Patent Pending - album - was created on 2006-09-11.
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Simply add the text "Patent Pending" to the product or service which is a pending patent covers. Optionally, include the pending application number at the corresponding patent office. In the USPTO, the application number is formatted like this xx/xxx,xxx.
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A patent is a grant from a patent office, such as the United States Patent Office. "Patent Pending" is a phrase that an application for a patent has been filed and is in some stage in the process of obtaining a patent. Thus, a patent can be presently enforced while a patent that is merely pending is unenforceable but can mature into a patent that can be enforced. Once the pending patent matures, the patent owner can sue for back damages or reasonable royalties starting from the filing date of the patent.
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A "pending patent" does not exist. A patent application which is pending at the patent office is typically referred to as "patent pending", but has not yet matured into an enforceable right. A patent application can, in theory, be pending indefinitely as long as you are willing to pay to keep it alive (via Requests for Continued Examination or via continuation applications, and so forth).
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Patent pending is a warning that a patent application has been filed. It is completely worthless until and unless a patent is actually issued for that invention.
Patent number notice means a patent with that number was issued for the invention that is implemented in the product labeled with that number.
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Marc Kantor appears to be a member of the pop punk, Ska band known as Patent Pending. He is one of the guitarists for the band who hail from Mount Sinai, New York.
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There are hundreds of places to buy "patent pending" decals and stickers. Run a search for them using a search engine.
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You can sell it at any time. However a marking of "patent pending" is only a warning (and maybe a deterrent to particularly risk averse would-be infringers) and does not provide any enforcement value. Once your pending patent issues, you can begin to enforce your patent rights if desired.
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Pending patents refer to applications already filed in the patent office.
Proposed patents refer to business strategy about whether and when to file a patent application.
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Absolutely. The term "patent pending" applied to a product has no legal ramifications. It's just advertising that they are trying to patent the technology that went into the product. Only an issued patent is enforcable. Some products will print patent numbers on their packaging if patents have issued for the technology. You cannot get a patent for something you didn't invent though. Filing a patent application involves signing an oath, and lying under oath is perjury. Patent pending can only be displayed on the product/services, when you have applied for a patent. So, there is no question of applying for a patent while a product is under pending patent.
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"Patent pending" means that Domino's has applied for a patent for a new product or service, but the patent has not yet been granted by the government. This indicates that Domino's is seeking legal protection for their innovation.
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The term patent pending informs the public that a person filed a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for that particular item. The patent pending designation does not give the person any legal rights; it just means that the patent office will review their application. It does not guarantee that a patent will be awarded. It is a warning to potential competitors. Hopefully they won’t put the time and money into developing a product for which you may end up holding the patent.
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pend. The form is commonly used as a notice that a patent is pending: pat. pend.
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The word is used in reference to the commercial success potential of a patent or patent pending invention.
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Nova - 1974 Life Patent Pending 9-17 was released on:
USA: 28 February 1982
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A patent usually stays pending about half a year to a year before being granted, on average. You can get more info at
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Yes, but as soon as the patent is granted, you can no longer use the idea.
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This means the paperwork has been submitted to and received by the patent office, but the office has not given the idea a patent yet. If someone violates a pending patent that is later approved, it's the same legally as violating an established patent, under American law. Note that other countries' legal interpretation will differ.
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A patent can remain pending for many years. Some patent applications are divided as they progress, allowing various embedded inventions to become patented while other claims to related inventions in the same application are further examined. I have personally worked on patents that were over 14 years old, and still "pending" in the sense that more patents could be issued on it.
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Yes. You can sell nearly anything to the right buyer.
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What ever someone is willing to pay.
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Patents are a secret process. If someone gets your information while the patent is pending, they can steal your idea. The US patent office can give you information.
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No but there is a patent pending Cronometer under review now that will.
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United States patent numbers 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535. There are also other issued and pending patents in the United States and worldwide.
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I did not find any luggage with electronic locks; however, there is a patent pending for such a creation.
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You can file as many US provisional patent applications as you want to, giving you "patent pending" on whatever is disclosed in those files. However, you can only claim "filing priority" from one that was filed within the preceding 12 months. If you have used the invention in public or otherwise disclosed it (such as in a publication), the statutory "clock" cannot be stopped and you have only one year in which to file for a patent or otherwise permanently lose your right to obtain one in the USA.
It is best to use the one-year grace period to find investors to pay for the additional fees necessary for preparing and filing a "full patent". If you cannot find such investors, it may be time to reconsider the value of pursuing any patent.
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i have a Winchester 37. 28inch that says patent pending . Any idea the value of this gun
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75 rough, 200 mint
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Depending on condition, ABOUT $200.
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Probably, but it may refer to the patent for some minor improvement. It will not add any value.
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"Pat Pend" refers to a patent pending status, indicating that a patent application has been filed but not yet granted. It does not refer to a specific invention.
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Pretty much nothing, according to my atty. I asked her about a year ago what my options are when applying for a patent. Can't remember why exactly, but it's almost pointless to apply for pending status and I think I remember something about someone else still being able to jump in and claim it as their own invention.
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Your Mossberg was made prior to 1968, and will not have a serial number unless made for the US Military. SNs were not required by law on rifle and shotguns until 1968. Patent Pending means that a patent has been applied for- but not yet granted- on some mechanism in that rifle.
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Patent pending. It most likely indicates something novel about the watch mechanism.
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Although provisional applications (resulting in "patent pending") do not have examination processes, filing one does give you an earlier filing date than you would have if you waited until the actual application was complete--up to a full year earlier.
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i what if it says patent number pending on the 37 16 steel single shot
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Retail it's worth about $150 or $160.
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$100 - $200 depending on condition. Or less for rough.
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Patent and Pending is like a copyright. You cannot use/steal the name or idea as it has been protected.
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There are several ways to search for pending patents. One is to go to Google Patent Search ( or you can contact companies that help you develop your ideas. They charge a fee, but they will research and see if there are any similar products in development. You can search the internet under invention developers for a choice of companies,
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$50-$250 depending upon condition.
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Buckeye Gun Co. in Lynchburg,Va. I have a 16 gauge Buckeye. It has a nickel plated receiver. All the Buckeyes I have seen had patent pending so not sure they ever got a patent on
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There is no way to give you protection for your "property" until the application process has been completed. The Patent Office must search to see if other patents already exist for your property. You also have to meet specific guidelines that determine if you are even eligible for your specific patent. Your application also much be carefully and correctly completed before the investigation can even begin. BUT when considering if your property can be patented, the date of your application is proof that the idea or whatever belongs to you. That is a form of protection. If there is another like yours out there, the first one wins! If that happens to be you, you will have all of the benefits a patent offers. If not, you wouldn't have them anyway.
Once your application is submitted it is labeled "Patent Pending" from that date. Once you have your patent, anyone who has marketed your idea while your patent was still in the process could be charged with infringement.
It's a bit complicated, but you can't just claim something to be yours because you filed an application.
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Style-City Music Presents - 2009 Style-City Music Patent Pending Eric Vargas Bill Wren No Age Slick the Misfit 8-3 was released on:
USA: 3 March 2011
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Style-City Music Presents - 2009 Style-City Music Toby Keith Patent Pending StoneStreet Title Fight Sarah Fimm 13-8 was released on:
USA: 17 December 2011
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