Could you mean pro tempore or pro tem? Pro tem means "for the time being" or temporarily.
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tem, tempo time tempo, temporary, extemporaneously, contemporary, pro tem, temporal
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Usually abbreviated to pro tem, pro tempore means 'for the time being'.
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The cast of Hero Pro Tem - 1921 includes: George George Henry Murdock Teddy Sampson
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Pro tem is short for pro tempore, meaning "temporarily" or "provisionally".
Thus a Mayor pro tem is a person serving in that position for a limited time pending the ordinary mayor's return, or as a provisional replacement until a new election or appointment is made.
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Yes, Mayor Pro Tem should be capitalized as it is a formal title given to a member of a city council who acts as mayor in the absence of the actual mayor.
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B. a president pro tem.
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The term "pro tem" means "for a time". The President Pro Tem of the US Senate takes over the chairmanship of the Senate when the Vice President, who normally serves as the President of the Senate (and yes, that is per ordinance of the US Constitution) cannot be present in the Senate during times when the Senate is in session. So it's safe to presume that if there was, anywhere, a "mayor pro tem", then that would mean a person filling in temporarily for a mayor who was not able to be present at that time.
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The Latin phrase 'Pro tempore' is often abbreviated to 'pro tem'. It is used when someone temporarily takes over the role of another person. For example a Mayor Pro Tem acts in place of the actual Mayor whilst they are elsewhere.
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The president pro tem of the Senate.
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Death Valley Days - 1952 Husband Pro Tem 2-14 was released on:
USA: 27 March 1954
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No, a pro tem judge cannot sign a search warrant. Only a judge with the authority to issue search warrants can do so. A pro tem judge is a temporary substitute judge who fills in for a regular judge and has limited authority.
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Because she was elected for the position
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He is the president pro tem of the Senate, but can only vote to break a tie.
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the senate pro tem.
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senate pro tem
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The President Pro Tempori (I think that is the correct spelling -- it is usually just called the President Pro Tem) who is elected by the Senate
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Pro Tem means, like, temporary professional, usually used as a legal term for Judges who are brought in as acting judges while the position is vacant.
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The senior member of the majority party of the Senate, who would then be the President Pro Tem of the Senate (or President pro tempore for the full name)
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All first team Pro Bowl players get paid. All Alternates who accept the invitation to play get paid. If an Alternate is named to the tem and declines, they are not considered to be Pro Bowl players and they do not get paid.
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The mayor pro tem performs the sme function as most vice-presidents, or vice-chairman, or many organizations. That person serves in the absence of the mayor, or at the direction of the mayor. In practical terms, ofter that seat is used to prepare and train the next person to become mayor. In thomasville, by custom, mayors only serve for a four-year term, so there is a need to have a future mayor "in training." By Len Powell, former mayor pro tem and mayor of Thomasville.
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All first team Pro Bowl players get paid. All Alternates who accept the invitation to play get paid. If an Alternate is named to the tem and declines, they are not considered to be Pro Bowl players and they do not get paid.
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There is no provision for temporary presidents in India's Constitutiion. In case of say a death, the Vice President officiates pro-tem
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Adrienne A.Jones & her bald headed behind
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The pro temp is elected by the Senate at the beginning of each Congress. By traditional he serves until his party loses the majority or he leaves the senate. There is no set term for this position.
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Order of succession is Vice-President, Speaker of the House, President Pro-Tem of the senate, and then Secretary of State.
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Whoever is designated by the President Pro Tem -- typically it is a junior senator of the majority party.
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Miller Oh is the 2014 mayor of Buena Park, California. The pro tem mayor is Steve Berry.
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b. a president pro tem
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First is the Vice President, second is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and third is the Senate Pro Tem.
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The office of The President pro tempore was established by the Constitution of the United States in 1789. The first President pro tempore, John Langdon, was elected on April 6 the same year.
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The vice-president has no role in the House of Representatives. He serves as president pro tem of the Senate, casting deciding votes in the case of deadlock.
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