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- In your own words, define the term 'protocol' and what is the difference between

protocol and protocol suite

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The protocol stack used on the Internet is the Internet Protocol Suite. It is usually

called TCP/IP after two of its most prominent protocols, but there are other protocols

as well. The TCP/IP model is based on a fi ve-layer model for networking. From

bottom (the link) to top (the user application), these are the physical, data link, network,

transport, and application layers. Not all layers are completely defi ned by the

model, so these layers are "fi lled in" by external standards and protocols. The layers

have names but no numbers, and although sometimes people speak of "Layer 2" or

"Layer 3," these are not TCP/IP terms. Terms like these are actually from the OSI Reference


The TCP/IP stack is open, which means that there are no "secrets" as to how it

works. (There are "open systems" too, but with TCP/IP, the systems do not have to be

"open" and often are not.) Two compatible end-system applications can communicate

regardless of their underlying architectures, although the connections between layers

are not defi ned.

The term "protocol stack" is often used synonymously with "protocol suite" as an

implementation of a reference model. However, the term "protocol suite" properly

refers to a collection of all the protocols that can make up a layer in the reference

model. The Internet protocol suite is an example of the Internet or TCP/IP reference

model protocols, and a TCP/IP protocol stack implements one or more of

these protocols at each layer.

2 answers

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is found in the TCP/IP stack of the Application Layer of the OSI reference model. FTP is specialized for sending and receiving files.

1 answer

http is hypertext transfer protocol. it is one of the layer in tcp/ip protocol stack and used most popularly in inernet applictions at user and server agent.

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Airtunes are a method for listening to your iTunes by using software developed by Apple. It is a proprietary protocol suite or stack that was developed by Apple.

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Because it tests connectivity at Layers 3, 2, and 1 of the OSI model.

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Answer: Application, transport, Internet, and Network Interface.

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Explanation: Computers on a network communicate using protocols, which are nothing more than languages that computers understand. These protocols operate on different levels and form what is commonly known as a networking stack or protocol stack.

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quoting from stack exchange:

"Zigbee", or IEEE 802.15.4, is a protocol. As such, it has no "programming language".

2 answers

Data is sent around the internet in protocol stacks. This is built into the computer's operating system. The protocol stack translates the message from alphabetic text, into electronic signals transmitted over t he internet, and back to alphabetic text.

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Application: FTP, SMTP, HTTP

Transport : TCP, UTP

Network : IP, routing protocols

Link : PPP ethernet

Physical : bit

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The TCP/IP protocol stack was first added to Berkeley Unix in 1981 (4.1a BSD); the official release (4.2BSD) was in August, 1983. The term "NOS" did not exist at the time.

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1.physical layer link





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The TCP/IP protocol stack was first added to Berkeley Unix in 1981 (4.1a BSD); the official release (4.2BSD) was in August, 1983. The term "NOS" did not exist at the time.

1 answer

In email, a local e-mail client can use the Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), an application-layer Internet standard protocol, to retrieve e-mail from a remote or local server over a TCP/IP connection. With POP3, a user id and password is sent to the server and the server than responds to email message requests. Using POP3, emails are downloaded and stored on the computer with the email client. The retrieved emails are optionally deleted or retained on the server for possible retrieval from other computers. Alternative protocols for accessing email from mail servers is IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) that does not download emails for storage on your computer, and MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface).

There are many email client programs that can use POP3 including Thunderbird, Outlook, Evolution, Eudora, Opera Mail and Windows mail.

In programming, POP refers to an activity performed on a stack. A stack is a data structure that can hold multiple data items in such a way that only one item is accessible at a time and that item will be the latest one added to the stack. Once the latest one is removed, the item put into the stack before it can be accessed and removed. The action of putting (pushing) an item onto the stack is commonly called "push" and the action of removing (popping) an item from the stack is called "pop". The first item put to a stack will always be the last one removed.

A stack is also called a push down stack, or a LIFO (for Last In First Out) structure.

1 answer

TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.

TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.

TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.

TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.

2 answers

WAP is designed in a layered fashion so that it can be extensible,flexible, and scalable. As a result, the WAP protocol stack is divided into five layers:

  • Application Layer

    Wireless Application Environment (WAE). This layer is of most interest to content developers because it contains, among other things, device specifications and the content development programming languages, WML and WMLScript.

