When Otto I freed the Pope from the control of the Romans, he was named Holy Roman Emperor.
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Otto I was the first holy Roman emperor.
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Otto I the Great, Holy Roman Emperor (lived 912-973, reigned 936-973).
The Holy Roman Emperor was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, a predecessor of numerous countries mainly in central Europe.
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Otto I did not decline the Romanemperor. He was around in the Middle Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. Roman emperors had longer existed for 560 years.Otto I was the founder of the Holy RomanEmpireand was the first Holy Roman Emperor. He was crowned emperor in 962 by Pope John XII in Rome.
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He made unicorns real and fuzzy.
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Emperor Henry IV was the Holy Roman Emperor and king of Germany until his own son helped force his abdication from the throne.
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Also known as Otto the Great, Duke of Saxony. He became the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire since Charlemagne.
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Otto III was elected King of Germany in 983. He became the Holy Roman Emperor in 896
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He was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
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well, the first Holy Roman Emperor (Otto I) was crowned in 962AD, and the last (Francis II) abdicated and dissolved the Empire in 1806. That is, 844 years
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Otto I got declared the Roman Emperor because he helped the Pope when he was struggling so the pope declared him the Roman Empire.
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The Frankish king Charlemagne, in 800. His Empire (including what was to become France) fell apart after his death, but the title was revived for its eastern half (Germany and neighbouring regions plus northern Italy) by Otto I in 962.
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Pope Gregory VII clashed with and excommunicated the German emperor, Henry IV, during the Investiture Controversy in the 11th century. This conflict arose over the appointment of bishops and who had the authority to invest them with their symbols of office.
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Pope Gregory VII, and Henry IV
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Seven electors chose the Holy Roman Emperor.
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Otto I created the (Medieval) Roman Empire, which was later called the Holy Roman Empire.
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Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Romans in 800. However, he was the leader of what historians call the Carolingian Empire, not the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire started in 936 with Otto I.
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The creation of the Holy Roman Empire restored the alliance between the pope and the emperor which had been established between Pope Leo III and Charlemagne. Pope John XII and Otto signed a document which declared the pope was the head of the church and Otto was the secular protector of the church.
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Henry I, first but he did not last that long so then, Otto I to be the emperor, which is considered to be the ruler.
But a result of an uprising by Czech Protestants against the Catholic ruler of the Holy Roman Empire was the Thirty Year War.
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Holy Roman Emperor and ruled alot of other places.
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Yes. On Christmas Day 800 AD, Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III following his conquest of Italy, thereby becoming the first Emperor of the western Roman Empire since Romulus Augustulus who was deposed in 476 AD.
The official title of the Holy Roman Emperor was August Emperor of the Romans (Romanorum Imperator Augustus). When Charlemagne was crowned in 800, he was styled as "most serene Augustus, crowned by God, great and pacific emperor, governing the Roman Empire," thus constituting the elements of "Holy" and "Roman" in the imperial title. The word Holy was never used as part of the title in official documents.
The first German emperor to carry the title Holy Roman Emperor was Otto the Great (912-973). Under his leadership, the former Carolingian kingdom of East Francia became the Holy Roman Empire.
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There was a count in northern Italy named Berengar of Ivrea, who declared himself king. In about 860, Berengar invaded the Papal States, which caused Pope John XII to appeal to Otto, who was King of Germany and had already taken the title King of Lombardy. Otto helped the pope, who crowned him emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in return.
As it happens, though Pope John XII and Otto I were pledged to support each other, they almost immediately became enemies. The pope entered into multiple conspiracies to depose Otto, and Otto attempted, with somewhat more success, to depose the pope.
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hOly Roman Emperor was a title, not a nickname.
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There is some disagreement over exactly who was the first Holy Roman Emperor, some saying Charlemagne, but it seems the majority say Otto I. There is also some disagreement about the title. Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans, as was Otto I; but we really do not know whether this was a rather silly way of trying to assert authority over the Byzantine Empire, which was called the Roman Empire at the time, or a way of trying to resurrect the Roman Empire of the West. However it happened, the idea of crowning Charlemagne as emperor appears to have been one of Pope Leo III, who left no record of what his thoughts were at the time.
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It was the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
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The Byzantine emperor ordered all icons destroyed and the pope disagreed which led to Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor.
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There was no Francis II Holy Roman Emperor. The last Holy Roman Emperor was Francis I of Habsburg end 18th early 19th century, father of Napoleons 2nd wife, Marie Louise and mother of his son, Napoleon II. He resigned as Holy Roman Emporer to accept the crown of Hungaro-Austrian Emporer.
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