XP is a complete operating system, not simply an operating environment.
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There are basically four types of operating systems. They include Batch Operating System, Multiprogramming Operating System, Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System.
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1. BATCH PROCESSING operating system
2. MULTIPROGRAMMING operating system
3. TIME SHARING operating system
4. REAL TIME operating system
5. DISTRIBUTED operating system
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An operating system manages the working operation of a computer
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Yes, a multiuser operating system is also described as a network operating system.
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Hell no.
the bios sits under the operating system (vista is an operating system) the bios is independent of operating systems, and is there to....run the operating system.
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It is both operating system....
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It is both operating system....
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commonly lindo is not operating system ,window is operating system developed by microsoft...
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Operating System
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The 6 operating system is a computer operating system that was released in 1985. It was developed by Microsoft and was the first operating system to be released by the company. The 6 operating system is based on the MS-DOS operating system and was the first version of Windows to be released. The 6 operating system was succeeded by the Windows 3.1 operating system.
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No. An operating system is Linux,windows,osx. Also mcafee runs on the operating system called windows so no. Mcafee is not an operating system
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what is system view in operating system
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It is easier to alter shell when it is not part of the operating system.
Answer: its easier but the real answer is shell is not part of Operating system as it is command prompt use to operate operating system and its part of disk operating system
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It is easier to alter shell when it is not part of the operating system.
Answer: its easier but the real answer is shell is not part of Operating system as it is command prompt use to operate operating system and its part of disk operating system
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How is a memory-resident part of an operating system different from a nonresident part of an operating system?
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Why is an operating system necessary
Without an operating system, you would be staring at a blank screen.
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No, a web browser is not an operating system. It is an application software which installs on an operating system.
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In the legal sense, no. Unix is an operating system and has the components of an NOS (Network Operating System) but it not considered just a network operating system.
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What operating system was coined the operating system of the century?
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online operating system
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explain the different components of operating system in details
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the operating system which is basically used for gaming and designing of the gaming is called an rock operating system
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Synchronization in an operating system refers to the coordination of the events in order to operate a given operating system.
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The Operating System (OS) connects the user, applications, and hardware together.
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She liked the intuitive nature of the new operating system. They spent hours trying to perfect the operating system. The latest version of the operating system had several bugs.
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time sharing operating system is user interactive, but multiprogramming operating system need not be user interactive
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Linux is not an power full Operating system XP is the most powerfull operating system
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Operating system software
BY Gerald Atobrah
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There are two types of OS as follow:
- Desktop Operating System
- Network Operating System
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Windows XP was the most popular operating system.
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An operating system is a main program that serve as an interface between the users and the application programs.
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difference between operating system and system software?
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What are the functions of microcomputer operating system?
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Disadvantages of inferno operating system
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