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Yes, you do remember when you are abut to have a panic attack. You can also remember everything going on around you when you are having the panic attack.

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I don't think so

Yea, if your heart is weak,you may die of a panic attack.

1 answer has a great selection on panic disorder information. Articles range from how to realize you are having a panic attack to how to stay calm and collected during a panic attack until it passes.

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A panic attack is caused by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of anxiety or fear. They may also be linked to other disorders, such as panic disorders, social phobia, or depression.

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Yes. Anything that alters your state of mind can cause your body to panic. For some people even smoking marijuana can cause a panic attack. And for others with panic disorder, panic attacks can come on without the use of drugs.

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Panic Attack - 2010 VG was released on:

USA: 10 November 2010 (XBox360)

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A term that can be used for a nervous fit is an "anxiety attack" or "panic attack." These are characterized by feelings of intense fear or panic, physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and sweating, as well as a sense of losing control. It is important to seek support and treatment if experiencing frequent anxiety or panic attacks.

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A panic attack is evaluated and determined as a symptom if the person under the attack can not control their anxiety over an issue and proceeds to take it out in an angered or usually frightened manner.

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breathing exercises

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Yes panic attack can cause fainting.fainting is one of the symptoms of a panic attack but the fact that one is panicky can cause hyperventilation which can in turn cause fainting.hope this is clear enough

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A panic attack can cause sweating, shortness of breath (Hard to breathe), black spots in vision, racing heart and more. But, unless you were sick during a panic attack, there shouldn't be any reason for bad breath.

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Agoraphobia is the fear of being unable to escape when experiencing a panic attack.

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I believe a panic disorder is worse than a panic attack.You can have a panic attack once but when you start having recurrent panic attacks and it begins to affect aspects of your life it becomes a panic disorder.

Here is a link to a useful article on this

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Dream Theater

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Nausea is common whenever severe panic attacks are experienced

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Xanax is prescribed for panic attacks. Panic attacks have been known to mimic a heart attack, but the Xanax has the ability to quiet the concerns.

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Focusing on your breathing and PMR (progressive muscle relaxation) can help to ease a panic attack's symptoms when it's in progress. In addition, herbal remedies (and certain medications, like Atavan) can stop a panic attack.

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One of the most effective ways to stop having panic attacks is to look at each symptom of the panic attack as it's own thing, rather than a symptom of a panic attack. For example, someone might always feel really dizzy when he is starting to have a panic attack. Then the next time he feels dizzy and can't explain why, he begins to get nervous, and the nervousness causes more symptoms, and the cycle continues until he's actually having a panic attack. A way for him to get better would be to start spinning, and replicate the dizziness, so he can realize that dizziness doesn't necessarily mean panic attack. If you sweat excessively during panic attacks, then go to a sauna. If you feel out of breath during panic attacks, hyperventilate. Isolating the symptoms can help stop them from escalating.

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One of the most effective ways to stop having panic attacks is to look at each symptom of the panic attack as it's own thing, rather than a symptom of a panic attack. For example, someone might always feel really dizzy when he is starting to have a panic attack. Then the next time he feels dizzy and can't explain why, he begins to get nervous, and the nervousness causes more symptoms, and the cycle continues until he's actually having a panic attack. A way for him to get better would be to start spinning, and replicate the dizziness, so he can realize that dizziness doesn't necessarily mean panic attack. If you sweat excessively during panic attacks, then go to a sauna. If you feel out of breath during panic attacks, hyperventilate. Isolating the symptoms can help stop them from escalating.

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Panic attacks can cause symptoms that mimic a heart attack, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, but they do not directly cause heart attacks. However, the stress and anxiety from a panic attack can potentially trigger a heart attack in individuals with underlying heart conditions. It's important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of either a panic attack or a heart attack.

