No....a promissory note is not valid without a consideration.
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She signed a promissory note as a commitment to repay the loan on time.
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A promissory note is a fancy legal name for a legally phrased I.O.U.
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The amount written on the face of a promissory note is called face value or principal. The date on which the promissory note is written is called the issue date.
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Even though you file bankruptcy, you still have to honor the promissory note. If you are ordered to make installment payments then you will have to pay the promissory note in installments.
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No, the amount of the promissory note is the face vale not maturity value. Maturity value is the value of the money on the promissory note after a period of time.
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difference between bill of exchange and promissory note?
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A secured promissory note has collateral attached - usually an item/items of value or a deposit. If the note is not fulfilled, the creditor can seize the collateral as payment.
An unsecured note has no collateral attached.
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I needed to sign a promissory note for my student loan money.
The bank is legally owed money when you sign a promissory note.
The promissory note was only one page long but used complicated language.
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One is able to find a free promissory note template both online at promissory note template website, and on Microsoft where there is a program dedicated to letter and note making.
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The ECSI website has lots of the promissory notes. The ECSI website also has the template which will help in the writing of the promissory note.
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State laws vary. The promissory note would be subject to the laws of the state where it was executed.
State laws vary. The promissory note would be subject to the laws of the state where it was executed.
State laws vary. The promissory note would be subject to the laws of the state where it was executed.
State laws vary. The promissory note would be subject to the laws of the state where it was executed.
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A "Promissory Note" is a legal IOU. 'Presentment' of it, means that you (or someone) is cashing it in, and wants to be paid.
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The most important signature on a promissory note is the borrower. Many are also signed by the lender.
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No. An unsigned promissory note has no legal value whatsoever.
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A promissory note (which is usually referred to simply as a note) is a written promise to pay a specific sum at a definite future date.
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If you signed a promissory note and the person decided not to sell you the car, you do not have tobpaybthe down payment. The person has already voided the promissory note by not selling to you.
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The note is no longer valid because it is a personal promissory note. If you want to honor it, that is your decision.
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Please see the resource center at for all of your promissory note questions.
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when selling you business does a promissory note provide proof of ownership for teh buyer?
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According to the website provided below a promissory note is good for 10 years in Louisiana.
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If you forgive a promissory note you can write it off us income tax as a bad debt.
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A Promissory Note is a contract enforceable under CIVIL law. Criminal sanctions do not enter into it.
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A sample of a promissory note can be found at websites, that have office forms or business form templates, such as the Rocket Lawyer website. A website called Legal Forms also have promissory note samples.
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In an action on a promissory note, the promissory note itself is evidence. Give it to your attorney, who is filing the suit, because he will need all the relevant evidence to pursue the lawsuit.
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In order to have a promissory note there must be consideration. If a bank gives you a mortgage, then the home is consideration for your payments.
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A promissory note must be signed by the borrower. The document is not valid if it is a forgery as with any signed document.
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Most lenders do not require the promissory note to be notarized. The deed of trust, however, is usually required to be notarized.
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A promissory note would be more accurately described as a legal document, rather than a business letter.
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The deceased's estate acquires the power to enforce, or the responsibility to pay, the promissory note.
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If they signed the promissory note, then it is legal, and binding.
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Not enough information is given. Promissory note for WHAT? To pay the towing bill? To prove ownership of the car? Is the towing company asking YOU to sign a promissory note? Re-word and re-submit the question.
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A promissory note is a kind of written contract. The statutues and conditions under which it can be enforced are determined by the laws of the state in which it is drafted.
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The payee is the one who will receive the money promised in the note.
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how do i calculate inerest and princible for my promisary note
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Minimum interest upon promissory note in wisconsin
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Real property can only be encumbered by a mortgage and not by a promissory note. A promissory note has no effect on real property it is only evidence of a loan. If the mortgagee acquires title to the mortgaged property the title merges and the mortgage is extinguished.
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The student signed a promissory note to repay the loan by the end of the semester.
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dishonoring the note.
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A promissory note is defined as an instrument in writing (not being a bank note or a currency note), containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument.
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The amount of the promissory note plus the interest earned on the due date is called the maturity value.
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