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Your teacher wants your opinion, not the opinion of someone on the internet. The object of this assignment was for you to understand what "pork barrel" means.

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Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

2 answers

It is usually explained that it derives from the practice of providing a barrel of salt pork to slaves, as a reward or to celebrate a special occasion. The barrel was set out by the landowner at a predetermined time and the slaves rushed to get their share.

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being inside of your mother!! LOL

1 answer

Politicians only approved the pork barrel spending to gain political support. They didn't approve it because they are for it, they did it so they can win.

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The effect of pork barrel scam to most political geographies is that development is stagnant. This has also affected the economy since businesses have lost confidence in the government.

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they are called 'earmarks' or 'pork barrel's'

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It helps politicians win support from their constituents

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because they were nothing to support if this would abolished

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pork tends to be concentrated in the states and districts of high-ranking congressmen and senators while The lower ranking the member, the less likely they are to get pork.

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These special projects are referred to as Pork Barrel Projects.

3 answers

help politicians win support from their constituents

1 answer

It helps politicians win support from their constituents

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The funding of politicians in the United States is nicknamed the "pork barrel" because politicians are paid way too much for doing so little. Once elected many politicians are "set for life".

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This becomes a case of 'who judges he judges' Congress is SO CURRUPTED by pork barrels, it CAN NOT be counted to represent the welfare of the people who elected them, but the money filth who bribe them.

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Pork barrel is a political jargon which refers to the appropriation of government funds for local projects solely to bring money to a representative's constituent. This technique can be beneficial to the education system of the constituency, if the money obtained is spent on education.

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So they can get money for something in their district.

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The main argument against pork-barrel legislation is that it leads to wasteful government spending by allocating funds based on political favors rather than merit or need. This can result in resources being misallocated and projects being undertaken for reasons other than their actual value or benefit to society. Additionally, pork-barrel spending can contribute to corruption and undermine public trust in government.

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1. Pork Barrel

2. Private Legislation

3. Direct Patronage

1 answer

Pork barrel spending is spending money on projects in the constituency of a Congressman by the Government in the hope of gaining or keeping his support. Pork barrel spending is very often not about the question whether this spending (or keeping on spending) is really necessary or efficient; or if the Congressman's State or District is really the best place for it. It of course does directly benefit the constituency of the Congressman involved. Is it 'fair'? It has been part of American politics from almost the start of the USA, and countless regions over the decades have profited from it. But from a totally unbiased point of view it isn't, since a pork-barrel decision is only partly based - and sometimes hardly at all - on what is best or most cost-efficient for the country at large.

4 answers

Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

1 answer

Typically, 'pork' involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers. Public works projects, certain national defense spending projects, and agricultural subsidies are the most commonly cited examples. Pork is often identified as a key cause of government waste in the United States, specifically by funding programs which were not requested, authorised, competitively awarded, exceeding the budget, not subject to congressional hearings, and/or only serve a local, special interest.

6 answers

Pork in this case refers to someone in office getting extra money or gifts for their vote. Therefore the vote is corrupted because it has been paid for by an interested person or company.

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Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

1 answer

In politics, the biggest disadvantage is that it leads to bargaining for projects to be done and leads to wasteful and irresponsible spending.

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members of congress they participate though does much of his work for the people of increase the voting strength of a particular group to do as part of its expressed powers to support armies lobbyist people of congress try to get pork barrel projects

5 answers

Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

2 answers

Earmarks also known as pork barrel are normally attached to another bill and passed with no discussion, by a vote of the Congress.

1 answer

Deficit spending.

Social Welfare,

Pork Barrel Spending.


Infrastructure Investment.

Good Planning.

Public Works that paid a dividend.

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It is actually two words: Pork Barrel, the term is a political metaphor to describe political legislation that directs government spending towards a particular constituency. Originally, pork barrel meant what it seems to mean, which is a barrel stuffed with salted pork. The term came from the "gifts" sometimes given to slaves by the slave holders, which if one stopped to analyze how it was that Congressmen came to define "gifts" to their own constituency one might come to the conclusion that Congress views their constituents as slaves, and themselves as the slave holder.

1 answer

Who cares?

And for those who do, why?

To be honest, I don't think it's an issue on anybody's mind

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