent of Enlgish A' levels).
It is possible to get a Mittlerer Reife' qualification from the Realschule (after year 10).
With this it should be possible to get a reasonable office job, or attend a "Fachoberschule" for another two years to get the Abitur.
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the gymnasiam, the realschule, the hauptschule, and the gesamtschule
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Hitler only attended 1 secondary school/high school. The school was Realschule in Austria.
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He did not. He left Realschule (secondary school) early without graduating and was thought to be barely literate.
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A Gymnasium is for students who are very good at school and receive good marks. Besides, it enables you to go to college after you got your A-levels.
A Realschule is for students who are not so good in school. They graduate in 10th grade while students at a Gymnasium graduate in 13th grade.
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Hitler only attended 1 secondary school/high school. The school was Realschule in Austria.
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The only known school Hitler attend was Realschule in Steyr. This was mainly because Alios Hitler (Hitler's Father) didn't want Hitler to attend school. eventually Hitler dropped out of school at the age of 16 Years old.
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There are three types of schools in germany after finishing elementary school. Everyone ends with a different level of education. The best education ist attained on a "Gymnasium". It takes 13 years (4 years elemtary school + 9 years Gymnasium ) and ends with obtaining the "Abitur" making it possible to study at an university. The "Realschule" ends after 10 years and is the most commonly visites school. After finishing Realschule it is possible to get a qualified job which does not need education on an university. The last school in germany is the "Hauptschule" ending after 9 years with a less attractive qualification than Realschule. In the last years a certain movement started combining Real- and Hauptschule to Realschule Plus making it the most common school. Never the less there are many people with Abitur who don't study so the common level of education is between a normal qualification and higher qualification for universities.
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He was rejected from 2 schools. Both where situated in Vienna.
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Hitler attended different so-called "Volksschule" ("People's school") which is roughly equivalent to primary school, and then "Realschule", which is one type of secondary school.
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There most commonly known school types are:
Grundschule - primary/elementary school
Gymnasium - high school
Realschule - secondary school (intermediate level)
Hauptschule - secondary school
Gesamtschule - comprehensive school
But these are not the only ones.
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The primary school attended by Adolf Hitler was called a "Volksschule," basically a school for the people. A volksschule was basically a nameless public school that was supported by the state. The secondary school he attended was called "Realschule" and was basically the equivalent of a technical high school.
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The primary school attended by Adolf Hitler was called a "Volksschule," basically a school for the people. A volksschule was basically a nameless public school that was supported by the state. The secondary school he attended was called "Realschule" and was basically the equivalent of a technical high school.
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depends on the graduation level: Hauptschule is like GED, Realschule equals highschool and Abitur equals Highscholl plus part of college (depends on subjects). check with college/university and get your stuff translated, then you see more clearly
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Grundschule = primary school
Realschule = middle school
Oberschule = upper school
Oberrealschule = upper school (archaic)
Gymnasium = grammar school
Berufsschule = vocational school
Hochschule = college, university
Fachhochschule = polytechnic, technical college, university of apllied sciences
Universität = university
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Germany has a first-rate school and university system. Usually the children start at the age of 6 years to go to school. The first four years all children go to the same type of school which is called " Grundschule " - basic school. After those four years the teacher and the parents decide, which way the children can go further. There are three possibilities: Hauptschule - The child will stay another 5 years in school - which is the lowest education you can get. Realschule - The child stays another 6 years in school. Gymnasium - The child stays another 7 years in school and has the possibiliety to go to university. Germany has also many possibilities, where children can get a higher education even after they "only" visited the Haupt- or Realschule.
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Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. Which type of school you attend depends on what track of studies, e.g. trades attend Realschule and University bound students attend the Gymnasium which is a 13 year course as opposed to the American 12 year course. (In Germany the school system varies from one Land (or state) to another and there are variations in this pattern). Note that Hochschule refers to a university or comparable institution, not to high school.
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The primary school attended by Adolf Hitler was called a "Volksschule," basically a school for the people. A volksschule was basically a nameless public school that was supported by the state. The secondary school he attended was called "Realschule" and was basically the equivalent of a technical high school.
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There are around 33,000 secondary schools in Germany, which include different types such as Gymnasiums, Realschules, and Hauptschules. These schools provide different educational pathways for students based on their academic abilities and interests.
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Nikola Tesla attended the Higher Real Gymnasium in Croatia, the Technical University of Graz in Austria, and the University of Prague in Czech Republic. Tesla also briefly attended the University of Budapest in Hungary.
