Indian ocean and the Southern Ocean (aka Antarctic Ocean or South Polar Ocean)
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The North Atlantic Ocean separates North America from Europe.
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New ocean crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates are diverging (spreading apart).
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The ocean that is located between, Africa and Asia is The Indian Ocean.
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atlantic ocean is the second big ocean that found in the world
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The ocean around Sri Lanka & India is called the Indian ocean.
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The Southern Ocean, or the Great Southern Ocean, is not found in the Northern Hemisphere. It is located completely in the Southern Hemisphere and is also known as the Antarctic Ocean.
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The ocean that surrounds the Antarctic continent is called the Southern Ocean.
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The ocean that was crossed by Magellan after he rounded Cape Horn was the Pacific Ocean. He crossed from the Atlantic Ocean through Cape Horn and out to the Pacific.
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Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean (and the Mediterranean Sea - even though this body of water is not classified as an ocean).
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Ocean crust is formed at seafloor spreading centers. One example of this is the Mid-Atlantic ridge.
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The Atlantic Ocean.
The ocean between New York and the west coast of England is the Atlantic Ocean. To get to London by sea, you would then have to continue up the English Channel into the North Sea and then up the River Thames to London.
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The ocean is the Atlantic, and the 'bog' is the Sargasso Sea.
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One way that ocean could be used as an adjective (a word that modifies a noun or pronoun), would be to change its form. If you make ocean possessive, it would be considered an adjective, as all possessive forms are adjectives.
For example:
The ocean's foam was thick and frothy.
In this example, the word ocean's modifies the noun foam. Because it modifies a noun, it is an adjective. Any word that modifies a noun or pronoun is an adjective.
You could use ocean as an adjective (a word that modifies a noun or pronoun) by alluding to some aspect of its qualities. For instance, the view of an ocean is far and wide as you can see. So, you could refer to an ocean of people were at the speech.
In the example you used, "the view of an ocean is far and wide as you can see," the word "ocean" functions as the object of a preposition. All objects are nouns or pronouns, so this would be incorrect. In that example, the word "ocean" functions as a noun.
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ocean depth is a continuous or discrete variable?
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Ocean animals that start with H are:
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Oceans surrounding NZ are Pacific Ocean to the east and Tasman Sea to the West
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In the Eastern Hemisphere, major oceans include the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean (which stretches across the International Date Line), and parts of the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. These oceans contribute to global ocean currents, weather patterns, and marine biodiversity in the Eastern Hemisphere.
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sound waves can penetrate the ocean floor.
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Tiger shark, tuna and turtle are ocean animals. They begin with the letter t.
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form_title= Ocean Wallpaper form_header= Be in a beach state of mind with ocean wallpaper. How much wallpaper do you need?*= _ [50] Where will you be installing the wallpaper?*= _ [50] Do you want to include the sky and sand?*= () Yes () No
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All oceans are famous for their destructive storms. These storms come out of what seems like nowhere and can be devastating for everyone involved.
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Ocean mountain ranges are longer than land mountain ranges. The Mid-Ocean Ridges, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, can stretch for thousands of kilometers along the ocean floor. In contrast, land mountain ranges like the Andes or the Rockies are typically limited in length.
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