1. is the study of internal and external structures of the body and the physical relationships among body parts.
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1.For strength
2.For body fitness
3.For being healthy
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The amount of energy the body needs is primarily affected by factors such as basal metabolic rate, physical activity level, age, gender, and body composition. Other factors like genetics, hormonal balance, and environmental conditions can also play a role in influencing the body's energy requirements.
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physical activity that the body partakes in has a scientific basis.
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gymnastics has a major effect on your physical fitness. it makes your body very muscly, expecally if you get to a higher level. When you get to team in gymnastics you go to the gym for about 3 1/2 hours 2-6 nights a week, depending on what level your in.
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Body's physical health is interconnected and cannot be separated from your body's mental health. One affects the other.
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The Latin root "corp" means body. It is often used in words related to the physical body or physical structure.
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the characteristci of physical education is to enhance our body.
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Physical Education used to be called gym class.
His physical body was spent.
I had a physical at the doctor's office.
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Physical discipline is the ability of the brain to tell the body when enough is enough. Physical discipline has to do with the ability to exercise and be fit without sacrificing the basic needs of the body.
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our body is a machine, and if a machine is not in use that becomes out of order in sometimes. same with our body if we will not do any physical activities and physical movements then our body will be out of order.
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All Navy personnel participate in a Physical Fitness Assessment semi-annually. The PFA consists of a body composition assessment or BCA (height and weight measurment). And a physical fitness test that consists of: 1 1/2 mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, and a sit and reach.
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During physical activity, the body burns glycogen by breaking it down into glucose, which is then used as fuel for muscles. This process is called glycogenolysis and provides energy for the body to perform physical tasks.
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physical fitness
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The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass
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Hunger is the body's perceptual response to undernourishment (the need for nutrients).
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It means the physical/visual health of your body, how healthy you are physically
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i just checked the physical it is looking good
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physical fitness
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Your height is a physical property of your body. As is its mass.
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You can. Do physical work.
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I do not have a physical body, so I do not have gas inside of me.
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A physical therapist needs to be patient and understanding. They also need to know about muscles in the body and body mechanics.
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share your experience on your physical education experiences in high school
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==new answer== We are all spirit expressing through the soul using a physical body during our physical stay. Rather than a crossing over it is really a withdrawal of attenion from the physical body so that the body ceases to function. Our attention is withdrawn from the physical into subconscious mind or soul where we reside until the next incarnation. So to answer your question, you will know when the spirit has left the physical body when it has ceased to function.
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In Buddhistic teachings there is a mind / body dualism.
The body referring to anything related to the physical aspect of self such as the skin,
bones, blood, cells and the brain.
The mind referring to consciousness or "self" which exists beyond the physical constraints
of the physical body.
I.e.: You are not your hand, when you feel pain it is only your body and not you. Your
"self" is free from pain no matter what the physical body endures.
I'll include a link for a further explanation.
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Physical Education provides a platform to ensure that the human body is well trained to be fit and healthy at a young age. By making physical education a part of a child or a teenager the ability inside the body to be strong and build muscular efficiency is ensured.
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Mind-body dualism is the philosophical belief that the mind and body are two distinct entities that exist separately, with the mind being non-physical and the body being physical. This concept suggests that mental states and physical states are fundamentally different in nature.
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1. Body Build
2. Bone Structure
3. Finger Structure
4. Toe Structure
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physical education is the process were your body is moving all .......
when your body is stretching . like when your hopping ,running..... and other else
example: when your exercing......
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Exercise such as martial arts, running, sex etc. All good ways of keeping fit and developing a good physical body.
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Physical Fitness
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The Nervous System
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The Nervous System
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Some of their adaptions are the thorns on their body and their small body.
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An example of a physical change that happens inside your body is the contraction of a muscle. When a muscle contracts, its length decreases, but its composition remains the same. This physical change allows movement and various bodily functions to occur.
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Dualism is the view that sees the mind and body as separate entities, with the mind typically considered non-physical or immaterial while the body is physical. Dualism suggests that mental and physical processes are distinct and do not rely on each other for existence.
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For the early Gnostic Christians, it was not important that Jesus had a physical body, and many Gnostics believed otherwise. For them, not having a physical body was further evidence of Jesus' divinity.
Another branch of Christianity, the forerunner of the Catholic-Orthodox Church, taught that Jesus had a physical body in order that he suffer pain on the cross. It was probably also important to deny any truth in Gnostic beliefs.
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Food provides the fuel ( energy) for man's physical activities.
The role of food in your physical activities is that food provides the body with energy. Without energy, the body becomes weak.
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