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Pope St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88) followed Linus.

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There has never been a Hebrew pope. However, there is a legend about a Christian Pope who might have had Jewish ancestry. This legend is sometimes associated with Antipope Anacletus II or with Pope Alexander III.

1 answer

The first two successors of St. Peter as the head of the Universal Church were St. Linus, who served as pope from around 67 to 76 AD, and St. Anacletus (or St. Cletus), who served as pope from around 76 to 88 AD.

2 answers

Catholic tradition is uncertain on the spelling: Cletusor Anacletus, because the earliest traditions of church leadership were oral only. In fact, Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of these traditions, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Linus, nor either a Pope Cletus or Pope Anacletus, although it is just possible there was a presbyter with a name similar to one of these

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We know nothing certain about Pope Anacletus (also known as Cletus or Anencletus) and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived. Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Anacletus, although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name. The Catholic Church assumes Anacletus was a martyr.

1 answer

Antipope Anacletus II died in 1138.

1 answer

Catholic Answer
Although there is some confusion as to whether he was the 3rd or 4th leader of the Catholic faith, tradition holds that he died as a martyr. Some early documents state that Cletus and Anacletus were one and the same while other sources state that they were two distinct individuals.

We know nothing certain about Pope Cletus (also known as Anacletus or Anencletus) and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived. Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Anacletus, although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name. The Catholic Church assumes Pope St. Cletus was a martyr.

3 answers


The Catholic Church teaches that Pope St. Cletus (also known as Anacletus or Anencletus) was the third bishop of Rome and assumes that he was a martyr. In practice, we know nothing certain about Pope Cletus and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived.

Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Cletus (Anacletus or Anencletus), although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name.

1 answer

Saint Cletus, also known as Pope Anacletus, was the third pope of the Catholic Church, serving from around 76 to 88 AD. He is believed to have been martyred for his faith during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian. Saint Cletus is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church.

4 answers

St. Peter, Jude's fellow Apostle, was the first Pope. Pope Linus succeeded St. Peter, & then Anacletus. I do not know when St. Jude died, but most likely within the lives of the first 3. At the very least, the first one(Peter).

1 answer


The Catholic Church teaches that Pope St. Cletus (also known as Anacletus or Anencletus) was the third bishop of Rome and assumes that he died a martyr in Rome. In practice, we really know nothing about Pope Cletus and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived.

Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Cletus (Anacletus or Anencletus), although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name.

1 answer


We know nothing certain about Pope Anacletus (also known as Cletus or Anencletus) and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived. If he was a real person, he may have been a freed Roman slave, but other evidence points to him as a Greek. Tradition says that he was bishop of Rome and pope from around 79 to 92 CE, with some saying he was the second pope after Peter, while others say he was the third. However, scholars say that the role of bishop was not established until early in the second century and that Pope Anicetus (c. 157-168) was the first bishop of Rome to use the title of 'Pope' in a sense of special authority. In fact, the latter pope, Anicetus, is the first leader of the Roman Church about whom very much is known at all.

The Original Catholic Encyclopedia concedes we know little about the early popes and nothing reliable about their chronology until Pope Anicetus, nearly a century later.

1 answer


The Catholic Church believes that Saint Cletus (also known as Anacletus or Anencletus) was pope from about 79 to 92 CE, although those dates are uncertain. There is no tradition as to when he was born. In fact,we can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived, in spite of Catholic tradition.

Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Cletus (Anacletus or Anencletus), although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name.

3 answers


The Catholic Church believes that Saint Cletus (also known as Anacletus or Anencletus) was pope from about 79 to 92 CE, although those dates are uncertain. There is no tradition as to when he was born, so we could never say how old Cletus was when he died. In fact,we can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived, in spite of Catholic tradition.

Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Cletus (Anacletus or Anencletus), although it is possible there was a presbyter of than name.