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In Germany, children typically attend school for 12-13 years. This includes 4 years of primary school (Grundschule) and then either 8 or 9 years of secondary school (Hauptschule, Realschule, or Gymnasium) depending on the type of school they attend and their individual pathway.
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Some names of German schools include Gymnasium (college-preparatory school), Realschule (secondary school with practical focus), and Gesamtschule (comprehensive school with all types of students). German schools typically have longer school days and have a strong emphasis on academic achievement. Many schools also offer extracurricular activities like sports, music, and theater.
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No. Adolf Hitler only has elementary school education, had to quit high school ("Realschule") with 16 years without diploma.
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was likely spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. She also invented farm tools. In his early years he experienced a bad case of cholera and almost died. After studying in the 1870s at the Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague, Tesla began preparing for a trip to America.
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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was likely spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. She also invented farm tools. In his early years he experienced a bad case of cholera and almost died. After studying in the 1870s at the Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague, Tesla began preparing for a trip to America.
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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was likely spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. She also invented farm tools. In his early years he experienced a bad case of cholera and almost died. After studying in the 1870s at the Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague, Tesla began preparing for a trip to America.
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He did not attend any college. He went to basic school and got only mediocre ratings. Then he tried to get into art college in Vienna, but failed, not once, but twice, to meet the requirements for getting in. He then joined the German army, and, after the WWI he became a politician.
4 answers
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was likely spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. She also invented farm tools. In his early years he experienced a bad case of cholera and almost died. fter studying in the 1870s at the Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague, Tesla began preparing for a trip to America.
1 answer
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was likely spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. She also invented farm tools. In his early years he experienced a bad case of cholera and almost died. fter studying in the 1870s at the Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague, Tesla began preparing for a trip to America.
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Lisa Zaran is an American poet, essayist, artist and author. She has written extensively for journals, magazines and anthologies worldwide. Her first poetry collection, "the sometimes girl" was the subject of a translation course at Haupt- und Realschule Grossheide which is located in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) in North-Western Germany. The book's German title is das manchmal mädchen. Selections from her other five collections have been translated to Bangla, Hindi and Punjabi. She is the founder and editor of two literary journals, Contemporary American Voices and Little Lark Press.
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After spending four years in the Realschule in Linz, he left school at the age of sixteen with dreams of becoming a painter. In October 1907, the provincial, middle-class boy left home for Vienna, where he was to remain until 1913 leading a bohemian, vagabond existence. Embittered at his rejection by the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts, he was to spend "five years of misery and woe" in Vienna as he later recalled, adopting a view of life which changed very little in the ensuing years, shaped as it was by a pathological hatred of Jews and Marxists, liberalism and the cosmopolitan Habsburg monarchy.
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The age of students finishing school in German can vary a great deal depending on which path they take in their secondary education system. This system has four types of schools called Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule, and Gesamtschule, and each would equate to what the US educational system calls high school. A student's age on completion of any of the four depends on the specific course of instruction and amount of additional schooling required.
For example a beautician can finish school after the 10th year of school or as young as 15 or 16. A master apprenticeship or craftsman might be finished with school at ages 25 to 30 depending on the craft.
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When we talk about the electric generator Nikola Tesla invented we could refer to 2 different inventions. The U.S. Patent 0447921 - Alternating Electric Current Generator - 1891 Is one. Us Patent 428057 - Pyromagneto-Electric Generator is another one.
Nikola Tesla is a non longer living person so we can not ask him this question. To my mind, it just was the thing he beleived he had to do.
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It depends on the school type. The "elementary" school goes from grade 1 to grade 4. After that, depending on your marks you get to got to one of three different schools. Worst marks go to the so called "Hauptschule" which continues with grade 5 to 9. Moderate marks can make it to the so called "Realschule" which consists of 7 grades from 5 to 11. Superior grades can get you to a "Gymnasium" which would be an equivalent to High School that goes from grade 5 to either 12 or 13, depending on the area you go to school. Which brings us to the conclusion of either 9 , 11 , 12 or 13 years of school, depending on your abilities.
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1) No matte what school they go to each student must complete at least 9 years in education.
2) German children only attend school in the morning.
3) Children aged three to six may attend kindergarten.
4) After Kindergarten school is compulsory for nine or ten years. From grades 1 through 4 children attend elementary school (Grundschule), where the subjects taught are the same for all. Then after the 4th grade, the students are separated according to their academic ability and the wishes of their families, and attend one of three different kinds of schools: Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium.
5) They don't have school uniform.
6) School is 6 days a week. (no school on Sunday)
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Below is Hitler's report card, he was an able student but he was lazy and unmotivated in school.
