a piece of music with 2 or more melodies (it sounds very noisy)
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The texture most common to fugues is polyphony or counterpoint.
A polyphonic or contrapuntal (same thing) means there are two or more melodies of the same importance being played at the same time.
Contrapuntal isn't the same as a polyphonic texture.
Contrapuntal texture describes the melody moving in an opposite direction:
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A polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject is called a fugue. In a fugue, the main theme, known as the subject, is introduced and then imitated by different voices or instruments in a contrapuntal manner. This creates a complex and intricate musical texture.
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Having a multiplicity of sounds., Characterized by polyphony; as, Assyrian polyphonic characters., Consisting of several tone series, or melodic parts, progressing simultaneously according to the laws of counterpoint; contrapuntal; as, a polyphonic composition; -- opposed to homophonic, or monodic.
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A polyphonic composition based on one main theme is known as a fugue. In a fugue, the main theme, or subject, is introduced and then developed through contrapuntal interactions of multiple voices. The result is a complex and intricate piece of music where the various voices intertwine and interact around the central theme.
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Polyphonic texture involves multiple independent melodies happening simultaneously, while homophonic texture features a main melody accompanied by supporting chords. In polyphony, each voice has its own melodic interest, creating a more contrapuntal or layered effect, whereas homophony emphasizes the chords supporting the melody.
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The term you are looking for would be polyphony, or more correctly contrapuntal. This basically means there is more than one melody being played at a time. This is different from just hearing a melody accompanied by chord figures.
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yes it has both contrapuntal abd homophonic.
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Contrapuntal, or counterpoint is used in music to provide an additional lyrical sound to a composition.
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Contrapuntal sound occurs when music and visual elements play against each other. Simply put, when they are in contrast of each other.
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Invertible counterpoint The contrapuntal design of two or more voices in a polyphonic texture so that any of them may serve as an upper voice or as the bass. Invertible counterpoint involving two (three, four) voices is called double (triple, quadruple) counterpoint. http://www.answers.com/topic/invertible-counterpoint-music
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The polyphonic music had multiple melodies playing simultaneously, creating a rich and textured sound.
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revival of interest in contrapuntal technique
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It isn't polyphonic - it's is monophonic: A melody accompanied by broken and arpeggiated chords virtually all the way through. Polyphonic means two separate voice lines playing against one another - that doesn't occur in Fur Elise.
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Gamelan music is basically polyphonic with a nuclear theme,an elaboration, a punctuation, a counter melody and a rhythm
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In music, a piece which has interweaving melodic lines (lots of tunes weaving in and around each other) is said to show polyphony, or be polyphonic. Essentially, polyphonic is just another word for counterpoint.
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That song is called "Light and Day." It's featured in Season 3, episode 19 - my choosiest choice of all. Not only is the song similar to the Polyphonic Spree, it IS the Polyphonic Spree!
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polyphony? contrapuntal? there may be others
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Bach uses a contrapuntal texture in this selection.
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Contrapuntal music uses counterpoint; the music consists of two or more melodic strands heard simultaneously. Homo-phonic music only has a single melodic line with accompaniment.
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Both: the orchestral movements and choruses are often polyphonic, the solo's inevitably inclined to homophony.
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The maximum number of voices that can be played simultaneously on this keyboard with polyphonic capability is 64.
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There are several places where someone can find a polyphonic ringtone. Some possible options are Polyphonicringtonez, Street Directory, Download WAP and Zedge.
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In the Medieval times the motet was a secular polyphonic vocal genre. Later on in the Renaissance time it became a sacred or devotional polyphonic vocal genre.
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C. From exclusive use of polyphonic texture to use of combined polyphonic andhomophonic texture
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The clue is in the title: its texture is based on counterpoint! In other words, it has a contrapuntal texture.
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