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The Spanish American War ennded and the Philippine American War began.

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Philippine American War.

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During the Spanish-American war Philippine freedom fighters were allied with the US.

After that war, during the Philippine-American War (Philippine Insurrection) they wer at war with the US government.

During World War2, Philippine freedom fighters were guerrillas against the Japanese occupation and supported by the US.

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The Philippine American war was the direct response to the Spanish American War.

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new territories for the US

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The Philippine American War and World War One.

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A long and bloody Philippine American War.

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It had evolved into the long and bloody Philippine American War.

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The Philippine Insurrection, also called the Philippine-American War.

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No it was not, but the Philippine American War was.

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He was the leader of the Philippine's during the Spanish-American war.

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He was the leader of the Philippine's during the Spanish-American war.

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The Philippine American war had Rebel Filipinos fighting against other Rebel Filipinos and against the US Forces, The Philippine constabulary and the Philippine Scouts.

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some of the filipinos died because of the war

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The Philippine Insurrection, which may have been renamed in the 21st century as the Philippine-American War (1900-1902). This conflict, was properly named and in reality, an "insurrection" against the US government; as the US had won the Philippines from Spain during the Spanish-American War of 1898. Which is an ironic the Philippine Insurrection (or Philippine-American War) was far bloodier, and lasted much longer, than the Spanish-American War that had spawned it.

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The Boer War in south Africa did and so did the Philippine-American war.

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The much longer and more violent and controversial Philippine American War.

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He was the leader of the Philippine's during the Spanish-American war.

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The Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902. As of the 21st Century, the name has been changed to "Philippine-American War." This war was bloodier than the Spanish-American War of 1898 which had spawned it.

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One of the problems it created for the US was the long and costly Philippine American War.

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Yes, the Philippine-American War was fought from 1899 to 1902

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After the Spanish-American War, the 1898 Treaty of Paris gave America absolute control of the Philippine Islands from Spain. The American finally wom the American-Philippine war in 1913 asserting American dominance over the islands. In 1917, since the islands were a direct dependency and territory of the United States, they went to war with American against the central powers. They spent a year mobilizing a new Philippine National Guard which was trained and sent to France with American Expeditionary Forces.

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The Republic of Cuba and the Philippine Republic.

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Russo- Japanese War , Philippine- American war and Boer war.

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It was a brief and highly supported war which led to the protracted Philippine American War that lacked solid public support.

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After the Philippine-American War, the US governed the Philippines as a US possession.

As it had promised to do before the war, after World War 2 the US granted independence to the Philippines.

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After the Philippine-American War, the US governed the Philippines as a US possession.

As it had promised to do before the war, after World War 2 the US granted independence to the Philippines.

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After the Philippine-American War, the US governed the Philippines as a US possession.

As it had promised to do before the war, after World War 2 the US granted independence to the Philippines.

1 answer

After the Philippine-American War, the US governed the Philippines as a US possession.

As it had promised to do before the war, after World War 2 the US granted independence to the Philippines.

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They got the Philippine American War, Guam, Puerto Rico and a Cuban Naval Base.

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The United States fought in six major wars: the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, and the Philippine-American War.

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The Spanish-American War was a war fought oversea (meaning from one island to another) involving campaigns in both Cuba and the Philippine Islands.

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After the Philippine-American War, the US governed the Philippines as a US possession.

As it had promised to do before the war, after World War 2 the US granted independence to the Philippines.

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At Manila Bay in the Philippine Islands.

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It began with the Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippine Islands.

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