1 answer

All of the pope's names starting with the letter "A: are: * Adeodatus * Adrian I, II, III, IV, V, and VI * Agapetus I and II * Agatho * Alexander I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII * Anacletus * Anastasius I, II, III, and IV * Anicetus * Anterus

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Another answer from our community:

Pope St. Clement I (called CLEMENS ROMANUS to distinguish him from the Alexandrian) was the fourth pope of the Catholic Church.

5 answers

Pope Paul VI was elected pope after the death of Pope John XXIII.

2 answers

John Paul II

9 answers

There is no pope named Pope XXIII. If you are referring to Pope John XXIII, he became pope in 1958.

1 answer

Pope Francis is the reigning pope in 2013.

3 answers

The current pope is Pope Benedict XVI.

2 answers

Pope Pius III was the predecessor of Pope Julius II.

2 answers

It was Pius XII. He was pope from Mar. 2, 1939 to his death on Oct. 9, 1958.

5 answers

Pope Pius I was the 10th pope.

1 answer

12 popes have taken the name "Pius". Some of them were also canonized as saints.

Pope Pius I, saint, Pope 140/142 to 155

Pope Pius II, Pope 1458 to 1474

Pope Pius III, Pope in 1503

Pope Pius IV, Pope 1559 to 1565

Pope Pius V, saint, Pope 1566 to 1572

Pope Pius VI, Pope 1775 to 1799

Pope Pius VII, Pope 1800 to 1823

Pope Pius VIII, Pope 1829 to 1830

Pope Pius IX, Pope 1846 to 1878

Pope Pius X, saint, Pope 1903 to 1914

Pope Pius XI, Pope 1922 to 1939

Pope Pius XII, Pope 1939 to 1958

2 answers

Pope Francis is pope number 266.

1 answer

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

1 answer

pope julius the 2nd,pope leo,and pope clement

1 answer

Pope Pius XII was pope from 1939 to 1958.

2 answers

Pope St. Gregory VII was pope in 1075.

Pope St. Gregory VII was pope in 1075.

2 answers

Pope Pius X became pope in 1903 following the death of Pope Leo XIII.

3 answers

In 1968, Pope Paul VI was head of the Catholic Church.

7 answers

Alexander VI was Pope from 1492 until 1503.

6 answers

All the popes listed below had the given name of Giovanni, In some cases it was a second or third name.

Pope John I

Pope John VIII

Pope John IX

Pope John X

Pope John XI

Pope John XVIII

Pope Gelasius II

Pope Nicholas III

Pope Innocent VIII

Pope Leo X

Pope Julius III

Pope Paul IV

Pope Pius IV

Pope Urban VII

Pope Innocent IX

Pope Innocent X

Pope Clement XI

Pope Clement XIV

Pope Pius VI

Pope Pius IX

Pope Benedict XV

Pope Pius XII

Pope Paul VI

2 answers

The new Pope is always fitted with clothing tailored to his measurements.

1 answer

If you mean Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis followed him as pope.

2 answers

Pope Leo XIII was the pope in 1896. He was pope from 1878 to 1903.

2 answers

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

1 answer

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

1 answer

Pope Benedict XVI is the 265th pope.

1 answer

Pope Francis is the first member of the Jesuit order to be elected as pope, the first pope from the Western Hemisphere, the first pope from the Southern Hemisphere and the first pope from the Americas.

2 answers

There is no pope named Pope II.

1 answer

Paul VI (1963-78)

4 answers

France does not have a pope, there is only one pope and he resides in the Vatican. The Pope in 1930 was Pope Pius XI.

1 answer

Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.

2 answers

There is only one pope and he rules the Church from the Vatican. In 2014 that pope is Pope Francis. Individual countries do not have popes. The pope before him was Pope Benedict XVI who was German.

3 answers

Pope Francis, elected in 2013, is the 266th pope.

3 answers

John Paul II was preceded by Pope John Paul I who was preceded by Pope Paul XI.

7 answers

The pope's death removes him. There is no pope during the conclave that elects a pope.

1 answer