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Closest to the sun.

At perihelion, Earth it is 91 million miles (147 million km.) from the Sun. At aphelion, it is 95 million miles (152 million km.) from the Sun. The difference is only about 4 million miles (5 million km.), which, for all practical purposes, is a perfectly circular orbit.

This sets the Earth apart from all other planets, especially Mars and Venus, each of which have a perihelion and aphelion that differ significantly.

2 answers

When an object orbiting the Sun is at its closest distance to the Sun, it is said to be in perihelion.

1 answer

Perihelion is the point in a planet's orbit when it is nearest to the sun. Apehelion is when it's furthest from the sun. We would not be coldest at perihelion.

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At perihelion Venus is about:

  • 107,476,259 km (66,782,651.2 miles) (0.71843270 AU)

1 answer

No. "Perihelion" is the point in the orbit of any object that revolves around the sun
where the object is closest to the sun.

The earth was at its perihelion on January 4, 2009.

1 answer

The term for when a planet is at the point of its orbit nearest the sun is "perihelion." This is the closest point to the sun in a planet's elliptical orbit.

6 answers

The perihelion, which is the point in a planet's orbit where it is closest to the sun, typically occurs in early January for Earth.

2 answers

Saturn's perihelion is the point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun. Saturn's perihelion distance is about 1.35 billion kilometers from the Sun.

3 answers

Pluto's perihelion distance is about 4.4 billion kilometers, while its aphelion distance is about 7.4 billion kilometers from the Sun. So, Pluto is closer to the Sun at perihelion and farther away at aphelion.

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740,742,600 km

1 answer

January 3, 2010 was the date of the "most recent" perihelion. Hopefully, not the "last" one.

1 answer

The Earth reaches perihelion in January. This is when it is closest to the sun in its elliptical orbit.

2 answers

Earth's perihelion occurs around January 3rd each year when it is closest to the Sun in its elliptical orbit. At perihelion, Earth is approximately 147 million kilometers (91.4 million miles) away from the Sun.

2 answers

The point at which it is closest to the Sun.

1 answer

A planet travels fastest at perihelion, which is the point in its orbit when it is closest to the Sun. This is due to the increase in gravitational pull experienced by the planet at this point.

3 answers

A perihelion is the point when a planet, or anything else that could orbit a star, is closest to it, as very few celestial objects , if any, have exactly circular orbits.

1 answer

A planet's closest approach to the sun is called perihelion. This is when the planet is at its nearest point to the sun in its elliptical orbit.

2 answers



1 answer

The distance between the Earth and the Sun at perihelion is 147,098,074 km

0.9832898912 AU or 91.4 milion miles).

Perihelion is the point of least distance of the elliptical orbit of the Earth from the Sun.

10 answers

The term "perihelion" refers to the point in its orbit when a planet or other celestial body is closest to the Sun. This creates a situation where the body experiences its maximum gravitational acceleration from the Sun, which can affect its motion and orbit.

2 answers

The point on Earth's orbit when it is closest to the sun is called perihelion. At perihelion, Earth is approximately 147 million kilometers (91 million miles) away from the sun, compared to its farthest point, aphelion.

2 answers

Perimeter, perihelion, peripatetic.

1 answer

This is when the planet is at its closest point to the sun on its orbit around it. If its distance carts by enough it will experience higher temperatures at the perihelion. It will also be orbiting at its highest speed at this point.

8 answers

Perihelion is when the Earth is closest to the sun.

2 answers