You must file a motion to appeal the finding and the order of the court. Be prepared to present good legal reason to the judge why the order should be withdrawn.
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Overturning a Mammoth Chimney - 1905 was released on:
USA: 1905
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It helped end segregation.
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When a judge vacates a decision, they typically consider factors such as legal errors, new evidence, procedural irregularities, and the interests of justice in the process of overturning the ruling.
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One compound word containing the word turning is overturning.
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Since this question is in the miscellaneous vehicles section, the definition would be: To rollover, or to turn over.
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The case Gitlow V. Newyork ruled the complete opposite, overturning it.
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No, "capsizion" is not a recognized word in the English language. The correct term for a boat overturning is "capsizing."
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no... he or she will go to jail for the rest of there lives because they had done something illegal
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Being pardoned does not allow a felon to possess a firearm. Only an overturning of the conviction can do that.
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Steer the boat across the waves not parallel to keep the boat from overturning.
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AS a ship turn left and engine rotating clokwise then you will be move without overturning
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overturning the conviction of a member of the Ku Klux Klan
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you take a top heavy vehicle go bout 50 on some dirt then turn as sharp and as quickly as you can so you will be overturned
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the lower court's decision stands unless there is a majority of the Supreme Court in favor of overturning it.
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Yes, the word "catastrophe" has its roots in Greek, coming from the word "katastrophē" which means "overturning" or "sudden turn."
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Overturning can impact marine animals in surface water by disrupting their feeding patterns, exposing them to predators from deeper waters, reducing oxygen levels, and altering their habitat conditions. This disturbance can lead to decreased survival rates, decreased reproductive success, and ultimately contribute to the extinction of these marine animals.
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=''After Poland was overrun, a government-in-exile, an armed forces, and an intelligence service were established outside of Poland. ''=
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Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo; about 400 years ago
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mattyb vien en
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the drunk went through the bar like a tornado, overturning furniture and breaking glassware as he stumbled.
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The word "catastrophe" comes from the Greek word "katastrophē," which means "overturning" or "sudden turn." It is used to describe a sudden and widespread disaster.
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The International Building code states the following: 1806.1 General.
Retaining walls shall be designed to ensure stability against overturning, sliding, excessive foundation pressure and water uplift. Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and overturning. This means that retaining walls need to be engineered. The International Residential Code states the following: R404.5 Retaining walls.
Retaining walls that are not laterally supported at the top and that retain in excess of 24 inches (610 mm) of unbalanced fill shall be designed to ensure stability against overturning, sliding, excessive foundation pressure and water uplift. Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and overturning. Again refeering that walls need engineering. Check with your local building official to see if this is applicable in your area.
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Thermohaline circulation is also called overturning circulation. It is driven by density. The time scale for thermohaine is 1000 years.
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'Cat' (or 'cata') is a Greek prefix with several possible meanings: down, against, very, bad(ly), or completely.
Example: catastrophe (literally "an overturning")
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On Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus cleansed the temple in Jerusalem, overturning tables and driving out those who were buying and selling.
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Fossil evidence from late Devonian rocks show that some groups of marine organisms experienced significant extinction events, which may suggest a period of environmental upheaval. Sedimentary records also indicate abrupt changes in sea levels and climate during this time. The presence of specific isotopic markers in the rock record can further support the theory of overturning during the late Devonian.
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One danger of not repairing a sway bar on a vehicle is that the stability of the vehicle could be compromised. Without broken sway bar, the vehicle is in greater danger of overturning.
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If I correctly understand the question, this is generally described as an appellate court upholding or affirming the lower court's rulings.
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If you mean, what is such a person called, the word is "usurper". If you mean, what is a name of a person who did that, Napoleon would be an example. He grabbed power by overturning the existing Government of France in 1799.
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If you mean, what is such a person called, the word is "usurper". If you mean, what is a name of a person who did that, Napoleon would be an example. He grabbed power by overturning the existing Government of France in 1799.
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overturning social and literary conventions to create new freedoms.
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Overthrow the constitution by returning power to the states, dismantling the army and navy, and overturning Hamilton's financial system.
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In the United States, the US Supreme Court can determine that a bill passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President, may be unconstitutional. Thus overturning the law.
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Over turning of a vehicle in circular path is that the vehicle seeks towards the center(turning towards center) instead of its original path. The condition for overturning is given by
v^2 > g*a*R/h
where v is the vehicle speed,g is the acc. due to gravity, a is the distance between the CG and the front axle, R is the radius of the circular path(road,track), h is the height of CG from the road level.
If the condition is true then overturning occurs.
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A land till is the process of preparing soil for planting by digging, overturning, and breaking up the ground to make it suitable for cultivation. It helps to improve soil structure, aerate the soil, and control weeds.
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In a court, throwing out, reversing, and overturning mean the same thing. In a literal sense, invert, capsize, or reverse could all mean the same thing, given certain contexts.
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Without fully overturning the soil, minimum tillage leaves the water underground instead of exposing it to the air and sunlight, thus preventing/slowing evaporation.
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Without the Seventh Amendment guarantees a trial by jury in most civil cases. This amendment also prevents a judge from overturning a jury's finding of fact. The judge is only permitted to determine issues of law.
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The homosexual conduct policy has been stricken from the Military's regulations and polices. But prior to the overturning of DADT, it didn't specify the definition of a gay act.
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Realigning is just another way of saying Republican or Democrats have more people on their side to vote against the party and any issues brought to floor of the senate. The realigning started with the election of 1800 with Thomas Jefferson by overturning the political party of Alexander Hamilton.
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In sports, an interception is when a player catches or stops a pass between two members of the other team, thus overturning possession or ending the phase of play. In general, it refers to catching something while it is travelling from one place or thing to another.
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It will result in an uncontrolled skid - possibly overturning the vehicle. The best action on a blow-out is to lightly 'tap' the brakes in short, rapid movements. This slows the vehicle to a stop - while allowing the driver to keep control.
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The 7th amendment gives a citizen the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases, and prevents courts from overturning a jury's findings of fact. It also guarantees a minimum of 6 members for a jury in a civil trial.
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