  • Session Layer

    Wireless Session Protocol (WSP). Unlike HTTP, WSP has been designed by the WAP Forum to provide fast connection suspension and reconnection.

  • Transaction Layer

    Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP). The WTP runs on top of a datagram service such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and is part of the standard suite of TCP/IP protocols used to provide a simplified protocol suitable for low bandwidth wireless stations.

  • Security Layer

    Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). WTLS incorporates security features that are based upon the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol standard. It includes data integrity checks, privacy, service denial, and authentication services.

  • Transport Layer

    Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP). The WDP allows WAP to be bearer-independent by adapting the transport layer of the underlying bearer. The WDP presents a consistent data format to the higher layers of the WAP protocol stack, thereby offering the advantage of bearer independence to application developers.

Each of these layers provides a well-defined interface to the layer above it. This means that the internal workings of any layer are transparent or invisible to the layers above it. The layered architecture allows other applications and services to utilise the features provided by the WAP-stack as well. This makes it possible to use the WAP-stack for services and applications that currently are not specified by WAP.

1 answer

A buffer is a piece or memory used for temporary storage, typically in RAM. For example, a network protocol stack implements a set of input buffers. These contain incoming messages so that their addresses can be decoded, following which the message is either discarded or permitted further up the stack.

2 answers

A stack created by the user or a programmer is an implicit stack

1 answer

main cause is spyware or malware or virus - scan and delete the virus\worm\spy sometime it happen due to low memory - increase virtual memory

1 answer

Stack pointer points to the topmost / most recently referenced location on the stack;

- Nutan

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$1000 in a stack

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Stack these boxes over there, please.

There was a stack of cards sitting on the table.

2 answers

Gael Stack has written:

'Gael Stack'

'Gael Stack' -- subject(s): Themes, motives

1 answer

A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Stack pointer is the pointer that points to the top of the stack or that points the item at the top of the stack and help in adding or deleting the item from the top of stack.

2 answers

A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Stack pointer is the pointer that points to the top of the stack or that points the item at the top of the stack and help in adding or deleting the item from the top of stack.

1 answer

utp is new so many few know about it and gets confused with utp Cat cables, meaning un-twisted pair...

The file client known as Utorrent uses this protocol so "UTP" could just mean U Torrent Protocol... or could have something to do with UDP as it runs on top of it. UTP is a much lesser challenging protocol than TCP, but adds some control to the UDP protocol when transferring files on torrents.

Really called Micro Transport Protocol it is a stack protocol running on top of udp. Basically,... it is used to make sure the transferring bits are arrived safely and efficiently a "reliability protocol" because udp is a dumb protocol which only delivers packets without checking... which is much faster than its counterpart TCP when transferring files due to its dumbness.

Ftp is the file transfer protocol and is used in FTP servers for... transferring files between client (you) and server (them).

With kind regards to you and the fruits of knowledge to you,

...Evinkay Alsray.

1 answer

There are various protocols

ftp: file transfer protocol

smtp: simple mail transfer protocol

pop3: post office protocol

ip: internet protocol

tcp: transmission control protocol

ospf: open shortest path first

igrp: interior gateway routing protocol

eigrp: enhanced interior gateway routing protocol

rip: routing information protocol

http: hyper text transfer protocol

udp: user datagram protocol

icmp: internet control message protocol

1 answer

HTML is a protocol

1 answer

Stack in Ilocano is "pundar".

1 answer

Taylor Stack's birth name is Taylor Burns Stack.

1 answer

The answer is Protocol's. Protocol is the set of rules for formatting the data across the network.

5 answers

Its not a stack counter - its a stack pointer. The stack pointer is a register that points to the top of the stack. In the Intel configuration, it points to the next item to be popped off the stack. To push an item requires that the stack pointer be decremented first, and then the item is written. The inverse operation - the pop - requires read then increment.

1 answer

A set of rules used for transferring data over the Internet is called a "protocol".
Hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP.

5 answers

A hypertext protocol is a protocol relating to hypertext.

The most well-known hypertext-related protocol would be the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is used to transfer hypertext from one machine to another.

2 answers

Robert Stack's birth name is Robert Langford Modini Stack.

1 answer

a protocol that's ramdom.

1 answer

Point-to-Point Protocol

1 answer

How do you clear a stack overflow

1 answer