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An alternative high school is not the same as a regular high school in that by its generalized name it would have a specific focus or charter or special features. Most often an alternative high school would have special programs and give extra attention to keeping students engaged and thereby graduating or progressing to higher education. Higher education in this case could include vocational studies to include two- and four-year degrees or certificates of proficiency.
The concept of alternative high school most likely comes from the German secondary education system that has four types of schools that the US educational system would call high school. (See Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule, and Gesamtschule.)
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At first you have to know that we have got a few different school types. Children go to the Grundschule when they are about six years old and they stay for about 4 to 6 years. This depends on the Bundesland (state) you´re living in. I for example went 4 years to Grundschule and then changed to the Gymnasium. I live in North-Rhine Westphalia and here it used to take 13 years (including Grundschule) to complete school but they are changing the system at the moment and they are reducing it to 12 years.
But there are also some other school types like the Realschule (10 years), Hauptschule (9 years i think) and the Gesamtschule (i think either 10 years and if you choose to do your Abitur - the highest degree you can get, you need it to go to university - 12 or 13 years, too). As you can see the education system in Germany is quite complicated and that´s why they are trying to change it.
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In Germany, students typically attend school for about 180 to 200 days per year, depending on the state. A school day usually lasts around 6-8 hours, including breaks. However, the exact schedule can vary between different schools and educational stages.
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No uniform in Germany
They have 3 different levels of school in Germany. These are called Gymnasium (the highest level of high schooling) Realschule ( the intermediate high school) and the Hauptschule ( the lower level high school)
All schools in Germany are Co-ed! This means that they are all co-ed
that is all i got for that
if you're doing a video for school, so am I lol
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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which was then part of the Austo-Hungarian Empire, region of Croatia. His father, Milutin Tesla was a Serbian Orthodox Priest and his mother Djuka Mandic was an inventor in her own right of household appliances. Tesla studied at the Realschule, Karlstadt in 1873, the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he intended to specialize in physics and mathematics, but soon he became fascinated with electricity. He began his career as an electrical engineer with a telephone company in Budapest in 1881. It was there, as Tesla was walking with a friend through the city park that the elusive solution to the rotating magnetic field flashed through his mind. With a stick, he drew a diagram in the sand explaining to his friend the principle of the induction motor. Before going to America, Tesla joined Continental Edison Company in Paris where he designed dynamos. While in Strassbourg in 1883, he privately built a prototype of the induction motor and ran it successfully. Unable to interest anyone in Europe in promoting this radical device, Tesla accepted an offer to work for Thomas Edison in New York. His childhood dream was to come to America to harness the power of Niagara Falls.
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Oh, dude, you're asking about Hitler's education? Well, he did attend school like most people, but he wasn't exactly acing his history classes, if you catch my drift. He dropped out of high school, failed to get into art school, and ended up going down a very dark path. So, yeah, his education wasn't exactly setting him up for success in the humanitarian field, if you know what I mean.
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It depends. Do you want to know when school ends like "When do you get home after school" or more like "How many years do German students go to school"?
At first you have to know that we have got a few different school types. Children go to the Grundschule when they are about six years old and they stay for about 4 to 6 years. This depends on the Bundesland (state) you´re living in. I for example went 4 years to Grundschule and then changed to the Gymnasium. I live in North-Rhine Westphalia and here it used to take 13 years (including Grundschule) to complete school but they are changing the system at the moment and they are reducing it to 12 years.
But there are also some other school types like the Realschule (10 years), Hauptschule (9 years i think) and the Gesamtschule (i think either 10 years and if you choose to do your Abitur - the highest degree you can get, you need it to go to university - 12 or 13 years, too). As you can see the education system in Germany is quite complicated and that´s why they are trying to change it.
But if you simply wanted to know when kinds get home after school, well that is that easy as well. When I was in fifth grade school started at 8 a.m. or sometimes at 8.45 a.m. It usually ended after 5 or 6 lessons at either 12.25, 13.15 or sometimes at about 2 p.m.
But it really was not like every day you´d come home at the same time. Sometimes you only had like 4 lessons or something. But that has changed, too, today the fifth graders stay in school up till 3 p.m. For me this is strange because when I was at their age I never had to stay longer than 2pm. Of course when you get older you have to stay longer, in the Oberstufe (11th grade to 13th grade) it is normal to stay that long at school. But it totally depends on your timetable. I´ve got friends who have got 10 lessons a day and on another day only 3. I was lucky because my lessons were very well balanced over the week.
School typically begins at seven am and ends at one pm. The start and end times vary based on the school.
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