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Panic attacks can arise from a number of factors. If your friend was able to recover from the panic attack within 10 minutes, as well as doesn't have a history of panic attacks, she is more than likely healthy enough to visit a doctor. A visit to the physician would be the best way to determine the status of your friend's health. However, panic attacks are common and do not in themselves signify danger. A panic attack is best understood as a symptom of another underlying cause.

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A commonly used treatment for panic disorders is a combination of medication and behavioral modification. Benozodiazepine is used as well, since it gives sufferers of a panic attack more immediate effect of relief.

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No. A panic attack is caused by an emotional disorder, while a seizure is caused by a physical condition. If you were having a seizure you would not be aware of things around you, nor would you have any control over your body. In a panic attack you are extremely aware of your body and your surroundings, and have control of your body.

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I got my first Panic Attack at Seventeen.

I got my first Panic Attack at Seventeen. Symptoms usually begin before the age of 25. Although panic disorder may occur in children it is often not diagnosed until they are older. People with this condition often have medical tests and exams for symptoms related to heart attack or other conditions before a diagnosis of panic disorder is made. Panic disorder occurs twice as often in women as in men. A person with panic disorder often lives in fear of another attack and may be afraid to be alone or to be far from medical help.

Well, actually, as long as there is something to panic about, no matter what age, you can always have a panic attack

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no he hasn't it was a false rumour

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That sounds like a panic attack.

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Yes, very quickly.

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If someone has panic attack issues and a tornado is on it's way, try to stay calm, and tell them to think about happy thoughts.

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Jessie - 2011 Panic Attack Room 2-21 was released on:

USA: 5 July 2013

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When Sharks Attack - 2012 Panic in Paradise 1-3 was released on:

USA: 22 July 2013

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Michael Jackson never had a panic attack! He was as cool as a cucumber and is always to be remembered as a more than amazing being! He was more than extrordinary.

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No. Sufferers of OCD with no other symptoms of mental disorder do not generally experience panic attacks.

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Panic attack treatment options include taking medications such as anti-anxiety medications and beta blockers. Anti-anxiety medications are typically only recommended for short periods of time, however, taking beta blockers can be an effective long-term panic attack treatment option. Panic attacks can cause palpitations, dizziness, chest pain and lightheadedness. In addition, shortness of breath, a sense of smothering and profuse sweating may also occur during a panic attack. Another effective panic attack treatment option includes the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is administered by a mental health professional.

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Panic Attacks can emotionally and physcially drain someone. During a panic attack, the brain trigers the "fight or flight" response, without necessarily a big threat of danger being present. The brain becomes stressed, and the body can feel these affects long after the attack has subsided. Being as stressed as panic attack make you can make you tired.

In simple terms, you freak out, you get tired.

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PANIC DISORDER is just a way of lableing someone who has anxiety attacks.A PANIC ATTACK is just a more intense form of an anxiety attack. Avoiding these situations is the best way to eliminate these feelings.

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it depends on how you look at the situation it can be

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after the picnic take a lobg bed rest

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in an ocean with lots of sharks! lol

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Operation Repo - 2007 Heart Attack Panic 9-11 was released on:

USA: 23 November 2011

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panic attacks are caused when you get really scared so I'm not sure that low blood sugar cause panic attacks

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One can find symptoms about panic attack symptoms on MD Online or MD Doctor Online or Healthcare online or at their local hospital or family physician.

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The symptoms of a panic attack are palpitations, shaking, and chest pain. Other symptoms maybe shortness of breath, a racing heart, feeling faint, feeling dizzy, and feeling a loss of control.

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heart attack, panic attack, or low blood sugar.

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You can find information on symptoms of a panic attack on reputable medical websites such as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, or the National Institute of Mental Health. These sources provide detailed descriptions of the physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that may occur during a panic attack.

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Generally there is no warning and a panic attack may come on suddenly which is why it creates so much general anxiety, even before the next panic attack starts because one may worry that they may get one. It can often prevent some people from doing things they normally would out of fear of getting a panic attack.

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Usually sweating and shaking, start to have a panic attack.

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