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It may have some benefit, but I wouldn't take the chance. I don't see how, but you should ask your vet for their recommendations.

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The common name pawpaw, also spelled paw paw, paw-paw, and papaw, probably derives from the Spanish papaya perhaps because of the superficial similarity of their fruits -- Wikipedia

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what does the word 'tattered' suggest about the boys in the poem the pawpaw by Edward Braithwaite?

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That is the Afrcan name for Papaya.

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Pawpaw ointmentis good for, dry skin, pimples, chafing, nappy rash,and sunburn.

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Pawpaw or Papaya are correct

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There is no such thing as a friut.

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That is a Paw Paw, also known as a Hoosier Fruit, Indiana Banana, Ozark Banana - the fruit also carries other State names

3 answers

Osita Iheme goes by Pawpaw.

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Hell yeah! actually I don't know.

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Yes they can it is a 5/10 on the yum factor :)

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Yes. The Latin name is Carica Papaya, The Common Pawpaw.

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The words "mawmaw" and "pawpaw" are variations of the word "grandma" and "grandpa" in some Southern regions of the United States. They are likely derived from informal, affectionate terms used within families as a way to address or refer to grandparents.

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The accepted scientific name is Dolba hyloeus.

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In rural Appalachian areas of the US, a pawpaw is a wild fruit that is gathered in the fall (about the time of year this question has been posted.) If that is the focus of the dream, then it might reflect your need to return to your rural, ancestral heritage, and find the value in unsophisticated things with little commercial recognition. On the other hand, "Pawpaw" is also a common fond name for a grandfather. Again, that suggests returning to things that were valued in your childhood or in your family's past.

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They raise tomatoes but the pawpaw is the first choice for many as the State veggie.

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An asimina is an alternative name for the pawpaw, Latin name Asimina triloba, a fruit-bearing plant.

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Jeanne Shannon has written:

'The well under the pawpaw trees'


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The plural of paw is paws.

As in "the dog licked her paws".

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Oh, dude, I mean, like, yeah, totally! The Pawpaw tree was mentioned in "Where the Red Fern Grows." It's where Billy finds the red fern growing, like, symbolizing his love for his dogs or something deep like that. So, yeah, it's in there, man.

3 answers

Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is a fruit native to North America, primarily found in the eastern United States. It grows on small, deciduous trees in forests and along riverbanks. Pawpaw has a tropical flavor often likened to a mix of banana, mango, and melon.

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Asimina triloba.

1 answer

sa ugac,sa bahay nila aldous sa may bassig street.......

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They need birds and insects to pollinate the trees. Plants that are not pollinated can't produce fruits or vegetables.

5 answers

sam pawpaw gets it hahahaahahhh wow eatin stuff teehee ehehheheheheehehhe ur funny

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Murmur, bonbon, pawpaw, pompom, testes, tsetse, tartar

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The: Strawberry, Cranberry, Tomato (yes a tomato is a fruit), Paw-Paw (Pawpaw), and Chili peppers (to name a few).

3 answers

20.8 miles from Bronson Park (downtown Kalamazoo) to Brewster's (downtown Pawpaw)

1 answer

The scientific name for paw paw is Asimina triloba.

4 answers

use pawpaw ointment! it works wonders also, rub it on your cuticals morning and night to make then soft and nice :)

1 answer

Paw-paw is similar to a banana. It has an apple-like flavor, but the texture of a banana. They are a member of the custard apple family.

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Pineapple and pawpaw contain enzymes called bromelain and papain, respectively, which can help digest proteins in the absence of protease. By consuming these fruits, individuals lacking protease may find improved digestion of protein-rich foods.

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The Pawpaw fruit is a tropical fruit that has the taste of a mix between a banana, a mango, and a pineapple. The fruit is not fattening.

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· peach, pear, plum, prune, papaya, pepper, pumpkin, pineapple, pomegranate, pomelo, persimmon, pawpaw

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It grows on a tropical plant, native to Brazil.

5 answers

All fruit is good for your skin, papaya or pawpaw is especially good when mashed and used as a facial mask.

1 answer

The Pawpaw, known to botanists as

Asimina triloba

, is a small, tropical~looking tree, seldom taller than 25 feet. Grown in full sun, the Pawpaw tree develops a narrowly pyramidal shape with dense, drooping foliage down to the ground level. In the shade it grows tall, with a more open branching habit, horizontally held leaves, and few lower limbs. Shading for the first~year, and sometimes the second, is normally required, and it is for this reason that Pawpaws are almost always found in nature as an understory tree. Although the Pawpaw is capable of fruiting in the shade, optimum fruit yields are obtained in open exposure, with some protection from wind (on account of the large leaves). Plant at least two trees for fruit production, to ensure cross~pollination. Some Pawpaw patches never fruit, because all the trees are actually clonal root sprouts from one original tree. In such cases, the patch may be made to bear fruit by planting new trees in and around it, thus providing cross~pollination. Little Pawpaw trees coming up in a patch are usually root sprouts from larger trees, and do not have a sufficient root system of their own. This is why Pawpaw trees dug up in the wild rarely survive.

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