No country currently uses the Peseta as their currency.
Spain used the Peseta from 1869 to 2002. On 1st January 2002 the Peseta was replaced by the Euro at the rate of €1 = 166.386 Pesetas.
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Spain no longer uses the peseta. They use the Euro, but Francisco Franco was on the peseta coin.
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The Peseta was devalued from 60 pta./dollar to 70 pta./dollar in 1967
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No currency was named after Franco. During his tenure the Spanish currency was the Peseta. The Peseta was replaced by the Euro.
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The euro officially replaced the Spanish peseta as the currency of Spain on January 1, 2002. The peseta ceased to be legal tender on February 28, 2002, and from then on, only the euro was used in Spain.
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In Spain, the Peseta replaced the Escudo on October 19, 1868. The Euro in turn replaced the Peseta in 2002.
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The Spanish peseta is no longer a legal tender currency. Both Spain and the UK use the euro.
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No, the peseta and euro are two entirely different monetary systems, just as the English Pound and the Mexican Dollar is.
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Se usa el euro ahora. Antes se usaba la peseta. It now uses the euro. Previously used the peseta.
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what is the value of a 1963 una peseta coin? please emile me at
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La edad de la peseta - 2006 is rated/received certificates of:
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The Spainish Peseta is obsolete and no longer legal tender. 5 Peseta would have converted to .03 Euro or 4 1/2 US Cents.
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It is 1 peso! And if you wanted to know its value in some other currency then you need to specify which country's peseta you are talking about and also in which country's currency you want its value.
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Spain is a member of European Union therefore they use Euro currency. It used to be the Peseta prior to the adoption of the Euro.
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The Spanish peseta is no longer in use and has been replaced by the Euro. When the peseta was a valid form of currency, 300,000 would of been worth $2418.23 in the U.S.
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The currency of Spain was the Peseta from 1867 until they converted to the Euro in 2002.
On 1st January 2002 the peseta
was replaced by the Euro at the rate of €1 =
166.386 pesetas.
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As of January 1, 2002 it's the Euro, before that it was the peseta.
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The peseta was the currency of Spain between 1869 and 2002. Along with the French franc, it was also a de factocurrency used in Andorra (which had no national currency with legal tender.The peseta was replaced by the euro (€) in 1999 on currency exchange boards. Euro coins and notes were introduced in January 2002, and on March 1, 2002, the peseta lost its legal tender status in Spain,
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The Peseta was replaced by the Euro on January 1, 2002. Pesetas are no longer accepted in cash transactions.
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The mintage coin data for Spanish 25 peseta gold coin is called the beard bust and is 90% gold. You can go to check my answer.
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There was the Spanish silver dollar or real de a ocho , known as the "piece of eight" (peso de ocho) because of its value of 8 reales.
The gold doubloon was a large gold coin worth 2 escudos, equal to 32 reales.
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Before Spain adopted the Euro their unit of currency was the peseta.
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