Pope Innocent III was the most powerful pope of Medieval times.
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Pope Celestine III died on January 8th of that year and was succeeded by Pope Innocent III that same day.
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Innocent III was pope between the years 1198 and 1216.
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Innocent has been the name of 13 popes I believe.
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Pope Innocent III, who reigned from January 8, 1198, until July 16, 1216, was the 176th pope.
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From Wikipedia: Pope Innocent III (Latin: Innocentius III; 1160 or 1161 - 16 July 1216) reigned from 8 January 1198 to his death. Thus he reigned approximately 18 years.
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Pope Innocent III launched the Fourth Crusade, which began in 1202. It was intended to end Muslim control of Jerusalem. However, this Crusade led instead to the sacking of Constantinople. The Fourth Crusade lasted from 1202 to 1204. Pope Innocent III was pope from 1198 to 1216.
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King John and Innocent were having a dispute over the next Archbishop. And then King John banished Innocent's bishop form England.
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Pope Innocent III
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Catholic AnswerThere have been a whole bunch of them:First Ecumenical Council: Nicea I - Pope Sylvester
Constantinople I - St. Damasus I
Ephesus - Celestine I
Chalcedon - St. Leo I (the Great)
Constantinople II - Pope Vigilius
Constantinople III - Pope Agatho
Nicaea II - Pope Adrian I
Constantinople IV - Pope Adrian II
Lateran I - Callistus II
Lateran II - Pope Innocent II
Lateran III - Pope Alexander III
Lateran IV Pope Innocent III
Lyons I - Pope Innocent IV
Lyons II - Pope Gregory X
Vienne - Pope Clement V
Constance - Gregory XI
Basle/Ferrara/Florence - Pope Eugene IV
Lateran V - Popes Julius II and Leo X
Trent - Popes Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, and Pius IV
Vatican I - Pius IX
Vatican II - John XXIII, Paul VI
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All the popes listed below had the given name of Giovanni, In some cases it was a second or third name.
Pope John I
Pope John VIII
Pope John IX
Pope John X
Pope John XI
Pope John XVIII
Pope Gelasius II
Pope Nicholas III
Pope Innocent VIII
Pope Leo X
Pope Julius III
Pope Paul IV
Pope Pius IV
Pope Urban VII
Pope Innocent IX
Pope Innocent X
Pope Clement XI
Pope Clement XIV
Pope Pius VI
Pope Pius IX
Pope Benedict XV
Pope Pius XII
Pope Paul VI
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Philip Augustus of France, and King John of England
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He viewed them as allies in the effort to unite Italy and Germany.
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Pope Victor III died of natural causes in 1087. Pope Urban III succeeded him. Pope Victor III became pope in 1085.
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Depending on the dates used for the Middle Ages, there were about 160 to 175 medieval popes. One was Pope Leo III, who crowned Charlemagne emperor. Another was Pope Urban II who called for the First Crusade. Others were Pope Innocent III and Pope Gregory IX, who feuded with Emperor Frederick II over the extent of ecclesiastical authority.
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Pope Innocent VII was born Cosimo de' Miglioratand Pope Innocent VIII was born Giovanni Battista Cybo.
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Pope Anastasius III reigned after Sergius III from April 911 until June 913.
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