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Pantheism identifies God as the universe. He believes in pantheism. Pantheism is a fairly rare doctrine.

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Paul A. Harrison has written:

'Elements of Pantheism' -- subject(s): Pantheism

'The elements of pantheism'

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Pantheism is a philosophy where God is manifested in the universe, and that all creation is a part of God.

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Pantheism is a really big word that I don't know the meaning of.

(you got rick rolled)

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Greeks and unintellectual people.

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Pantheism teaches that there is not a personal creator god but rather than the Universe or Nature are to be worshipped/respected. Pantheism has seeds in Hinduism, Bhuddaism, and similar religions/philosophies. It is difficult to establish a definitive stance on sexuality since it can be such a fluid theology.

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They believe god is the universe .

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The term "pantheism" was coined by the Irish philosopher John Toland in the early 18th century, although the concept of seeing divinity in the natural world has roots in ancient religious and philosophical traditions. Pantheism is the belief that the universe and nature are divine and interconnected.

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There is no single religion called "pantheism" and even if there were, its unlikely you would find more than a handful that agree with anyone else on specifics. However, as pantheism tends to be more pragmatically based, I think its safe to say that pantheists view careers and money as good things.

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Synonyms may be pantheism, paganism, or henotheism.

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There are many gods of forces of nature

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Pantheism doesn't work that way. A pantheist is generally a liberal, open-minded person that feels the sacredness and interconnectivity of nature in themselves.

There are no rules or guidelines on ethical views.

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Pantheism is a religious belief that equates the material world and God as one and the same. In pantheism, the universe and nature are seen as manifestations of the divine essence, and there is no distinction between the physical world and the spiritual realm.

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It believes that God is everything & everything is God.

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The belief is referred to as pantheism.

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Pantheism is the belief that everything in the universe is divine and interconnected. It views the universe or nature as a manifestation of the divine, and does not distinguish between a personal God and the natural world. Pantheists often see divinity in all living beings and inanimate objects.

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William Preston Warren has written:

'Pantheism in neo-Hegelian thought' -- subject(s): Pantheism

'Roy Wood Sellars' -- subject(s): Naturalism, Realism

1 answer

Charles Murray Nairne has written:

'Atheism and pantheism' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Atheism, Controversial literature, God, Pantheism, Proof, Teleological, Teleological Proof

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Ken Geach has written:

'Linguistic pantheism'

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You might say that the atomic theory (all matter is composed of elementary particles called atoms) supports deism (natural religion based on reason) and pantheism (the deity is in everything). This theory and probably dozens of others 'support' deism and pantheism in the sense that they do not contradict, oppose or disprove them. That is different from saying that the theory represents strong evidence that they are true.

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The religion that believes everything is god is called pantheism. Pantheism is the belief that the universe (or nature) and god are one and the same. It is a philosophical and spiritual perspective that sees divinity in all things and rejects the idea of a separate, personal god.

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Atheist believe there is no god/gods, pantheism believes everything is god. Technically one can be both an atheist and a pantheist if one believes that everything is sacred/holy but not god (as some radical environmentalists do).

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Verbless question confusion failure madness.

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The doctrine that identifies God with the Universe, or the worship or tolerance of many Gods

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Pantheism does not have a single, uniform viewpoint on sex as beliefs can vary among followers. However, some pantheists may view sex as a natural and sacred expression of unity and connection with the divine, emphasizing the importance of pleasure, love, and respect in sexual relationships. Ultimately, individual interpretations and attitudes towards sex within pantheism can differ.

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There are a number of countries that practice pantheism. Some of these countries include India, China, Pakistan, Japan and so many other Asian countries.

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all is one and one is all.There is no one greater but all equal.

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No. Judaism is founded upon the belief in One God, who has no physical attributes.

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Pantheism has no view on the family, in fact it is the other way round. As pantheism means a type of worship that admits or tolerates all gods. This belief can at some time be confusing to some menbers of the family, paricularly if one member of the family decides that there is only one God.

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I am not 100% sure but maybe pantheism.

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A pandeist is a person who believes in a blend of pantheism and deism, or a person who believes in the truth of all religions.

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they are probably about as various as north Americans

but spiritism animism & pantheism are big especially in Brazil

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Siegfried Gelles has written:

'Die Pantheistischen Gedanken in Leibniz' \\' -- subject(s): Pantheism

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Pantheism is the belief that everything is divine and that the universe and God are identical. Panentheism, on the other hand, holds that while God is present in everything, God also transcends the universe. In panentheism, God is seen as both immanent and transcendent.

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animism comes from the Greek word "anima," meaning life, breath or spirit. animism is the first form of religion or belief system and is the belief that there is a god or spirit in everything, animate and inanimate.

pantheism is the belief that God and the physical universe are one in the same. God is everything and everything is God.

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The way I understand this idea is that pantheism says that God is in everything. Hence, pan meaning a wide range of area, and theism which relates to God. God is much bigger than pantheism because the Bible says he has to humble himself to be able to fit in the universe he has created. We cannot comprehend the bigness of God with our finite minds. Colossians 1:17-18 tells us that God holds his creation together. Imagine what would happen if God stepped back and abandoned his creation for any amount of time. By believing in pantheism, you are limiting God's bigness even though you probably won't agree.

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Pantheology is a system of theology. Pantheology embraces all religions such as omnitheism, pandeism, pantheism and is studied by a pantheologist.

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Pantheism is unique in that it equates the divine with the universe itself, seeing everything as interconnected and imbued with a sacred essence. In pantheism, there is no separation between the physical world and the divine, leading to a deep reverence for nature and all living beings. This perspective often emphasizes a non-dualistic understanding of reality, blurring the lines between the sacred and the secular.

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Pantheism. "Pan" is Greek for English "All". "Theism" is from the Greek "Theos" which means "God". "All is God".

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Daoism or Taoism is primarily a Philosphy thus they don't have a personal god. Their god maybe classified under Pantheism ("it literally means "God is All" and "All is God".) is the view that everything is of an all-encompassing immanent abstract God; or that the Universe, or nature, and God are equivalent."

for full text, see link below Pantheism Wikipedia

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Both the worship of all things, and that God IS all things. All people, all materials; in fact, everything in the entire universe.

This is very different from other religions.

In Christianity for example, the Bible says we all have our existence in Him. That is, it is not arguing that God is not all in all but it is strictly not allowed to credit the creation of God AS God, for God is Holy and good and just, and clearly much else is not...

So; it follows that neither is the creation (in many religions) a suitable object/s for worship. What is deemed worship in Pantheism is idolatry in most other religions.

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Hinduism, Native American Spirituality, & New Age beliefs.

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